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05/20/2014 BOS Meeting Minutes
                                                         Meeting Minutes
  Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on -6/3/2014 by a vote of 4-0-1   (Newly elected Paul Maynard abstained)           
7:00 p.m. – May 20, 2014            
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
              Chairman John Hebert, Vice Chair Kenneth Stuart, Selectmen Mike Chizy & David Hall     
                                                                                         Selectman Hersom absent              
              Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

No comments under Public Forum

Selectman Stuart motions to approve as presented May 6, 2014 BOS minutes, Selectman Hall seconds passes 4-0

PUBLIC HEARING Continued from 5/6/2014 as read by Selectmen Hall advertised in the 4/10/14 Millbury Sutton Chronicle:   
Present is Ken Doby, representative from NGrid and Michael Wood representing Joan Budrosean Wood of 1 Chase Road. Mr. Doby states this is a stub pole to be installed to alleviate the direction in which the existing pole is leaning. The stub pole will have no electricity to it. Michael Wood states he is concerned as the pole leaning is on his property, he does not want the stub pole to be placed in front of a gate which leads to his field, and he also does not want the stone wall touched. He said there was an old tree there which had a guide wire on it, the tree has been taken down and that is why the stub pole is needed. He asks for clarification as to how this will help the pole leaning, he says the pole is leaning towards Blackstone Street. Can NGrid guarantee this will work? Mr. Wood does not want any type of anchor on his property; the NGrid rep. informs Mr. Wood that the poles are not actually on his property as the town owns 10 feet into the property. TA Smith tries to clarify with Mr. Wood by asking “what is the problem with the pole”, Mr. Woods’s response is the pole is leaning towards Blackstone Street, what is the integrity of this pole, what is his course of action if this does not fix the problem? NGrid rep. states these are two different issues, he will be happy to talk to Mr. Wood after the meeting and bring his concerns back to NGrid. Selectman Chizy motions to close the public hearing, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0. Selectman Hall motions to allow National Grid to install 1 JO pole 55 feet south of intersection of Chase Rd & Blackstone St. and one solely owned stub pole to support the strain on Pole 1 as noted on National Grid Plan #12689556, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0

Power point Update on Goals & Objectives FY14: TA Smith informs the BOS this is to update them on the goals set last year at their annual goals meeting. Shown is the pavilion built by BVT at Marion’s Camp as well as plans for electricity, the Blue Jay property filled in and grassed, the Police Station cupola and dormers over Station 1 repaired, the School Project is moving along ahead of schedule after firing TLT and hiring new contractor Brait Builders, Solar panels on Manchaug Fire Station, the Senior Center & the Sewer Treatment Plant, parking lot sketches designed by Andrews Survey for Shaw Farm. Jim goes on to explain a meeting with Highway Superintendent Matt Stencel to have the driveway at Shaw Lane widened, a controlled burn of the Shaw house has been requested through DEP and the request by Steve LeClaire to hay the front right field. Art Allen will go before Conservation to request. The last item, promoting business on 146 is ongoing with Jen Hager as well as TA Smith. Currently Stop & Shop has a case in land court against Galaxy Development which is developing a site across the highway from where Stop &Shop has purchased property.  Selectman Chizy says Jim has done a heck of a job in a short period of time, Selectman Stuart says although he is irritated and angry over the Stop & Shop issue overall Jim has done a great job. Selectman Hall says last year was his first time at a Goal & Objectives meeting and agrees with Ken’s comments, Chairman Hebert offers his thanks to TA Smith. John goes on to say it is important when we list our goals, keep them doable.  TA Smith responds he does not mind broader goals as they push harder.        
Town Administrator Update:
  • Employee Cook out scheduled for Friday, June 6 @ 11am at Station 1. TA Smith requests the Townhall close at 11am.
  • Marions Camp updates: Jen Hager and TA Smith will present to the BOS at the June 3rd meeting issues with water, septic & Goddard Lodge.
  • Goal s & Objectives meeting discussed date of July 29th @ 6pm agreed on.
  • Selectman Hall reads the schedule of events for the Memorial Day Parade
Round Table:  
  • Selectman Chizy listened to the Library Trustees meeting which was held on April 28th discussing misinformation in town in regards to the size of the new library being discussed. The Library Trustees say they do not know where the 18 to 20 thousand square foot size was mentioned. Selectman Chizy has the minutes from the 9/17/13 BOS meeting in which the Library Director had said the size as well as a T&G article with Ms. Rajottes comments. These will be in the Selectmen’s office if anyone wishes to view.
Hearing no further comments Selectman Stuart motions to adjourn, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0      

Adjourned 7:50 pm