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05/07/2013 BOS Meeting Minutes
       Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 5/21/13_ by a vote of   3-0-1                                                                          
                                                                    (Selectman Hersom abstains, Selectman Stuart absent)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – May 7, 2013
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Michael Chizy, Vice-Chair John Hebert, Selectmen Ken Stuart and David Hall
                                                                                    (Selectman Hersom absent)
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum
Selectman Stuart  motions to approve as presented meeting minutes from 4/16/13, Selectman Hebert  2nds passes 4-0 (Hersom absent)
 Kings Campground Store common victualler renewal: Present from the campground is Kris Klama, campground manager and Lester Szawlowski owner of the campground.  TA Smith reviews with the BOS that at the meeting in April, the BOS referred Mr. Szawlowski to the Board of Health before the Selectmen would renew the store common vic. They went before the BOH on April 22nd, all fees to the BOH are paid and the Campground license was issued allowing them to open just the campground. Mr. Klama states the campers are coming in now and it would be in the best interest to have the store opened. He goes on to say they have not yet received the license to sell cigarettes as the application goes through the IRS and they are busy due to tax season. Selectman Hebert asks the hours the store will be opened, Kris responds limited hours during the week as the campers are at work, Fridays 8-9pm, Saturday 8-9pm and Sunday 8 – 5pm.  Selectman Stuart begins by saying it pains the BOS to shut down a business, Ken emphasizes the importance of renewing on time. The board will not be as nice the next time. Kris Klama says he agrees, in the past he has dealt with the campers, he will pay more attention to the bills and permits as well. Kris goes on to say they were not late because they did not want to pay the fee; they were in the whole trying to collect from their patrons.  TA Smith informs the BOS the fee for the common vic is $50.00.  Selectman Hall says there is not much to add, with the camp open and the store closed it must be a pain but businesses have to do things the right way. Chairman Chizy says everyone pays and gets their licenses the same time, it is not fair to the other businesses and it is not fair to us to have to take time from meetings to discuss this. The fee is $50.00, which has nothing to do with what you collect. Kris responds it was overlooked. Hearing no more comments, Selectman Hall motions to approve the common victualler renewal for Kings Campground Store, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0.

Goals & Objectives update: The following were the areas discussed with goals for FY13. The Beehive building, located in the historic district with an appraised value of $167,000. The lot has 2 uses, a 6 apartment building and the center store. The issue is there is 1 septic and 1 well for both buildings which would create an issue if we were going to split the property. If sewer was available then it would not be an issue. There is some interest in making professional office space in the apartment building.  If someone were to purchase for that use it would have to be rezoned which would require town approval. Marion Camp improvements:  the pavilion is near completion. John Couture was the project mgr and BVT did the work. The cost when complete will be between 25,000-30,000. And it will look like it cost 200,000. to construct. We will be looking in to bringing power to the pavilion for lighting, sound system water and sewer. Andrews Engineering is working on the septic design. The roof on Goddard lounge will also need to be replaced in the near future.  Solar Panels on town owned buildings: Manchaug Fire Station, Senior Center, Sewer Treatment plant and wilks Fire Station were on an RFP for Solar panels. Ostrow Electric was the winning bidder. Wilks Fire Station has been eliminated due to the age of the roof. The cost for the remaining 3 locations will be approx. $284,000.00, $74,000. Will be paid out of the Sewer Dept retained earnings and the rest will have to go before town meeting for approval.  New business on route 146: the road improvements at 146 and Boston Road have gone out to bid, bid openings will be in early summer. Galaxy Development should begin work in early summer at Pleasant Valley Crossing. Sewer connections will be done at Boston Road and Sutton Plaza as well as the Pleasant Valley Crossing site. The water dept. is exploring new sites for additional wells on land adjacent to Pleasant Valley. There continue to be discussions with Aggregate regarding that site. There is an interested party that would like to build a million foot warehouse there, traffic could be an issue. Shaw Farm: Art Allen flagged the wet land delineation as well as the vernal pool determination. Work on the trails continues to be done by volunteers. Cell Tower on the Whittier property: Jim will have John Arthur from Wireless Edge at a meeting in the summer to update the BOS; the cell tower industry is very slow. The goal session to be held in July will not be an issue. Selectman Hebert says that Galaxy Development just completed a project in Webster, their work is very impressive. Selectman Stuart says the 146 project is such an intricate part of what we talk about, this will improve things, he is very excited.  Ken also questions the rezoning of the Beehive building, TA Smith says we will involve all departments required and come to a reasonable solution. Selectman Hall found this update to be very helpful for him; it helps us to see the vision for the town and helps to make sense of where we are going. Some things such as the cell tower is beyond our control. TA Smith agrees that the update is a great idea, we make goals and then they are not discussed, updates show the progress. Chairman Chizy is happy with the progress on all that was discussed, he does have concerns with the traffic should a warehouse be built on the Aggregate property. TA Smith replied that there will be several traffic studies should that proceed.

TA Update:
  • Fire Lieutenant for Station 1: Jeff Briggs has been appointed. It was a unanimous decision between Chief Belsito, Chief Towle and TA Smith. Jeff scored the highest on the exam.
  • Green Line Velo bike race: to be held June 9th from 7am to 6 pm. A donation will be made to the Sutton Food Pantry.
  • Michael Ellsessar family fun run: May 19th at the Simonian Center. There will be 2 races
  • SWAT team/Bearcat to Boston on April 19th Officer Cowan and Officer Montiverdi were sent to Boston to deal with the Boston Bombing suspects.
  • MRA Multi Sport to be before the BOS on May 21st to review usage.   

        Selectman Hebert: Mothers Day Breakfast, May 12th 8am-11am. Moms eat free, kids under 5 free, everyone else $10.00.

Round Table:
        Chairman Chizy: Arbor Day was held at the Sr. Center. Jen Hager does a terrific job every year. 3 trees were planted.
                        Great time at the Sr. Center Friday night with disc jockeys and root beer floats.
                        Food Pantry in need of food.

Selectman Stuart motions to adjourn, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0          Meeting adjourned 7:55 pm