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11/19/2013 BOS Meeting Minutes
       Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 12/03/2013 by a vote of   4-0  (Selectman Hersom absent)
                                                7:00 p.m. – November 19, 2013
                                          Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman John Hebert, Vice-Chair Kenneth Stuart, Selectmen Michael Chizy & David Hall     
                                                                                         (Selectman Hersom absent)
         Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum

Selectman Hall motions to accept as presented November 5, 2013 meeting minutes, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0

Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce 1 day Liquor License: present is the president & CEO of BVCC, Jeannie Hebert. TA Smith says this is for a 2 hour event at Vaillancourt Folk Art to be held on December 4th between the hours of 5:30-7:30pm. Police Chief Dennis Towle has no issues with this request. Jeannie Hebert informs the BOS there will be a pourer on site. Hearing no comments or concerns, Selectman Stuart motions to approve the request by Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce for a one day liquor license (Wine & Malt) to be held at Vaillancourt Folk Art for a Business after Hours event on December 4th 2013 between the hours of 5:30pm – 7:30pm, Selectman Hall seconds passes 4-0

Board of Selectmen’s meeting schedule: TA Smith says meetings are usually the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month. This schedule is our best attempt to keep that schedule. The State Primary in September and the State Election in November have made us make alternative meeting dates. Please review and then we will post.

Consent to Kopelman & Paige for dual representation/Town of Oxford:  TA Smith says this is to allow K&P to represent Oxford as well as Sutton with regard to an intermunicipal agreement for nursing services. Currently we have IMA’s with Webster, Millbury, Brookfield and No. Brookfield. Oxford will be charged $65.00 an hour, $32.00 will go to the Town Nurse Cheryl Rawinski and the remainder into town account.  Selectman Chizy says it is a good idea, Selectman Stuart says these IMA’s are a good idea in sharing resources, Selectman Hall asks at what point will we be taxing our services, TA Smith responds his first concern was for Cheryl Rawinski and if she had enough room on her plate, Cheryl had no issues with taking on the Town of Oxford. Chairman Hebert has no issues; he says it is nice that the Town of Sutton is in the forefront. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Hall motions to consent to Kopelman & Paige for dual representation for the Inter Municipal Agreement with the Town of Oxford for Public Health Director/ Nurse Services, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0
TA Update:
  • School Project: Western Surety is currently working with Fontaine Brothers, Bacon/Agostini, Braite Builders, G&R Construction, Boston Building & Bridge and CTA. All firms have visited the site and bids have been submitted.  Bids may be opened as early as Monday. Due to the holiday season we may not see any work resume until after the beginning of January.  
        *Selectman Stuart asks if the concerns with a few of the proposed contractors have been addressed with the Surety.      TA Smith replies yes, we have made our concerns known, Phil Palumbo has checked records at DCAMM and they       all check out, they are all qualified to do the job.  
        *Chairman Hebert would like to focus on 4 top players, remove the 2 with some concerns.
  • Conservation Agent: the town is working with Uxbridge to hire a conservation agent. The position was run in the T&G and resumes have started to come in. This position will pay $45,000.  a year ($25.00 an hour versus the $85.00 paid now for an agent), Uxbridge will utilize 25 hours and Sutton 15 hours. Sutton will pay the benefits and bill Uxbridge for their share. TA Smith will work with Tim Harrison to find the source of payment for January through June as it is currently not a funded position.
        *Selectman Hall thinks the concept of this position is terrific but why is Sutton taking the lead on this if Uxbridge will be using the position more hours. TA Smith replies there was no rational in taking the lead, TA Smith will work with Tim Harrison and OPEB will be added to the billed back hours to Uxbridge to include their portion of  benefits.
        *Chairman Hebert is happy we took the lead on this it is suring up the restructuring of the Conservation Commission.
  • Waters Farm Roof: notice of award was sent to SW Debs LLC with a winning bid of $31,850. WPI Construction came in at $39,900. And JD & D Construction came in at $48,000.00. John Couture has called the references for SW Debs and they check out.
  • Selectman Hall congratulates the Sutton Boys & Girls Soccer teams for winning State Championships as well as the Girls Volleyball winning 1st in district and Jesse Cardin for 3rd in State for track.  Dave goes on to say it has been 72 years since one town held both titles.
  • Chairman Hebert comments on the last 2 weeks in the T&G as well as the Chronicle with all of the coverage of the sports.
Round Table:
  • Selectman Chizy says the Food Pantry is in need of supplies. Thanksgiving is next week.
  • Selectman Stuart says the day after Thanksgiving the Whittier’s will be setting up the common with trees and lights. Donations for the trees and lights as well as help in setting up the common are welcome.
  • Chairman Hebert says with Christmas fast approaching, there will be a boot drive put on by the American Legion & the Sons of the American Legion on December 8th and then a party at the Dudley Gendron thanking all for donations on December 15th.
Hearing no further comments Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0      adjourned 7:25 pm