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07/15/2014 BOS Meeting Minutes
        Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 8/5/2014_ by a vote of 5-0                                                                              
7:00 p.m. – July 15, 2014            
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
              Chairman Kenneth Stuart, Vice Chair David Hall, Selectmen Mike Chizy, John Hebert and Paul Maynard     
                Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Stuart calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

Public Forum: no comments

Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented July 1st, 2014 BOS minutes as presented, Selectman Maynard 2nds passes 5-0

Designer Selection Committee-Police/Highway facility: TA Smith explains that these were initially adopted on December 16, 2008 and have been revised as of June 2014. These procedures are for any design project with an estimated construction cost over $100,000. And the estimated design fee over $10,000.00 TA Smith is recommending Police Chief Dennis Towle, Highway Superintendent Matt Stencel and Building Commissioner John Couture be appointed to this board. TA Smith will serve as a non-voting ex-officio member. Selectman Hall asks if they are voting on the procedures or the members, TA Smith says the procedures have previously been adopted, you are voting on the members. Selectman Hall says the members are logical choices. Chairman Stuart states he agrees with the member choices, they have a vested interest in the project. Selectman Hall motions to appoint Police Chief Dennis Towle, Highway Superintendent Matt Stencel and Building Commissioner John Couture to the Designer Selection Committee for a new Police/Highway facility, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0

New Appointment: William Wence had been before the BOS last year for a position on Conservation but there were no available seats. He is here tonight to request appointment. This will be a 1 year appointment for the seat left vacant by Alyse Aubin after which he may request reappointment for a 3 year term. Bill Wence introduces himself to the board. He was born and raised in Sutton, he is pro business and all for things going smoothly and moving forward with common sense approach. Selectmen Chizy & Hebert both thank Bill for volunteering and for coming back once a seat was available. Selectman Hall says the BOS all appreciate the term “common sense” Bills persistency to be on the board shows his commitment. Selectman Maynard offers his thanks for volunteering. Chairman Stuart says we appreciate your time, this is a big commitment and we look forward to working with you. Selectman Hall motions to appoint William Wence to the Conservation Commission for a 1 year term to fill the vacancy left by Alyse Aubin, Selectman Hebert 2nds passes 5-0

Amendments to Wireless Edge cell tower: TA Smith says it is that time of  year to consider what the BOS would like to do with Wireless Edge. John Arthur, CEO of Wireless Edge came before the BOS at which time the board voted to extend the due diligence for 1 year. TA Smith is requesting the BOS to consider how to move forward; extend the due diligence for 1 year, sign Amendment #2 which would allow the BOS to terminate lease with a 30 day notice or go out to bid again. Selectman Chizy would like to extend the 1 year due diligence, Wireless Edge is trying to get business it is just not out there. Selectman Hebert says it is important to get better cell service in that part of town for Police, Fire as well as residents. John does not recommend the 2nd option, he would like to extend the 1 year due diligence period. Selectman Hall says he agrees with Mike, there is no reason to believe that Wireless Edge is not doing all they can to attract business there is just no appetite from the carriers, Selectman Maynard has done some research with the different carriers in the area, he feels the 1 year extension is the way to go, Chairman Stuart says the need for cell coverage in that area is a huge concern, Ken appreciates TA smiths efforts in this project and agrees that the 1 year extension is the best option. Selectman Chizy motions to extend the due diligence period for an additional year with Wireless Edge, Selectman Hebert 2nds, passes 5-0   

Town Administrator Update:
  • Replacement of Engine Two in Manchaug- Currently out to bid, bids are due back July 24th-there are 4 bid companies currently holding bid specs. The BOS requested this wait until the Quint was paid off; this is the last year for the Quint.
  • Selectman Hall says it is nice to have the fire engine process in a controlled manner; Dave thanks the financial team for having a Capital Stabilization fund to be able to purchase this.
  • Chairman Stuart asks if you have to go with the lowest bidder, TA smith replies yes, the lowest qualified capable company.
  • Green Communities grant: TA Smith & Jen Hager went to the Ashland Town Hall on July 14th, the Town of Sutton was awarded a grant totaling $170.000.00: $156,000. will go to the school and $10,762. to replace the water heater at the Town hall.
  • Selectman Chizy feels the Green Community program has come through for the Town of Sutton
  • Selectman Hall says this is great for the community to see the savings these improvements will offer
  • Selectman Maynard thanks TA Smith and Jen Hager for their continued hard work in obtaining grants.
  • Chairman Stuart says great job and thanks Selectman Chizy for foresight to start this process.
  • Price Chopper site plan amendment: minor changes to the previously approved site plan by Galaxy Development. This change is the addition of a drive up pharmacy window. There is a public hearing for July 21, 2014 @ 7:15pm.
  • Chairman Stuart is excited to hear that the Price Chopper project is moving forward.
  • Tour at Manchaug Pond to take place Friday July 18 @ 1pm, meet at the boat ramp.
  • Environmental Bond Bill- Sen. Moore has submitted a bond bill for $350,000. for improvements to drainage on Putnam Hill Road as well as a sidewalk from the school to Shaw Farm.
  • Selectman Hebert congratulates Sen. Moore for his quick action on this bill; John would like to forward this to Congressman McGovern as well.
  • Selectman Hall offers his thanks to Sen. Moore for his quick action.
  • Safe Routes to school grant was applied for by TA Smith and Jen Hager

        Selectman Maynard attended the Youth Police Academy graduation which took place last Friday, great job by Lisa Bonney   and Matt Bohanan.
Round Table:
        Selectman Hall also attended the Police Youth Academy, it was terrific.
        Selectman Hall regretfully says he cannot attend the Goals & Objectives meeting; he will be out of town.  

        Selectman Chizy tells Selectman Hall to submit any goals or objectives to TA Smith or Deb to bring to meeting.

Hearing no further comments Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn, Selectman Hall seconds passes 5-0
Adjourned 7:32 pm