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10/152013 BOS Meeting Minutes
       Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 11/05/2013  by a vote of  4-0                                                                                                                 
                                                7:00 p.m. – October 15, 2013
                                         Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman John Hebert, Vice-Chair Kenneth Stuart, Selectmen Michael Chizy & David Hall   (Selectman Hersom absent)
             Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
No comments under Public Forum

Selectman Stuart motions to accept as presented October 01, 2013 BOS minutes Selectman Hall seconds passes 4-0
(Selectman Hersom absent)
Selectman Chizy motions to accept Executive Session meeting minutes from October 01, 2013 but not to be released until a later date, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0(Selectman Hersom absent)

Board Appointments: TA Smith introduces the 2 residents present for associate positions on the ZBA and the Historical Commission. Present are Nicole Kuchinski for the ZBA and Paul Dunn for Historical. Both are 3 year associate member positions. After brief discussion with the candidates Selectman Chizy thanks them for volunteering, it is a tough job; welcome and good luck. Selectman Stuart offers thanks and says the various boards and committees in town make the Selectmen’s lives easier. Selectman Hall says both candidates seem to be a good match of talent. Volunteering is worthwhile and valuable, the town will benefit. Chairman Hebert concurs with all that has been said and offers his thank you to both candidates. Selectman Chizy motions to appoint Nicole Kuchinski to the Zoning Board of Appeals to associate member for a three year term Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0
Selectman Chizy motions to appoint Paul Dunn to the Historical Commission to associate member for a three year term Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0
Manchaug Pond Foundation: TA Smith says this is for a change of date from the approved October 27th to November 2nd. In addition to the date change, they have hired a tip certified bartender. Hearing no questions or concerns, Selectman Stuart motions to amend the Manchaug Pond Foundation fundraiser date from the October 1st 2013 Board of Selectmen’s meeting from October 27, 2013 to November 2, 2013 Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0

Police Officer Appointment: TA Smith requests the board to ratify the appointment of Christopher Avey to the Sutton Police Dept. Present is Chief Dennis Towle and Christopher Avey. Chief Towle informs the BOS Chris was chosen out of 30 applicants, he interviewed with TA Smith, Lieutenant Perry and Chief Towle. Chief Towle goes on to say he is replacing Officer Green that has been named as the School Resource officer. Currently, Officer Avey is a sergeant at Umass Lowell Police Dept. and comes with high regards. Selectman Chizy says as long as TA Smith, Chief Towle and Lt. Perry have ok’d him, he has no questions. Selectman Stuart says it is impressive that Chris was chosen out of 30 candidates, congratulations and welcome to Sutton. Selectman Hall echoes all that has been said and says good luck. Chairman Hebert thanks Chris and says he looks forward to his service to the town; you are working with a good group of individuals. Selectman Hall motions to ratify the appointment of Christopher Avey as a full time police officer in the Town of Sutton, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0

PUBLIC HEARING: Tax Classification notice read by Selectman Hall as posted in the Millbury Sutton Chronicle and T&G. Present from the Assessor’s Office is Joyce Sardgnola, Knick Nunnemacher and Michelle Reed. TA Smith says the BOS have the decision to continue with a single tax rate or change to a split rate.  Mr. Nunnemacher states that Sutton historically has had a single tax rate for all classes of property. The choice is to continue with a single rate or a split rate for residential/open space and commercial/industrial /personal property. Knick states that land values have decreased but lake front values have increased.  88% of town is classed as residential. If approved the single rate tax for all classes would be $16.88 which is a $1.31 increase from last year.  Selectman Chizy has no questions and would vote to continue with a single tax rate, this helps industries come in to town. Selectman Stuart thanks the Assessor’s office for all the work they do and agrees that the single tax rate should be maintained. That may change in time. Selectman Hall asks if the commercial property values have increased relative to residential values. Assessor Joyce Sardgnola says there have only been two commercial sales in town and one of them is now a church which is tax exempt. Selectman Hall says that he is in agreement for a single tax rate, if the goal for a split tax rate is to help ease the burden for home owners such a big split would be counterproductive to bring commercial business into town. Chairman Hebert agrees with the other board members in maintaining a single tax rate, by doing this it sends out an olive branch to business coming in to town. Selectman Chizy motions to adopt a single tax factor for Fiscal Year 2014 Selectman Hall seconds passes 4-0

MRA Sport/2014 schedule request: Alex Rogozenski is present to request 2 triathlon dates. The Summer Solstice Triathlon on June 20, 2014 and the Sutton Olympic Triathlon on August 2, 2014. Five dollars from each participant will go to the Food Pantry. Selectman Chizy says last year’s event was run well, Mike says he has an issue approving 2 events at one time; he would like Alex to come before the BOS at a later date for the 2nd Triathlon. Selectman Stuart was a big proponent of the triathlon and feels it is a good use of Marions Camp but Ken is sensitive to Selectman Chizys comments but also realizes the dates must be in place for registration and planning purposes. Selectman Stuart asks Alex about the lighting issues that were an issue at the previous event. Alex responds the triathlon is starting half an hour earlier so it will be light for the event but there will also be lights at the camp this year. Selectman Hall is very supportive of the event; it was nice to have in town. Selectman Hall asks for clarification on the 2nd Triathlon as far as the area of the lake it will cover and if any abutters will be affected. Alex responds 1 or 2 abutters may be affected. Dave goes on to say after the last triathlon most of the concern dissipated, the 2nd event is at a much different time of day, it will be much more minimal impact. Chairman Hebert says the beach was left meticulous after the last summer solstice; he is in support of the 1st triathlon but a little uneasy approving the August event. Selectman Stuart asks for specifics on the 2nd Triathlon; Alex replies they will be in the water by 7:15am and out by 8:30am, it is a Sunday morning. Selectman Stuart responds he has no issue with the 2nd race but if they are encroaching on abutter’s property they should be notified.  TA Smith says that abutters will be notified in November and Selectman Rick Hersom gave his full support of these events.  Selectman Stuart motions to approve the MRA 2014 Summer Solstice Triathlon to be held on June 20th, 2014 and the Olympic distance Triathlon to be held on August 3rd 2014 providing all the necessary liability information is filed with the Town of Sutton Selectman Hall seconds passes 4-0

1 year extension IMA Webster/Sutton for Nursing Services: TA Smith says this is the same IMA with date changes requested by the Webster Accountant. There are 2 agreements, the first is to pay existing bills (2012-2013) and the second is for 2013-2014. Selectman Chizy motions to approve a 1 year extension for Nursing Services between the Town of Webster and The Town of Sutton for the period from October 26, 2012 to October 26, 2013 Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0
Selectman Hall motions to approve a 1 year extension for Nursing Services between the Town of Webster and The Town of Sutton for the period from October 26, 2013 to October 26, 2014 Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0

Middle School project update: Present is Building Commissioner John Couture. John says the progress is slow but the kids are adjusting well. The transition to occupy the school went well. The punch list is being worked on but some subs have still not been paid. Selectman Stuart thanks John for his diligence and holding them to the fire. Selectman Hall asks if the work is being completed to John’s quality level, John responds for the most part yes. Chairman Hebert says this has been a big job in front of you, thank you. TA Smith informs the BOS there is a special BOS meeting Thursday, October 17th to discuss the progress of the school project.    

TA Update:
  • DOR certified free cash at $778,581.
  • 5th Annual Golf Tournament to benefit Food Pantry: held on Friday October 4th at Clearview. We raised $1,900.00 for the Food Pantry. Thanks go out to Laura Caruso.
Conservation Agent with the Town of Uxbridge: TA Smith and Uxbridge TA have been in talks about sharing a Conservation Agent. Our cost would be roughly $25.00 an hour or $24,000.00 a year. Or less if we provide the insurance. Currently the Conservation Commission pays $85.00 an hour to a wetland scientist
  • Selectman Chizy feels we should look into this, hopefully they can cut the expenses for homeowners
  • Selectman Stuart feels this would be a positive move
  • Selectman Hall agrees with the approach but is concerned with conflicts with meeting schedule
  • Chairman Hebert feels we should look at options to strengthen the board
  • Town Charter: we have received an opinion from Lauren Goldberg (K&P) stating the Charter review committee did nothing wrong proposing the charter be on the Fall town meeting.
  • SRO Officer: Officer Chris Green has been appointed as the new resource officer
  All members wish Chris luck in this new position.
Announcements:  not at this time
Round Table/Correspondence:  
        Selectman Chizy :the food pantry is really low, please donate if you able
Hearing no further comments Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0

Meeting adjourned 8:07 pm