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06/04/2013 BOS Meeting Minutes
       Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 6/18/2013  by a vote of   4-0                                                                                  
                                                                      (Selectman Hersom absent)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – June 4, 2013
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Michael Chizy, Vice-Chair John Hebert, Selectmen Richard Hersom, Ken Stuart and David Hall
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Selectman Hebert motions to accept the 5/21/13 meeting minutes, Selectman Hall replies with the meeting date error (5/7/13) changed to 5/21/13 Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0-1 (Selectman Stuart absent from 5/21/13 meeting)

Board of Selectmen reorganization:
        Selectman Hersom motions to nominate John Hebert to Chairman, Selectman Hall seconds passes 5-0
        Selectman Hebert motions to nominate Ken Stuart to Vice-Chairman, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0
        Selectman Hebert motions to nominate Dave Hall to Clerk, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0
Chairman Hebert takes this time to thank the board for recognizing him as Chairman. He has been a lifelong resident (62 years) and an employee of the town for 40+ years. John states the BOS is a solid good group of people from all walks of life. The board relies on TA Smith as well as the financial team to continue to go in the right direction. We look forward to the upcoming projects: 146 developments, Marions Camp, Shaw Farm. The 5 members of this board are headed in the right concrete direction.

PUBLIC HEARING: Pole Hearing- BOS Clerk Dave Hall reads as posted in the Millbury Sutton Chronicle May 9th 2013 Elizabeth Caldwell, a contractor representing Verizon is present for the hearing. Elizabeth viewed the pole location earlier today and states it is across from the Highway facility on Pleasant Valley Road. This pole is being erected to help support the pole by the Highway barn which is being pulled over by the wires. TA Smith informs the BOS: Police, Fire and Highway are all set with this location. Hearing no further comments Chairman Hebert asks for a motion to close the public hearing, Selectman Hersom makes the motion all in favor 5-0. Selectman Stuart motions to authorize permission to Verizon New England INC. and Massachusetts Electric Company (NGRID) to place 1 new JO stub pole No. 99S on the westerly sideline of Pleasant Valley Road as shown on Verizon plan #6ABVXK Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0  

MRA Multisport: TA Smith begins by saying this was an agenda item at the previous meeting, it was appropriate for Selectman Hersom to request additional information as the town did not have the liability information as well as waivers. It was difficult to make a decision with the lack of information. TA Smith has contacted the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs for the proper permitting. Selectman Stuart apologizes for missing the last meeting but has had a lot of discussions regarding this. The impact on residents along the lake are concerning to Ken. He is familiar with the lake as well as the people on it, he refers to them as stewards of the lake, and this is their back yard.  Years ago the BOS voted to purchase and beautify Marion’s Camp and promote its use. This is not a public hearing but Ken would like each side to be heard. Selectman Hall has heard various points of view that are helpful. Dave says Alex (MRA Sport) has addressed many concerns to have safer swimming events such as swimming parallel to Marions Camp rather than swimming to the island. Dave feels this type of usage will bring business to local businesses. Selectman Chizy begins by saying Selectman Hersom brought up some good points at the last meeting, as far as Mike can see the issues have been addressed. Selectman Hersom agrees that Alex has made steps in the right direction but there still needs to be more controls in place. Rick has spoken to residents along the lake and feels this is setting very bad precedence; Rick goes on to say he does not think the intentions for Marion’s Camp was commercial in nature. The financial gains do not outweigh the full potential liability we have even with the controls we have in place for $2,000. worth of revenue does not come close for the hardships of the residents along the lake or in the area. Rick says he cannot support this and he will more than likely take steps with other people to take before the Fall town meeting for a bylaw to begin to craft language as to what the intended use of Marions camp is to give the BOS and the TA clear direction as to its usage. Rick says he is sorry but this is a bad idea, Rick would feel this way even if MRA Sport was a business located in Sutton . Chairman Hebert says there are 10 direct steps taken to try and mitigate issues, the town purchased this about 30 years ago over the past 2-3 years a lot of work has been done to make Marion’s Camp what it is. MRA Sport is one of many programs we would like to see there, a program like this is what it is all about. Chairman Hebert asks for 1spokesman to speak from the audience. Paul Kawalis of 95 West Sutton Road speaks. Paul is in full agreement with Rick Hersom, Paul states nothing against Alex but from the towns point of view there is still a lot of  liability. The coverage is limited. Paul has had many calls voicing concern over layoffs of teachers and then to be holding this type of event. As harbor masters for the town, Paul asks how future requests will be handled. Look at the macro issue here, there needs to be a comprehensive plan in place as far as uses for the lake. Paul commends Alex for changing the swim area and tells the BOS that as Harbor Masters for the town be up on Chapter 91. At this time Selectman Chizy motions to authorize MRA Multisport use of Marions Camp for morning swims and open water swim races on the dates provided in the calendar months of June through September 2013 Selectman Hall 2nds passes 4-1 (Selectman Hersom against). Selectman Chizy motions to authorize the Board of Selectmen acting as Harbor Masters for the Town of  Sutton to allow MRA Multisport to place buoys 100 feet from the shoreline of  Marions Camp, Selectman Stuart 2nds passes 4-1 (Select. Hersom against). Selectman Chizy motions to authorize MRA Multisport use of Marions Camp to hold a USA Triathlon on June 21st, 2013 contingent upon the States approval of the permit application Selectman Hall 2nds passes 4-1 (Select. Hersom against).

Multiple Representation Disclosure for Animal Control Officer: TA Smith informs the BOS that we currently share an officer with Northbridge and Millbury. This disclosure allows Kopelman and Paige to work for both Sutton and Millbury to draw up an agreement for an intermunicipal agreement. The IMA once drawn up will go before the BOS for signatures. TA Smith has met with the Town of Northbridge and Millbury several times to discuss. There will be an added auto allowance as well as the request by the towns for a back up to the full time officer. Selectman Hall asks if the Town of Millbury will send the Animal Officers wages to the town of Sutton or will he be paid by individual towns. The reason he asks is because if he shows full time hours in our town he will get added benefits as well as it affecting our OPEB. Selectman Chizy says we have had issues in the past getting a good Animal Control Officer, Dan Chauvin is good at the job, let’s get it done. Selectman Hall motions to approve the multiple representation disclosure allowing Kopleman and Paige to represent the Town of Sutton and Millbury regarding the Animal Control officer, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 5-0

TA Update:
  • Goals & Objectives meeting to be held in July. Please give us a few dates to work with. We are looking at Tuesday July 9th, the 23rd or the 30th. Chairman Hebert says either the 9th or the 30th.
Employee Appreciation cookout this Friday at station 1. TA Smith would like to close the Town Hall at 11am so the employees can enjoy.

Announcements: N/A

Round Table:
        Selectman Stuart says he and Dave Hall both have a student graduating on Thursday. They are very proud of the Senior Class have fun but be responsible. Have fun at parties but be in control, be safe.
        Selectman Hall thanks Ken for his statement.

        Selectman Chizy thanks Deb Jacques, Mary Whittier and the Whittier children for organizing the Memorial Day Parade
        Mike goes on to say a Time Capsule was buried today at the school. It was a nice event.
Selectman Stuart motions to adjourn, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0
Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm