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03/04/2014 BOS Meeting MInutes
                                                                                                                 Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 3/18/2014 by a vote of 3-0    
                                                        6:30 p.m. – March 4, 2014            (Selectmen Chizy & Hersom absent)
                                                                                               Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
              Chairman John Hebert, Vice Chair Kenneth Stuart and Selectmen David Hall     
                                                                                Selectman Chizy & Hersom absent              
              Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

No comments under Public Forum

Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented February 18, 2014 meeting minutes, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 3-0
Selectman Stuart motions to accept Executive Session minutes from February 18, 2014 to make public at a later date, Selectman Hall seconds passes 3-0

Ratify appointment of Matthew Stencel: TA Smith requests the BOS ratify his appointment of Matthew Stencel to Highway Superintendent. Matt is currently employed with the town of Millbury as the operations  manager for the DPW overseeing operations of highway, sewer, parks & transfer station. TA Smith thanks Fire Chief Matt Belsito, Building Inspector John Couture, Police Chief Dennis Towle and retired DPW Larry Bombara of Uxbridge for sitting in on the interview committee. Matt Stencel briefs the BOS on his education as well as previous employment. Selectman Stuart welcomes Matt, this is good news, and Matt is definitely the right person for the job. Ken goes on to say Matt has big shoes to fill with the retirement of Mark Brigham. Selectman Hall says Matt is the right candidate; Dave thanks the interview committee and welcomes Matt. Chairman Hebert echoes colleagues; John goes on to say Matt will blend right in with the Fire Department, Sewer Department and the Police Department. Communication is the key, you will be working with a good group of people, and Lyman will be a key player for you. We have been very fortunate with previous Superintendent Brigham and Ray Smith.  Selectman Stuart motions to ratify the appointment of Matthew Stencel to Highway Superintendent, Selectman Hall seconds passes 3-0

Appointment to Sewer Commission: TA smith presents to the BOS James Dwyer of 142 Ariel Circle as a candidate for the Sewer Commission. This seat is available due to the early resignation of Barbara Bessette. This term will expire June 30, 2015 at which time Mr. Dwyer can request to be reappointed.  Sewer Superintendent Don Obuchowski feels Mr. Dwyer will be a nice addition to the Sewer department representing the Wilks part of Sutton. Selectman Stuart responds that Mr. Dwyer is a very intelligent gentleman that is always concerned with transparency in government, good to have you aboard. Selectman Hall says thank you for volunteering, it is often thankless work. Mr. Dwyer has demonstrated interest in town government for awhile, he has an interesting background. Chairman Hebert echoes comments; John says he certainly has a vast amount of knowledge to share; Mr. Dwyer will be a great fit as a Sewer Commissioner. Mr. Dwyer approaches the BOS, he comments that he is still interested in the Bylaw & Town Charter and has read the bylaw for Sewer, the clause and information on the enterprise system collection and sewer privilege fees.  Mr. Dwyer speaks of an issue in the Town of Uxbridge he had encountered years ago and the final outcome. Selectman Hall motions to appoint James Dwyer to the Sewer Commission with a term to expire June 30, 2015, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 3-0

Town Administrator Update:
  • Ambulance update: Millbury & Sutton met with Town Mgr of Grafton Tim McInerny on Wed. February 26th. Grafton had agreed to go out on their own after a 3 year, 3 town contract. This would have left Sutton having to pay approx. $100,000 per year (currently $72,000. per year). If Grafton agreed to enter into the 3 town contract again,they would still pay nothing but the cost would decrease to Sutton and Millbury by $40,000. If Sutton was left to get ambulance service on our own the cost would be approx. $290,000. per year
  •  Selectman Stuart asks for clarification on the cost dispersion, why is Sutton paying the most. TA Smith explains
 Grafton has a high number of ambulance calls, Millbury has the next highest. Sutton with the fewest ambulance calls would cost more to operate an ambulance in town. Ken states so Sutton is penalized for having fewer calls,    TA Smith replies yes.
  •   Chairman Hebert agrees with the split cost, Sutton has fewer calls, the other communities have a larger population, MedStar will be a good partner
  • BVT: town managers met with Dr. Fitzpatrick on Thursday, February 27th. All towns were represented. This meeting was to discuss the proposed 2.9 million borrowing proposed by BVT to expand their school by 200 seats. This would offer 15 additional seats to students from the Town of Sutton.
  •    Selectman Stuart has gotten a lot of calls about this, Ken is glad Jim was at the meeting.
  •   Selectman Hall states we pay double for a student to go to BVT then to keep a student in Sutton; Dave is    encouraged that every town was represented at the meeting. He is glad the town managers are giving a little push        back, he fully supports that.  
  •    Chairman Hebert says it is essential the 13 towns stick together in dealing with BVT. Sutton offers a quality  education and we will have a brand new school as well.
  • Cycling race: MIT is sponsoring a bike race in the Town of Sutton on March 30th. They have notified the Police and Fire Dept.
Lorden propane: they are applying for a propane gas distribution facility at 63 Worcester/Prov. Tpk. Plans for this facility are in the BOS office for review.
  •   Selectman  Hall questions the potential fire hazard with this type of business. TA Smith says Fire Chief Belsito has        been involved with the Planning Board in review of this project. Matt will ensure that whatever       requirements are necessary to handle any issues there will be met. The Fire Dept will make sure that is a safe facility.
  •    Chairman Hebert says all checks and balances will be done by public safety as well as a response protocol in place.
  •  Cathy VanDyne has resigned effective March 12th. to take a job in Norton. We wish her the best.
The Board all offers Cathy their best wishes  

        Selectman Stuart offers congratulations to the Boys Basket Ball team for making it to the Clark Tournament.  
        Selectman Hall congratulates the Girls Basket Ball for playing at WPI this Thurs. night as well as congratulations to the track team for their outstanding performances.

Round Table:   N/A

Hearing no further comments Selectman Stuart motions to adjourn, Selectman Hall seconds passes 3-0      

Adjourned 7:40pm