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09/18/2012 BOS Meeting MInutes
       Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 10/02/2012 by a vote of   3-0                                                                                  
                                                                        (Selectman Hersom absent)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – September 18, 2012
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Michael Chizy, Vice-Chair John Hebert, Clerk Kenneth Stuart & Member Richard Hersom  
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques Administrative Secretary  

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum

Selectman Hersom motions to approve as presented meeting minutes from 9/04/2012, Selectman Stuart second’s passes 4-0

Vote to layout public ways: Highway Superintendent Mark Brigham is present in Planning Director Jen Hager’s absence.  TA Smith begins by saying the BOS voted the intentions to lay out the roadways in August. The Planning Board met on September 10th and voted to recommend the BOS intentions. Selectman Hersom asked if there are any significant changes to the presentation Jen Hager gave, TA Smith replied no. Hearing no further comments or questions, Selectman Stuart moves  that the way known as Skye Line Drive be laid out as a public way in the town in the manner shown on a plan entitled “Skye Line Proposed subdivision in Sutton, Mass.” prepared by Lavallee Brothers Inc. dated April 4, 1986, and as set forth in a written description presented to the Board, and that the aforementioned description and layout plan be immediately forwarded to the Town Clerk for filing and the foregoing layout hereby to the town for acceptance. Selectman Hersom seconds, passes 4-0
Selectman Stuart  moves  that the ways known as Benoni  Dr, Blueberry Meadow Dr, Cedar Hill Dr, Strawberry Knoll Dr, Trilliam Run & Wildflower Dr be laid out as public ways in the town in the manner shown on a plan entitled “Colonial Acres, Town of Sutton, MA.” prepared by Kalkunte Engineering Corporation dated 11/11/1988 Revised through 11/6/1989, and as set forth in written descriptions presented to the Board, and that the aforementioned descriptions and layout plan be immediately forwarded to the Town Clerk for filing and the foregoing layouts reported to the town for acceptance. Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0

Fall Town Meeting Warrant draft: TA Smith reviews the warrant with the BOS. It will be before the BOS on October 2nd, for their approval. After the review, Selectman Hebert agrees with Article 1 saying it is a sign of the times. Regarding Article 9 housekeeping on language for Accessory Apartments, Selectman Stuart felt the previous wording was ambiguous; the changes better define the intent.

Special Election Warrant: TA Smith informs the BOS this Special Election is due to the early resignation of Kevin Geraghty. The only candidate on the ballot is David Hall. The election will be held on October 2 from 3pm to 8pm. Town Clerk Laura Caruso has made up the ballots and it will be a hand counted election.  Hearing no comments, Selectman Hersom motions to approve as presented the warrant for the October 2, 2012 Special Town Election, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0

Ratify Appointments to the Council on Aging: TA Smith reviews a letter received from Rose Marie DeGaetano, Chairperson for Council on Aging requesting the following appointments: Beverly Gravison advanced from alternate member to full member and Genevieve DeHann has become an alternate member. Chairman Chizy says they are both very good members he is happy with the appointments. Selectman Hebert motions to ratify the following Council on Aging appointments: from alternate to member Beverly Gravison with a term to expire 6/2015 and new alternate Genevieve DeHaan (no expiration). Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0

Town Administrator Evaluation:  The performance evaluation results were read by the Clerk for the Selectmen Kenneth Stuart with a final evaluation score of 95.97 out of a possible 100. Selectman Hebert says this town is blessed to have Jim Smith as our Town Administrator. Jim is bright and continues to impress the BOS, he is an advantage to the whole town. Selectman Hersom begins by saying this evaluation seems redundant, how do you find ways to praise someone that does a great job but from myself, my family and the residents thank you. Jim is a great asset to the town and a real pleasure to work with. Selectman Stuart agrees whole heartedly with comments made by Selectmen Hebert and Hersom. Ken goes on to say we are lucky to have him; he is a great asset to the town. Look around at other communities dealing with financial crisis, Jim maintains the ship and we appreciate the effort.  Chairman Chizy says he has not given Jim a score of 5 on anything. Mike says he marks hard and fair. Jim exceeds all expectations, keep going like you are, you may reach a 5.  Mike says he has been through several Town Administrators, Jim stands above them all, and he is the best in the valley. TA Smith takes this time to offer his thanks saying it is his pleasure to work for the town and the BOS. Jim goes on to thank the Dept Heads, Tim Harrison and Deb Jacques for helping him in the day to day business.

Town Administrators Update:
  • Marions Camp continues to show a profit. This has been a positive improvement for the town. Building of the  pavilion is set to begin on Monday
  • Hauling Contract: currently out to bid on the hauling contract for the Transfer Station, the bids are due at the end of the month. Pellegrino has had the contract since 2007.
  • Fourth Annual Golf Tournament to benefit the Sutton Food pantry to be held on Friday October 12th @ 9am at Clearfield’s in Millbury. Jim requests for the Town Hall to be closed that morning.
        Selectman Chizy reminds residents of Waters Farm Days to be held September 29th & 30th.
Round Table:       
        Selectman Hersom had received a DLS alert regarding 4 million dollars in funding for the next round of Community        Innovation Challenge grants through the Patrick/Murray administration. Rick is requesting TA Smith draw up a rough outline      regarding regionalization and targeted areas of where we may look for regionalizing services. Chairman Chizy says it is a       good idea.

        Chairman Chizy says he is glad the Golf Tournament is approaching and says the Food Pantry is not only for food, they also      offer assistance with electric bills, medicine cost and fuel assistance. Cash donations are appreciated to help with these bills.

Hearing no further discussion Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hebert seconds, passes 4-0
Meeting adjourned 7:40 pm