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03/05/2013 BOS Meeting Minutes
       Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 3/19/13 by a vote of _4-0-1_                                                                           
                                                                  (Selectman Hersom abstains, not present at 3/5 meeting)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – March 5, 2013
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Michael Chizy, Vice-Chair John Hebert Selectmen Ken Stuart and David Hall
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques, secretary   

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum
Vice Chair John Hebert asks for a moment of silence for Harry Bailey who passed away last week. He was a former Selectman and a pillar in the community.

Selectman Stuart motions to approve the meeting minutes from 2/19/2013 as presented, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0 (Selectman Hersom absent)   

PUBLIC HEARING read as advertised in the T&G on February 15, 2013 by Selectman Stuart. Here to represent NGrid are Joanne Lupa, Environmental Scientist; Nancy Marshall, Environmental Consultant and Tom Wall, NGrid representative. TA Smith informs BOS that Fire Chief Matt Belsito is also here to answer any questions. Tom Wall explains this fuel tank was relocated from the Westboro facility. It has been installed at the repair garage in South Sutton. Hearing no concerns or comments, Selectman Stuart motions to close the Public Hearing, Selectman Hebert seconds, and passes 4-0. Selectman Hebert motions to approve the request from NGrid to install a 6000 gallon above ground diesel fuel tank to be used for truck fueling purposes at the existing NGrid facility in South Sutton as listed on Assessors Map 45 Parcel 66, Selectman Hall seconds passes 4-0

Proposed use of Marion’s Camp: Alex Rogozenski, owner and operator of MRA Multisport (an endurance based sport club) is present. TA Smith begins by saying the hours of the following events will not impact the normal beach operations, Alex reviews with the BOS his proposal which includes: Sprint Triathlon on 6/21 @ 7pm which would end with a gathering of participants with a DJ or band, open water swim race 7/13 & 8/24 @ 9am, mini sprint training 5/23, 6/13 &7/18 @ 6:30pm,  open water swimming training clinics 6/8, 7/13 & 8/3 @ 7:30am and open water swims every Mon. Wed. Fri. & Sat @ 6:30am starting May 1. The club will pay a onetime fee as well as a per entrant fee for the use of Marion’s Camp.  If Police Detail is needed the club will cover the expenses. Trained lifeguards supplied by MRA will be present. Alex has already had discussions with the Police Chief, Highway Superintendent and Fire Chief. Selectman Hebert asks how the long distance swims will be kept safe from boaters, Alex replied they have balloon buoys as well as kayaks on the water.  John feels it would be good to have the police boat on the water for the 1st event.  John goes on to ask what time the post party would wrap up as well as how many anticipated attendees. Alex asks what time the town would like the event to end, John Hebert states we should keep uniform with events on Manchaug Lake which is 10pm. Alex goes on to say there will be a cap of 300-350 participants. Johns final comment is no alcohol allowed and to also notify the Board of Health of all events. Alex states there is a local brewery that would like to sponsor; John Hebert and Mike Chizy both say no alcohol. Selectman Stuart says this is what Marion’s Camp was put together for but agrees with John that there must be consideration for the neighbors. Selectman Hall says this is a terrific opportunity for Marion’s Camp; this use for this facility is a great thing. Dave asks who covers the expense for lifeguards, police & fire, the public safety elements to this. Alex responds that the club covers all incurred costs. Chairman Chizy remarks that this is why we bought Marion’s Camp and this is using it to its full potential. Selectman Hall motions to approve the proposed usage of Marion’s Camp by MRA Multisport as presented, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0.

Multiple Representation disclosure: TA Smith says this is regarding Gilmore Drive, part of this is in Northbridge but the largest portion is in Sutton. Kopelman & Paige acts as legal representation for both towns. In order to represent both towns, the BOS must approve duel representation. TA Smith says the agreement will be presented to the BOS at the March 19th meeting. Hearing no issues Selectman Hall motions to approve the Multiple Representation disclosure between Kopelman & Paige, Town of Northbridge and Town of Sutton for the Intermunicipal Agreement for the Maintenance of Gilmore Drive Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0

Request to overspend Snow & Ice budget FY13: TA Smith says due to the number of recent storms the Snow & Ice budget of $130,000. has been over spent by $53,998. The anticipated potential storm this week will add to the overspent amount.  TA Smith says that legally this account can be overspent. Selectman Hebert says that with 3 back to back storms that hit on weekends it is costly. Selectman Stuart says it is what it is, we live in New England. Ken goes on to say Mark Brigham and the Highway dept. did a great job clearing the streets so quickly during the monumental storm last month. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Hebert motions to authorize the overspending of the Snow & Ice budget FY13 Selectman Hall seconds passes 4-0

Review Towns Financial Policies: TA Smith says these policies were created 2 years ago and the town is working hard to attain these goals. TA Smith and Accountant Harrison would like these reviewed every two years and changes made if needed. These policies worked well with the recent S&P rating call, these are well intended policies and have served the town very well. Selectman Hall replies that these written policies are a positive for the town and really helpful; they support what we are trying to accomplish and keep us directed. Chairman Chizy says these are good policies. Hearing no further comments Selectman Stuart motions to accept as presented the towns Free Cash Policy, the Stabilization Fund Policy and the Debt Management Policy, Selectman Hall seconds passes 4-0  
Town Administrators Update:
  • Meeting with Fallon Community Health Plan: the IAC has scheduled a meeting with Fallon Community Health Plan for Wed. March 13 @ 2:45pm; Fallon is a finalist along with our current insurer MIIA. MIIA proposed an 11% reduction and Fallon proposed a 16% reduction. The IAC will meet again on March 27th to decide.
      John Whittier (Wayne Whittier’s son) as an Eagle Scout project will be working on a bridge crossing at Shaw Farm. This will be a 50 foot puncheon bridge over what is known as piggy back puddle. Jen Hager, Planning Director has already received the approval from Conservation.
  • Tour of Middle School/High School for the School Committee, School Building Committee and the Board of Selectmen   to be held Saturday March 23rd @ 9am; meet at the SBS trailer. (Sel. Hebert will not be available for this)  
  • Virtual Net Metering: there will be a presentation at the March 19th meeting. Present will be an Attorney from Prince Lobel for Off Site Solar. Off Site Solar is proposing a 1.2 megawatt facility at the end of John Road. This would generate 1.5 megawatts of electricity. TA Smith would assign 1 mega watt to the school and 500 kilowatts to the municipal side. This would be 30% off of the NGrid price over a term of 20 years with a total savings of over 1 million dollars. Prince Lobel will also be discussing a PILOT program for the site; this is a positive for the town. Selectman Hebert asks if this is  locked in with a 30% reduction for the full 20 years, TA Smith replies yes.
Selectman Stuart in regards to John Whittier’s project says that John is an exceptional young man, he is phenomenal. Ken goes on to say it is amazing that Jim Smith continues to find ways to save the town money; accolades to Jim.
Selectman Hall says the energy prices are going up not down, Dave likes the Virtual Net Metering concept as a learning project for school trips. Dave asks in regards to the Health ins. Can we offer more than one plan, TA Smith replies the RFP asked for a sole provider.    
        Selec. Stuart sat in on an Eagle Scout review board; these are exceptional young men that have devoted time for the     betterment of the town. Congratulations to Nathan Antaya and Anthony Fattman. Ken offers Sutton Cheerleaders    congratulations on winning the dual valley conference as well as regional’s.

Round Table & Correspondence:
        Chairman Chizy says the Food Pantry is in dire need of food and contributions to help residents with heating oil
Selectman Stuart motions to adjourn, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0 Meeting adjourned 7:50 pm