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08/20/2013 BOS Meeting Minutes
       Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 9/3/2013 by a vote of   4-0-1_                                                                                 
                                                                          (Hersom abstains, absent at 8/20 meeting)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – August 20, 2013
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman John Hebert, Vice-Chair Kenneth Stuart, Selectmen Michael Chizy & David Hall   (Selectman Hersom absent)
            Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
No comments under Public Forum

Selectman Chizy motions to accept as presented August 3, 2013 BOS minutes as written, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0
Selectman Stuart motions to accept but to be released at a later date August 3, 2013 BOS Executive Session Minutes Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0

Public Hearing: Pole Hearing McClellan Road: Clerk David Hall reads the Public Hearing notice to open the hearing. NGrid representative Sheila McCarthy is present. TA Smith informs the BOS the Police & Fire Dept are ok; Highway just wants to remind them all poles must be set back a minimum of 4 feet from the edge of the pavement. Selectman Hall asks if this is for new construction, Sheila McCarthy says no, it is for a well pump to operate at Foppemas Farm (Old Keown orchards). Hearing no further comments, Selectman Chizy motions to close the Public Hearing, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0. Selectman Hall motions to authorize permission to National Grid to install 1 new SO NGrid pole #20-1 and anchor, NGrid side anchor p20 in row of McClellan Road as shown on NGRID plan #15148718; Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0   
COA Directors update:  Present is Michelle Edelstein Director of the Council on Aging. Michelle begins by saying she is here to discuss 2 different items, the Senior Center and the Food Pantry, although they are located at the same address they are 2 different topics. The Senior Centers mission is to address the needs of the senior population in town and put services in place when needed as well as advocate and outreach for them. On Wednesday, October 16th from 9 to noon there will be a senior health fair at the senior center. There will be over 30 tables offering services. Michelle goes on to thank Fritzy, a counselor at the Sr. center as well as all the support the center receives from TA Jim Smith and the Sutton Police & Fire Dept. Michelle goes on to say there are over 2000 people 60 and over in town, the Sr. Center is here for them. The Food Pantry located at the Sr. center has experienced the worst summer ever. In the past 9 days, 59 people have used the Food pantry. Michelle says it is a good time for organizations to hold food drives. The churches as well as the school are big supporters of the Food Pantry. She also gets cash donations which are great but then someone has to go to the store and shop. This service is closely monitored and used only by Sutton residents. Anyone wishing to see where their donation goes can go to the Food Pantry and will be shown receipts of purchase made with the donations. There is a list on the town website as well as on Facebook that is updated monthly with the needs of the Food pantry. Selectman Chizy says the town is lucky to have Michelle as the Sr. Center director. She is exceptional. People have to understand the food pantry is not part of her job but she works with Barbara Bessette and together they handle it. 94% of individuals that use the Food Pantry are younger families not seniors. Selectman Stuart echoes Mikes comments and says Michelle does a wonderful job. Kens family has been involved with volunteering at the Food Pantry; Michelle exceeds 40 hours a week. Ken goes on to say most people think Sutton is an affluent town but the individuals that use the Food Pantry are your neighbors, your friends, people you know. Look in your back yard to see who you can help. Selectman Hall says it is hard to add anything that has not been said, Dave has held Food Drives with his Venture Crew and Michelle meets them at the Food Pantry on Saturdays so they can bring in the donated items.  Chairman Hebert says Michelle does so much and we are so thankful to have her. We have confidence in you, you reach out to help those in need, and we are very grateful.
TA Update:
  • TA Smith met with Pat Nedoroscik and DCR to discuss various landlocked parcels in town for possible conservation by DCR. If interested, DCR will compensate the town for the acquisition; our PILOT from the state would increase.  
  • The Planning Board is intending to request at fall town meeting rezoning all industrial land in Wilkinsonville from industrial to office light industrial. This is essentially the Aggregate parcel; in addition Planning Director Jen Hager is requesting 43D designation expedited permitting.
  • Lifespan of SCBA’s: TA Smith spoke with Fire Chief Belsito after the last meeting and was informed the lifespan for SCBA’s is approximately 15 years. Around year 9 they plan on replacing a few yearly rather than all at once.
Announcements: N/A

Round Table/Correspondence:  
        Selectman Hall asks if the rezoning in Wilkinsonville would remove some opportunity for the owner, TA Smith replies under Industrial it has limited use; a better option is office light industry (OLI).
        Chairman Hebert says in light of the recent controversy with the State Police Union there have been small signs around town saying “We Love our Sutton Police” we work well with the Millbury State Police as well as the Holden barracks. At this time,        Chairman Hebert reads a letter to the editor praising Detective Bohanan on a recent house break.   
Hearing no further comments Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0

Meeting adjourned 7:40 pm