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6/17/2014 BOS Meeting Minutes
                                                 Meeting Minutes
                                           Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 7/1/2014 by a vote of 5-0                                                                       
7:00 p.m. – June 17, 2014            
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
              Chairman Kenneth Stuart, Vice Chair David Hall, Selectmen Mike Chizy, David Hall and Paul Maynard     
                Debbie Jacques, secretary   (Town Administrator James Smith absent)

Chairman Stuart calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

Public Forum:   Mr. James Dwyer, 142 Ariel Circle Sutton.  Mr. Dwyer is here tonight to discuss 3 issues:   
  • Town Meeting Authorization of the BOS to repeal & replace Town Charter. The BOS have taken no official action per GL Chapter 43B “Home Rule Procedures”
  • Suggested items for goals meeting: update & correct erroneous information on the Town web site.
  • Requirements by the Charter regarding all multi member boards to create rules and file them with the Town Clerks office. Not
every board has done this, as well as coordinating departments whose budgets include funding from fees and charges with the BOS (Chapter 43B Home Rule Procedures).                           (Handout from Mr. Dwyer attached to hard copy minutes)

Selectman Hebert motions to accept as read June 3, 2014 BOS minutes, Selectman Maynard seconds passes 5-0  
Common Victualler license- Schultzy’s Place: present is Steven Schroeder of 13 Providence Road Sutton. Chairman Stuart reads TA Smiths cover letter. This site is at the former Tammy’s restaurant at 3 Boston Road. The Police, Fire and Town Clerks office have no issues. The Board of Health inspected on Friday June 13th and has no issues. Mr. Schroeder takes this time to thank the Building and Fire Dept. for their help as well as the Board of Health. This will be a breakfast and lunch restaurant opened from 5:30am to 2pm Monday through Sunday. Mr. Schroeder will be on site daily and his staff will consist of 3 full time employee s. He has taken and passed the Serve Safe class as well as the Allergen and Choke class. He will do his best to provide a good business in town. Selectman Chizy is glad to see someone opening that site; Selectman Hebert says it will be good for the plaza. Vice-Chair Hall questions hours of operation as the request states hours 6am-2pm and now he would like to open 5:30am-2pm. Mr. Schroeder would like to go with the 5:30 opening, Selectman Hall offers good luck and congratulations. At this time, Mr. Schroeder asks if during snowstorms he can open earlier to provide coffee to the plow drivers. Chairman Stuart says we will consider that at a later time. Selectman Maynard offers his thanks for bringing the business to town as well as wishing to provide services to the plow drivers during storms. Chairman Stuart has known Steve for many years as well as his work ethics and offers best of luck. It is good to see a business failing come back to life. Vice Chair Hall motions to approve a Common Victualler license request for a new food establishment owned and operated by Steven Schroeder doing business as Schultzy’s Place at 3 Boston Road, Unit E in Sutton, MA Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0    

Town Administrator Update: (as read by Selectman Chizy)
  • New windows in the Town Hall-Building Commissioner John Couture has started replacing the windows in the Town Hall. We thank him for his efforts and skills. This is one of the many projects John has worked on outside his normal responsibilities.  
  • Selectman Hebert thanks John for his contributions to the Town. Recently he put safety measures in place for the boat house as it was broken in to. I applaud him for his valuable work.
  • Chairman Stuart spoke with John Couture @ Employee cookout, he had all good things to say about the school project, Ken goes on to say he appreciates Johns opinion as well as helping out in other areas.  
  • Football Team & Shaw Farm- Roger Raymond has requested the Sutton Football team hold practices at Shaw Farm. They have agreed to mow the area they will practice on.
  • Vice Chair Hall asks if allowed does this give permission to the team or the school (Debbie will forward question to TA Smith). Dave says this seems more in the purview of the athletic director or the booster club.
  • Lorden Propane-scheduled to go before the BOS on July 1 as a Public Hearing for site at 63 Worc-Prov Tpk.
  • Selectman Hebert will offer his support to this project.
  • Selectman Maynard sat in on a meeting with Fire Chief Matt Belsito, he is in support of this project.
  • Employee Cook out held on June 6th Thanks to Chairman Ken Stuart and Paul Maynard for attending.
  • Chairman Stuart enjoyed the cook out and thanks all for their hospitality.
  • Selectman Maynard attended the MMA Workshop for new Selectmen; he found it very interesting with a lot of good information.
  • Selectman Hebert announces that on July 1st from 9am to 10:30 Congressman McGovern and Senator Moore will be in Sutton for a tour along with the Town Planner and the Town Administrator. There will be question and answer period back at the town hall around 10am.  
Round Table:  
  •  Selectman Hebert will be attending the 50th Anniversary mass at St. Marks on Sunday June 22nd.
Hearing no further comments Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn, Selectman Maynard seconds passes 5-0
Adjourned 7:22 pm