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05/21/2013 BOS Meeting Minutes
       Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 6/4/2013 by a vote of    4-0-1                                                                                 
                                                                    (Selectman Stuart abstains)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – May 21, 2013
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Michael Chizy, Vice-Chair John Hebert, Selectmen Richard Hersom and David Hall
                                                                                    (Selectman Stuart absent)
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman Chizy calls for a moment of silence for the people in Oklahoma who have been affected by the recent tornado.

Public Forum: Vice-Chairman John Hebert of 23 Singletary Ave reflects on disturbing comments made during the Spring Town Meeting.  John says the speaker was right about one thing, the Town Report is a historical bound document, control of this report falls under the Board of Selectmen. Dept. heads submit their reports to the Town Clerk, once she has gathered all the information the Town Report is put together. The Town Administrator under the direction of the BOS along with his management team operates the town. Our Town Administrator passed a balanced budget 2 ½ months early this year, we do things the right way in Sutton we are not in Uxbridge. As far as the residents comment about the $400,000. figure, which is Central Purchasing, Community Development, Personal, etc. That is all under the supervision of the Town Administrator Jim Smith. Our auditors Melanson and Heath audit every year, any comments or suggestions are addressed. We have a very good bond rating of AA stable which helps us have good interest rates. Our town moderator is well qualified and informed.

Selectman Hebert motions to accept as presented the BOS meeting minutes from 5/7/13, Selectman Hall seconds passes 3-0-1
                                                                (Selectman Hersom abstains, absent from 5/7 meeting)
Public Hearing: Vinny’s Automotive. Selectman Hersom reads the notice as advertised in the Millbury Sutton Chronicle on May 2, 2013. Applicant Vincenzo DiMolfetta of 32 Maple Street, Millbury with a business address of 32 Boston Road, Sutton is present. Mr. DiMolfetta has purchased the property. He is an auto mechanic as well as repairs small engines. He would also like to sell used vehicles. Selectman Hebert and Hersom have no issues, Selectman Hall drives by site daily and sees they are cleaning up the site, Dave asks about number of vehicles to be stored on property as Planning board says 11 and Building Commissioner says 10 . TA Smith states that Building Commissioner John Couture reviewed the site and as written in the enclosed letter advises a limit of a total of 10 vehicles. Chairman Chizy asks if he is satisfied with 10 vehicle limit, Mr. DiMolfetta replies yes. Hearing no further questions, Selectman Hebert motions to close the public hearing, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0. Selectman Hersom motions to approve the Class II license for Vincenzo DiMolfetta dba Vinny’s Automotive located at 32 Boston Road with the number of vehicles inside and out not to exceed 10, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0

Historical & Cemetery Commission appointments: Lori Funari is present for an appointment to the Historical Commission. Lori has lived in town for 9 years; she loves the town and feels this would be a good fit. Selectman Hebert has no issues, Selectman Hersom and Hall and Chairman Chizy offer thanks for volunteering and welcome Lori. Hearing no further comments Selectman Hall motions to appoint Lori Funari to the Historical Commission with a term to expire June 30, 2015, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0
Jim Renaud is present for an appointment to the Cemetery Commission. Jim stepped down from the Cemetery Commission a few years ago as he could not handle the physical requirements. Now the cemetery work falls under the highway dept. and the commissioner appointment is labor free. Selectman Hebert says welcome back, Chairman Chizy asked how many cemeteries in town, Jim replied 30 plus, 14 are maintained. Hearing no further comments Selectman Hersom motions to appoint James Renaud to the Cemetery Commission with a term to expire June 30, 2016, Selectman Hall seconds passes 4-0     

MRA Sport: Present in the audience are members of Lake Singletary Association as well as Alex with MRA Support.  Alex states they have not started using the beach yet due to the water temperature, their plans to have 10-12 swimmers out early in the morning (6:30am) will begin shortly. Rather than swim out to the island they have decided to put in temporary buoys 25-50 feet out parallel to the Marion’s Camp buoys.  Swimmers will be wearing bright caps for visual safety as well as tow behind buoys. MRA Sport does have liability insurance. Selectman Hebert asks for clarification on the buoy distance. Alex (MRA) states 25 to 50 feet from the Marion’s Camp buoys. Selectman Hebert is happy to hear that rather than swimming to the island, John also asks that the swimmers think of the neighbors along Tuttle Road that early in the morning, a representative of MRA should open the gate and allow vehicles to pull in rather than line up along the road and disturb residents. TA Smith replies he has agreed to meet with Alex and give him a key to open and close the gate. Alex will call the dispatcher when they arrive and notify them when they leave. Selectman Hall asks for clarification on temporary buoys. Alex replies in now and out in September. TA Smith replies that under Ch 91 a seasonal license can be issued through the summer and they have to apply for a new permit each spring through the BOS as the BOS are the Harbor Masters in Sutton. Chairman Chizy says most of the questions have been answered, although this is not a public hearing Mike allows questions from the audience. Dan McNamara Oak Drive says this sounds like a done deal; he goes on to say we like to share the lake, we have no problem sharing. He is glad to hear they are putting buoys out for safety. He does have an issue with the town dedicating resources for a private company , Dan is afraid we are setting precedence allowing a private company to  take over the lake. Paul Kawolis, 95 W. Sutton Road (President of the Sing. Lake Association) Paul begins by saying the association has no jurisdiction over the lake, they have no opinion. He is glad safety issues are being addressed but he also is concerned with liability. Boaters will have to have a buffer zone of 150” from the MRA buoys which makes that additional area unusable. Paul does have an issue allowing them to open the gates when there is no life guard on duty, is the town allowing MRA to act as an agent for the town, if so who holds the liability. Paul would also like to see some form of notification on the Millbury side to inform boaters when MRA is in the water to minimize risks. Going forward the Lake Association would like a voice at the table. Chairman Chizy states our concern from day 1 has been safety. Alex discusses the Summer Solstice to be held on June 21. There will be lifeguards as well as kayaks overseeing event for safety, all swimmers will be out of water by 7:30pm.  Alex goes on to say all events are sanctioned by our government body. EMT’s as well as Police details have been addressed. Wayne Junilla of 22 Tuttle Road has made calls to Boston regarding the permits needed. Wayne states the organization must go through DEP to use the lake for sanctioned events. The BOS do not grant the permit it is DEP 1st. The Environmental Police work along with DEP to ensure there are not too many boats on the water at one time. Wayne says Nancy Gabriell with DEP and Will Gray with Environmental Police should be contacted.  Selectman Hersom asks where we stand in this process, as a Harbor Master I have to rethink this, there is a lot of liability with a potential tragedy. Rick asks what benefit is this to the Town of Sutton. TA Smith replies there is a fee paid for every open swim as well as a fee per participant. TA Smith has been working with Town Council Tom McEnaney on an agreement with MRA with full release of the Town regarding liability. Lee Carmen 77 Singletary Ave. also has safety concerns and feels temporary buoys should be put in before the swims and taken out after the swims. John Halpin of 17 ½ Singletary Lake says be careful, last year he was on his deck and there was a swimmer 10-15 feet out and he did not see him. Selectman Hersom would like to move this to a point in time when there is a definitive plan in front of the BOS as well as insurance issues covered releasing the town of liability. John Greenlaw 20 Newton Drive feels the BOS are opening a can of worms by allowing this, what will you allow next year.  John Charest, 23 Horne Drive feels Selectman Hersom is the voice of reason. This could be a disaster waiting to happen. Selectman Hersom motions to postpone talk until all information is gathered and all boundaries have been mapped out as well as any conditions  mapped out; there are too many balls in the air, Selectman Hall 2nds passes 4-0. Chairman Chizy suggests to MRA to get together with Lake Association and come up with a resolution. Paul Kawolis said the Lake Association has decided to stay out of this they are not for or against; they are just concerned with the liability they would like to be at the table to minimize Sutton’s liability. TA Smith asks if they can continue to swim early morning as they had done last year. Selectman Hersom asks if any resident has access to the lake at 6:30 in the morning. Selectman Hersom wishes to take the conservative approach and have an overall plan in front of the BOS.        

Approval of cost allocations for schedule 19 yearend report: Accountant Tim Harrison presents to the BOS this revised agreement between the BOS and the School Committee. After brief discussion Selectman Hersom asks if Tim is comfortable with this, Tim replies yes. Selectman Hall asks if this will have impact on the operating budget, Tim replies no. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Hall motions to approve the Indirect Cost Allocation Agreement between the Sutton School Committee and the Sutton Board of Health, Selectman Hersom 2nds passes 4-0

TA Update:
  • Discusses the $400,000. Remark made by a resident at town meeting
  • Letter attached by Fire Chief Belsito regarding a water issue on May 8th
  • SWAT team Bear Cat picture during use in Boston on April 19th involving officers Cowan and Montiverdi

        Selectman Hebert reminds all of Memorial Day parade on Monday.
        Selectman Hall asks for alittle info on the bear cat. TA Smith replies it was purchased with a grant written by Chief Towle. It is housed in Webster and is for regional towns to use.

        Chairman Chizy reminds all of the need for food at the Food Pantry

Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0         
 Meeting adjourned 8:20 pm