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07/02/2013 BOS Meeting Minutes
       Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on7/16/2013_  by a vote of   4-0-1_                                                                               
                                                                       (Selectman Stuart abstains, absent from 7/2/13 meeting)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – July 2, 2013
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman John Hebert, Selectmen Michael Chizy, Richard Hersom & David Hall (Vice-Chair Ken Stuart absent)
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Forum:
Jack Sheehan 26 Jones Road Sutton: past Conservation Commission member. Thanks the Board for the opportunity to serve on the Conservation Commission. It has been an enjoyable and interesting experience as well as a privilege. Jack became a Conservation member in 1987; he has served for approximately 18-19 years. He has seen a lot of projects come through; he has driven around Central MA. And feels Sutton is on the top end of development due to good and active planning, good leadership and pride. The game has changed in Sutton; there are fewer frontage lots with no review required. The existing lots are not simple; the land is more difficult to work with. Jack goes on to say he was disappointed at how the appointment process played out at the last BOS meeting, positions were held with no comments, I realize that the BOS as the appointing authorities can appoint who they wish. Going forward I hope you value and support the role of the Conservation Commission in preserving the natural resources of our town.
Chairman Hebert thanks Jack for his service.
Alyse Aubin 241 Manchaug Road: begins by discussing the importance of wetlands, some just look at them as swamps but they recharge well water, streams and ponds. Conservation governs these areas under MGL 131 Section 4 as well as our town bylaw. Jack Sheehan and Dan Rice are invaluable to this cause with years of classes and training. I ask that you rescind your vote to not reappoint them.
Dan Rice 21 Hutchinson Road: former Conservation Commission member says that once he retired he wanted to give back to the town. He has been on Conservation for 6 years; he has worked hard as well as attended several seminars and classes paid for by the town. He wonders why with no discussion by the BOS on his reappointment this has been thrown away.
Joyce Smith 35 Bond Hollow Road, (refers to a letter sent to the BOS regarding this) she goes on to say it is hard work being on Conservation and they do it for the love of the town. She cannot understand why the BOS has done this.
Mark Briggs 13 West Sutton Road: Chairman of the Conservation Commission says he reiterates all that has been said by his colleagues. He states Conservation is often accused of things without understanding why or the background. He says they meet every 2 weeks which State law requires meeting every 21 days; this is to expedite the process of projects. Many commissions run by the book, Sutton Conservation listens to the applicants and helps them. We have formed an excellent team and are able to assist and get projects under compliance.  Mark says to look at the 2 sided map in the office, 1 side shows Sutton in 2015 at its maximum build out, turn over and it shows Sutton is the only town that has retained the greenery. This falls on the shoulder of Conservation, Planning, ZBA and the BOS. Conservation has an excellent team that look out for the Town of Sutton.
Chairman Hebert states the appointments were put on hold by the Board of Selectmen because they feel it is time for a change.

Selectman Chizy motions to approve as presented June 18, 2013 meeting minutes, Selectman Hall 2nds, passes 3-0-1 (Hersom abstains)
Selectman Chizy motions to accept but not to be released at this time, Executive Session minutes from June 18, 2013 Selectman Hall 2nds passes 3-0-1 (Hersom abstains)

Establish Marion’s Camp revolving fund: TA Smith says this is similar to the revolving accounts for the bandstand as well as Tri Centennial Park. Proceeds from special events will go into this account. Beach passes and swimming lesson proceeds will continue to go into the Recreation account. Town Accountant Tim Harrison states this falls under MGL Chapter 44, section 53D. This is meant to accumulate funds for future repairs and maintenance of Marion’s Camp. Selectman Chizy feels this is a good idea; it will keep it going for years to come. Selectman Hersom asks if there is limitation as to how this can be spent. Harrison states this does not require Town Meeting vote to spend. It can be used for landscaping, lighting, etc. Selectman Hall says all money raised on special events will be earmarked for this revolving fund. Chairman Hebert says everything costs money; we have promoted this as a safe place we need to keep it looking good. Selectman Chizy motions to approve a Marion’s Camp Maintenance Revolving Account under MGL Chapter 44, Section 53D “Parks and Recreation Fund” Selectman Hall 2nds passes 4-0

Year End Budget Transfers: Accountant Tim Harrison presents to the BOS FY13 Budget Transfers totaling $70,300. After brief conversation Selectman Hersom motions to approve as presented FY 2013 Year End Transfers Selectman Chizy 2nds passes 4-0

New Appointments: TA Smith informs the BOS there are 2 new appointments: Walter Baker to the Historical Commission and Neal Crites to the Sewer Commission. Selectman Chizy has known both for a few years, Selectman Hersom and Hall both offer thank you’s for volunteering, Chairman Hebert thanks them both and goes on to welcome Neal Crites back (Served on Sewer Commission prior). Selectman Hall motions to appoint Neal Crites to the Sewer Commission with a term to expire June 30, 2016; Selectman Hersom 2nds passes 4-0. Selectman Hersom motions to appoint Walter Baker to the Historical Commission with a term to expire June 30, 2016, Selectman Chizy 2nds passes 4-0

TA Update:
  • MRA Multisport update: event went well, approx. 170 participants in event. Many residents joined in cheering them on.
Select. Chizy drove by event; everything looked like it was running nicely.
Select. Hall attended the event; it was well organized, congratulations to Alex. No negative feedback from residents that he spoke to.
Chairman Hebert says everything was planned well including signage. John went to Marion’s Camp the next morning and everything had been picked up and put back as it was suppose to be. Good job Alex.
  • Golocal ranked Sutton 9th out of the 72 central communities. Sutton ranked 87th out of the 35 communities.
Selec. Chizy says this is something we can be proud of.
  • Reminder of Goals and Objectives meeting scheduled for July 30th at 6pm Blackstone National
        Selectman Hall announces the following events: Blackstone Canal District Horse & Wagon Rides & Canal Fest. Antiques Car Show July 13th @ Waters Farm and Donkey & Mule Show July 20th @ Waters Farm.
        Selectman Hall states to all of the volunteers in town whether past or present the town appreciates your years of service and dedication.
Round Table/Correspondence:
        Acknowledgment of 2 letters received by Joyce Smith and Alyse Aubin.
Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0
Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm