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08/06/2013 BOS Meeting Minutes
       Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  8/20/2013_ by a vote of   4-0_                                                                                
                                                                                (Selectman Hersom absent)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – August 6, 2013
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman John Hebert, Vice-Chair Kenneth Stuart, Selectmen Michael Chizy, Richard Hersom & David Hall   
             Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
No comments under Public Forum

Selectman Hersom motions to accept as presented July 16, 2013 BOS minutes as presented, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0
Selectman Stuart motions to accept as presented BOS G&O minutes from July 30, 2013, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0

Eagle Scout Recognition for Christopher Moran: as read by Clerk David Hall

Kings Campground Music & Dance license: TA Smith says this is the annual request for the remaining 2013 season, General Mgr Kris Klama and Lester Szawlowski are present. Mr. Klama says this is for Saturdays from 6pm to 10:30pm, he apologizes that this was late, he thought his license last year had no expiration. Selectman Stuart asks if there have been any complaints, TA Smith replies there has been one but BOH Cheryl Rawinski is working with that resident. Selectman Hall asks if it is a free event, Mr. Klama responds yes, it is for the seasonal campers. Chairman Hebert reminds them to get their renewal in on time, Selectman Hersom reiterates, renewals go out in November and are due back 1st part of December each year. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Hersom motions to approve the Music and Dance license to King’s Campground for the remainder of the 2013 campground season, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0

New owner of Subway/Common Victualler: Mr. Nitinkumar Patel (new owner of Subway on 146) is here requesting a Common Vic. TA Smith informs BOS the Board of Health is all set with the transfer of ownership. All wish Mr. Patel good luck, hearing no further comments Selectman Stuart  motions to approve the common victualler license for new owner of Subway; Jay Kali LLC dba Subway located at 27 Worcester-Providence Tpke. with an expiration date of December 31, 2013, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0            
Financing of SCBA’s: This is a 3 year lease with Community First National Bank. The 1st payment will be paid out of the capital fund in the amount of $76,334.09; there will be 2 additional payments in years 2 & 3. Selectman Hersom asks to clarify what is a SCBA, TA Smith replies it is a self contained breathing apparatus; this is a high priority piece of equipment for all responders to a fire. Hersom asks the life of the equipment, TA Smith replies approximately 5-10 years. Selectman Stuart asks the advantage of leasing versus purchasing, TA Smith says the payments are easier to come up with then 1 lump sum. Selectman Hall says it was a creative way to put into place by getting all of the units at 1 time, it was an advantageous way to go about it, hearing no further comments, Selectman Hersom motions to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the 3 year lease agreement for SCBA equipment with Community First National Bank, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 5-0

Appointments of Board members: TA Smith reviews the request from Planning Board to appoint Miriam Sanderson to the associate position that was left vacant by Jonathon Anderson, Ms. Sanderson is present tonight and tells the BOS she is a 20 year resident of Sutton and owns a local business with her brother (who had served previously on the Planning Board).  She goes on to say she has much respect for the members of Planning and all they do. The BOS all thank her for volunteering, it is appreciated. Selectman Hall motions to appoint Miriam Sanderson as an associate member of the Planning Board with a term to expire June 30, 2016, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0
TA Smith at this time requests the 2 alternate members of the ZBA be moved up to members to fill the 2 vacancies, these individuals were before the BOS when they were appointed as alternates. The 2 alternate vacancies will be posted. Selectman Chizy says this is why it is a good idea to have alternate seats; they are ready to move up and have the experience that is good. Selectman Hersom motions to appoint Zoning Board associate member Brittanie Reinhold to Zoning Board member with a term to expire June 30, 2016 Selectman Stuart seconds passes 5-0. Selectman Chizy motions to appoint Zoning Board associate member Richard Haskins to Zoning Board member with a term to expire June 30, 2015, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0

Open Meeting Law complaint: an open meeting law complaint was filed by Dan Rice of 21 Hutchinson Road requesting to publicly state the reason he was not reappointed to Conservation. He also requested that new appointments be made by following the Charter (which we did follow for the 2 new appointments). TA Smith said our Town Counsel has written a response to be forwarded to the Atty. General’s office. Hearing no comments Selectman Stuart motions to authorize the Town Administrator to forward Town Counsels response of the open meeting law complaint to the Office of the Attorney General, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0

BOS Delegate & Alternate to the CMRPC for FY14: In the past, John Hebert was the town’s delegate and Bruce Davis was the alternate. Selectman Chizy says both have done a yeoman’s job on CMRPC, it is appreciated. Selectman Hersom echoes Mike’s comments. Selectman Stuart thanks them for keeping the BOS up to date on projects; Selectman Hall says it is hard to replace individuals that have developed the knowledge they have. Selectman Hersom motions to reappoint Selectman John Hebert as the Towns delegate to the CMRPC for FY14 Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0-1 (Hebert abstains)
Selectman Stuart motions to reappoint Bruce Davis as alternate delegate to the CMRPC for FY14 Selectman Hall seconds passes 5-0

TA Update:
  • Millbury Casino- Once the Town of Millbury vote on the Casino we can file for an impact status. Some potential impacts are traffic as well as public safety.
  • Selectmen sitting on more than one multimember board: Selectman Stuart has been on the School Building Committee as well as OPEB. There will be an article on the warrant asking for town meeting approval.
  • Asst. Plumbing Inspector: John Couture has asked for Haus Wiersma to be appointed as assistant plumbing inspector
         Selectman Chizy reads a memo from the Explorer Troop for a Food Drive to be held at all 3 Fire Stations on August 17th         from 9am to 2pm. Chizy goes on to say 96% of the food at the food pantry goes to families with children, the remaining 4% goes to seniors.
        Selectman Hall thanks Mike for always reminding us of the needs for the Food Pantry.

Round Table/Correspondence: N/A
Chairman Hebert motions to enter into Executive Session under M.G.L., c30A, Sec. 21 #1 and enter back into regular session for the sole purpose of returning for adjournment only, Selectman Hersom seconds, passes 5-0     7:35pm      

Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0
Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm