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10/01/2013 BOS Meeting Minutes
       Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 10/15/2013   by a vote of   4-0                                                                                
                                                                  (Selectman Hersom absent)
                                                 6:00 p.m. – October 01, 2013
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman John Hebert, Vice-Chair Kenneth Stuart, Selectmen Michael Chizy, Richard Hersom & David Hall    
             Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 6:00pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Hebert motions to enter into Executive Session under M.G.L., c30A, Sec. 21 #2 &#3  entering back into regular session to reconvene  the regular scheduled meeting at 7:00pm  Selectman Hersom seconds, passes 5-0   6:01 pm
7:00 pm the regular BOS meeting reconvenes into open session

Public Forum: James Dwyer 142 Ariel Circle Sutton. Mr. Dwyer is here for 2 reasons tonight, he has read the existing Charter cover to cover as well as watched the Charter Review Committee meetings and reviewed proposed changes to be made to the existing Charter. Mr. Dwyer points out some areas of concern and says there should have been a public hearing in regards to the changes as well and invite all boards and committees to view the changes. Chairman Hebert thanks Mr. Dwyer for his comments but it has exceeded the 5 minute per topic rule and we must move on. Chairman Hebert asks for Mr. Dwyer to forward the information to the Town Clerks office. (Mr. Dwyer hands a copy of his discussion to the BOS)

Selectman Hersom motions to accept as presented September 17, 2013 BOS minutes Selectman Stuart seconds passes 5-0
Selectman Stuart motions to accept Special BOS meeting minutes from September 23, 2013, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0

Manchaug Pond Foundation: TA Smith says this is a request for a one day liquor license for a fundraiser at the former Beaton Property. This is to help raise money for restoration of the barn as well as the Pond Foundation. Chief Towle has been briefed and does not feel a police detail is necessary.  Andrew Moser, 188 Manchaug Road is present on behalf of the Foundation.  It is to be held October 27th 2-4pm. This is an invitation only not open to the public; they are anticipating 100-150 attendees along with an invitation to residents on Waters Road. Andy briefs the BOS that the barn is used as a mini horse rescue, currently there are 23 mini horses on site. It also is home to show quality Morgan horses. Selectman Chizy says if it is ok with Chief Towle it is ok with him, Selectman Hersom questions if it is a private event why is it before the BOS but does say Waters Road is treacherous,  people need to be responsible and not be over served. Police detail may be a good idea. TA Smith says the Police Dept. will be aware of the event. Selectman Stuart asks who insures the event stop at 4pm.  Mr. Mosher responds that the Pond Foundation will take away all alcohol at 4pm, the horse community may linger but there will be no alcohol. Selectman Hall asks will there be professional servers, who will be checking the age of the guests. Mr. Mosher replies the Pond Foundation will be pouring the alcohol. Chairman Hebert asks for a sign board with arrows to direct people to the event as well as looking into a licensed bar tender to serve and it is important to make sure it is a controlled event.  Selectman Chizy motions to approve the 1-day All Alcohol License to Manchaug Pond Foundation for a fundraiser to be held on October 27, 2013 between the hours of 2pm – 4pm at 54 Waters Road in Sutton with a Tip Certified bartender, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0

Charter & Bylaw Review Committee: Present are Atty. Dave Suprenant, Ross Whittier & Atty. Lou Ciavarra; Atty. Suprenant states this was a copious review of the charter, we have forwarded a draft in final form but there were additions made as  late as this past Friday. Selectman Chizy appreciates the hard work put into this review they did a very good job. Selectman Hersom (member of the Charter review Committee) thanks Dave Suprenant, Lou Ciavarra, Ross Whittier, and Glen Coulter with a special thanks to Laura Caruso for doing a yeoman’s job in collecting the various dialogues that went back and forth. Rick asks for clarification in regards to comments made during Public Forum about public meetings and notices to board members. Selectman Stuart says thank you, this has shaped the future of the town, Ken thanks Mr. Dwyer for his comments as well as keeping an eye on the transparency of the town. Selectman Hall says there is a Public Meeting on Thursday with Fin Com to review the Warrant and thanks the board for their hard work and attention to detail. Dave asks about changes to the original Charter, Dave Suprenant states they tightened up the language in areas such as the Library Director being appointed by the Town Admin rather than the Library Trustees. Chairman Hebert concurs with the members and offers his thanks to the Charter Review Committee.

Review & Approve Fall Town Meeting: The draft warrant was reviewed by TA Smith at last meeting. Hearing no questions, Selectman Hersom motions to approve as presented the Fall Town Meeting Warrant Selectman Stuart seconds passes 5-0

Town Administrator Evaluation: Clerk David Hall reads the evaluation with a total board evaluation of 90.30. TA Smith thanks the BOS for the constructive feedback and offers his thanks to the Dept. Heads and his financial team with a special thanks to Planning Director and Building Commissioner. A Town Administrator would be unsuccessful without these people. Selectman Chizy feels some of the comments were due to recent issues with the school project. Jim does a good job and we are glad to have him. Selectman Hersom says under the bylaw, the BOS has no involvement with management, we are the Board of Directors of the Town and Jim is the Chief Executive Officer. I have no desire to police the day to day operations but for Jim to recognize issues that should be communicated  is important, we have one of the best TA around, thanks Jim for the job you do. Selectman Stuart says there are always areas for improvement the positive things you do for the town is overwhelming, our financial situation is one of the best in Worcester County, and you have the respect of your dept. heads, this review was very positive. Selectman Hall offers congratulations to Jim; it is a good, well deserved review. I am very confident in your commitment to the town, you report to the 5 of us as well as having to answer to the taxpayers in town. Your conservative financial approach is as good as can be, I am very confident in where we are and where we are going. Chairman Hebert says it is a pleasure working with Jim, he is very professional, you make our jobs easy thank you for being our Town Administrator.     

TA Update:
  • Middle School/High School update:  open meeting held on Sept. 25th at the school with SBS, Flansburgh, and school building committee. Prior to meeting the public was invited to tour the facility. Approx. 60 people attended the meeting. TA smith will have an update on the Town webpage with and it will be updated biweekly.
  • Golf Tournament: 5th annual golf tournament to benefit the food pantry will be held on Friday, Oct. 4th at 9AM, Clearview Golf Club. The Town Hall will be closed. Thank you to Laura Caruso for organizing the event.
  • Open Meeting Law Presentation to be held on Tuesday, October 8th @ 7 pm
Waters Farm Roof replacement out to bid
        Selectman Stuart: Waters Farm Days to be held this Saturday and Sunday, Waters Farm is the jewel of Sutton.  
Round Table/Correspondence:  
        Selectman Chizy alerts residents of a Scam over the phone regarding Medicare cards. He has received 2 calls and alerts seniors to hang up.
Chairman Hebert motions to enter into Executive Session under M.G.L., c30A, Sec. 21 #2 and enter back into regular session for the sole purpose of returning for adjournment only, Selectman Hersom seconds, passes 5-0     8:05  pm
Hearing no further comments Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0

Meeting adjourned 8:35 pm