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04/02/2013 BOS Meeting Minutes
       Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  4/16/2013 by a vote of 4-0                                                                            
                                                                   (Selectman Hersom absent)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – April 2, 2013
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Michael Chizy, Vice-Chair John Hebert, Selectmen Richard Hersom, Ken Stuart and David Hall
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum
Selectman Hersom motions to approve as presented meeting minutes from 3/19/2013, Selectman Hebert 2nds passes 5-0
Selectman Stuart motions to accept but release at a later date Exec. Session minutes from 3/19/2013, Selectman Hebert 2nds passes 5-0

Recognition of Eagle Scout Nathan Antaya: Nathan is present along with his parents. Nathan gives background to his years as Cub Scout, Boy Scout and now Eagle Scout. Nathan worked with Connect Africa and collected over 5000 items to send to orphaned children in Uganda. Nathan went on to say it was a big learning experience in leadership. Selectman Hebert says the town of Sutton is very lucky to have kids like Nathan. Selectman Hersom says he is very proud of Nathan; it will be life changing for the children that will receive the donated items as well as Nathan. Selectman Stuart invites Mr. & Mrs. Antaya up to stand behind Nathan. Ken was on the review board and knows that Nathans parents were behind him from day 1. Ken goes on to say this is a tremendous accomplishment and thanks Nathan and his parents. Selectman Hall echoes sentiments; he goes on to say this project reached from the small town of Sutton across the world to Africa. It is good will; these contributions will have a large impact. Chairman Chizy asks what made him pick this type of project; Nathan responded that a person involved with Connect Africa gave a presentation at his church which got him interested in helping them. Selectman Stuart reads the recognition at this time.

Captain appointment: Fire Chief Belsito is here to present Jake Nunnemacher as the newly appointed Captain of Station 1.  Chief Belsito says that Jake comes with over 20 years experience on the Fire Dept. and offers thanks to Jakes wife, Jen along with his parents Penny and Knick. The Nunnemacher family has over 100 years of service to the town. At this time, Jakes wife Jen pins the badge, his 3 children present pins and badges and his father Knick (retired Captain of Station 1) presents the shield which will be worn on his helmet. Jake addresses the BOS and the audience by saying he has lead by example, he has great leaders in front of him (father, uncle, Mark Brigham). It is hard to live up to their standards but seeing their dedication, it makes him strive for more. Selectman Hebert offers his congratulations, Selectman Hersom says he looks forward to many more years of service to the town, Selectman Stuart credits Penny and Knick on their kids upbringing, Selectman Hall and Chairman Chizy offer their congratulations.     

Late common Vic. for Kings Campground store:  present is Lester Szawlowski. TA Smith informs the board that the renewal paper work was received February 27. The due date was the end of November. We held off putting it on the agenda as they owed the Board of Health for last year’s inspections as well as a personal property tax. All past bills have been paid. TA Smith is requesting the BOS approve contingent on all permits pulled and paid for in the BOH for the upcoming season. Selectman Hebert says he is not very happy, we have rules and regulations set up in town, there is a lot of work put into paperwork for renewals, proper notice goes out to businesses then they go before the BOS in December, it is not fair or prudent on your part to not pay in time. Selectman Hersom goes on to say we held 1 hearing in December to renew for Common Vics. The BOS had a serious discussion regarding late renewals, by not getting the paperwork in on time it is unfair to businesses that follow the process. This does not sit well with Selectman Hersom, if this happens again with the next renewal process Rick will not vote to approve the license. Selectman Stuart agrees with all that has been said. This seems to be an ongoing problem as this is not the first time being late. At this time, Mr. Szawlowski replies that he was in a car accident on November 6th; the paperwork was in his vehicle. Selectman Stuart responds that this is not the 1st time he was late. Selectman Hall says the BOS encourage businesses to prosper in town, things need to be done, there have been a number of late filings for Kings Campground, we need to be sure the businesses are safe and permits in place. Chairman Chizy says if you lose the paperwork you call and we get you another copy, it is not a valid excuse. Until all permits are pulled with the BOH we cannot issue your common vic. If you do open before permits pulled the Police Chief will be down there. BOH Cheryl Rawinski says they can open before the next BOH meeting which is scheduled for April 22 as long as all paperwork for permits along with payment submitted to the BOH. TA Smith replies he wants the BOH to vote on this. Chairman Chizy says as a reminder that if they open prior to getting all permits & licenses the Police Chief will go shut them down.  Selectman Hersom (without intent to insult the TA) motions to pass on this until all appropriate signoffs with the Board of Health and other departments have been received required for them to operate , Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0 (Chairman Chizy reiterates to Mr. Szawlowski you can not open until all permits obtained).
Post-Issuance Tax Compliance policy: TA Smith informs BOS that Bond Counsel has advised the town to adopt this policy due to the change in federal law. The town has been in compliance, this is just a formality. The board has no questions, Selectman Hersom motions to accept the Post-Issuance Tax Compliance policy as presented to be included with our financial policies Selectman Hall seconds passes 5-0

Proposed revisions to the Town Charter: TA Smith informs the BOS this has been sent to Town Council for their review. Jim would like to have the Review Committee attend a future meeting for any questions. Selectmen Hersom (member of the review committee) comments on the astute group of people that sit on the review board. He goes on to thank Laura Caruso’s invaluable role. Rick says a lot of the changes are only strengthening the language as well as grammar corrections. The board looks forward to have the Charter review Committee before them

Final FY14 budget presentation: TA Smith reviews a few areas that have changed; he says the budget is balanced. Some of the changes were due to the reduced Health care (savings of $300,000.) this allowed more money to go to the school as well as unemployment costs are down. Selectman Hebert says thank you for your hard work, the stabilization fund growing to 2.2 million helps with our bond rating as well as to keep us on stabile ground  Selectman Hersom is very encouraged, this is the best budget meeting in years, Jim and Tim are to be commended with their consistent, conservative approach.  Selectman Stuart says those are the 4 magic words “the budget is balanced”.  The town is managed very well great job by Tim & Jim. Selectman Hall agrees that this is the best budget he has seen, a lot has happened with this budget such as the health care decrease, we fought for this reduction, we are turning the corner, more money given to the school, funding OPEB, this is all due to hard work. Chairman Chizy says it is amazing where we are from where we have been. We applaud the financial team.    

Draft: May Town Meeting Warrant: TA Smith says the 1st 7 articles are the same every year, TA Smith reviews 8-16 in depth. This will be before the BOS at the next meeting to approve and sign.

Approve Special State Primary Warrant: Hearing no comments/concerns Selectman Hebert motions to approve as presented the Special State Primary warrant to be held on April 30, 2013 between the hours of 7am and 8pm at precincts 1, 2 and 3, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 5-0
Town Administrators Update:
  • New employee in Town Clerks office. Please welcome Pam Gemme of Hartness road. Thanks to Laura Caruso for doing a thorough search.
Gift from Sgt. James Valentine: flag was flown over Afghanistan & Kuwait and then presented to the Town of Sutton. Currently it is in the Board of Selectmen’s meeting room.
  • BVT has agreed to rescind their vote on March 7 for the 2.9 billion dollar borrowing. It will be back before the towns next year.               
Announcements:        N/A
Round Table & Correspondence:  
        *Chairman Chizy says the Food Pantry is in need of supplies
Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0          Meeting adjourned    8:10pm