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07/24/2012 BOS Meeting Minutes
      Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on_8/7/2012 by a vote of    3-0-1                                                                                         
                                                                                Selectman Hersom abstains/absent from 7/24/12 meeting
                                                 7:00 p.m. – July 24, 2012
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Michael Chizy, Vice-Chair John Hebert, Clerk Kenneth Stuart   
                                                         Selectman Hersom absent
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques Administrative Secretary  

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum

Selectman Stuart approves meeting minutes from July 10, 2012 as presented, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0

Reschedule Special Election for BOS vacancy: Town Clerk Laura Caruso is present. TA Smith informs the BOS that at the last meeting, a motion was taking to hold the special town election the same day as the State Primary. After reviewing the time frame, Town Clerk Laura Caruso found it did not meet the time frame for MGL c41 s10. Fifteen days are added to the election schedule making it 64 days rather than 49 days.  Laura informs the BOS she is proposing an election date of October 2, 2012. TA Smith states there could be a dual election on November 6th but it could be confusing to voters as there would be 2 ballots and 2 separate check –ins and check-outs.  The last presidential election showed an 80% turnout/. Laura expects the same this year which could create added lines as well as time waiting to vote.  Selectman Hebert agrees October 2th would be the way to go, Selectman Stuart agrees and says he is fine with October 2nd.  Chairman Chizy would not want to see voters walk away due to long lines on November 6th.   Selectman Hebert motions to hold a Special Town Election on Tuesday, October 2, 2012. The Special Town Election is for a Board of Selectman vacancy with a term ending in May 2014, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 3-0. Chairman Chizy asks Laura to post on the Web site as well as cable.

Appointment to Sutton Housing Authority: Lew Atherton of 25 West Sutton Road is present along with Carl Hutchinson of the Sutton Housing Authority. Mr. Atherton begins by giving a brief background of his experience. He moved to Sutton in 2006 after retiring from the US Department of State as a Foreign Service Officer for 31 years. During his employment, he ran all aspects of housing programs including budget & maintenance. He goes on to say in that time he learned the value of moral and listening to people.  Lew has already met with the current members of the Housing Authority and feels he is a good fit with his experience. Selectman Hebert thanks Lew for coming forward and volunteering. His experience is very impressive; he is well rounded and will be a good fit. Selectman Stuart echoes John’s comments adding he is certainly qualified for the position. Welcome aboard and thank you. Chairman Chizy says he will be a good addition.  Selectman Stuart motions to appoint Lewis Atherton to the Sutton Housing Authority with a term to expire May 2013, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0

Permission to take Big Ben to Gettysburg: Carl Hutchinson (representative of the Sutton Independent Artillery) is present with a request to take the town owned, 6 pound cannon to Gettysburg for the 150th anniversary in July of 2013. Carl says the Sutton Independent Artillery is also known as Sutton’s Good will Ambassadors. Selectman Hebert says Carl and this group are a unique group of dedicated people. He has no issue with Carl taking the cannon out of town. Selectman Stuart remembers fondly the 300th Civil War reenactment for the celebration of Sutton’s 300th celebration. Ken says it is a great opportunity to show what Sutton is all about.  This cannon was found, refurbished and is meant to be shared. Chairman Chizy commends Carl on the care that goes in to maintaining the cannon. Mike goes on to say Sutton is one of the only towns around with a cannon like Big Ben. Hearing no further discussion, Selectman Hebert motions to approve permission for Carl Hutchinson and the Sutton Independent Artillery to take the town-owned, 6 pound cannon (aka Big Ben) to Gettysburg for the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg July of 2013, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 3-0 Carl expresses his interest of sharing the experience with the school.

FY12 Year End Transfers: TA Smith presents a list of transfers with documentation of reasons. The total amount of transfers is $31,310.00.  Selectman Stuart says it is straight forward, he has no questions. Hearing no discussion, Selectman Stuart motions to approve as presented the Fiscal Year 2012 Year End Transfers, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0

Wireless Edge 1 year lease extension: TA Smith is requesting a 12 month extension to the start date with Wireless Edge for the cell tower on Town Farm Road. The lease agreement was originally signed on August 2, 2011. John Arthur, president of Wireless Edge, said he originally had a commitment with Verizon wireless but that was withdrawn. This can go back out to bid  which would take 3+ months and then the winning bidder would need time for due diligence which could be another year.  Selectman Hebert believes in good faith, he believes this agreement will work out. Selectman Stuart says TA Smith has worked so hard on this and a cell tower is needed for this part of the valley. It is disappointing but feels it is economy driven and agrees to a 1 year extension but hopes it will not be a full year. Chairman Chizy says it is too bad we have to wait a little longer. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Hebert  motions to approve as requested a one year extension to the commencement date with the cell tower lease held by Wireless Edge with the lease dated  August 2, 2011 Selectman Stuart seconds passes 3-0
Donation of K9 cruiser: TA Smith is requesting the BOS transfer cruiser #607 (K9 cruiser) which is a 2007 crown vic. with a trade in value of $300.00.  to the Town of Douglas. Douglas is currently training an officer for the canine handler but they do not have an equipped vehicle. The Town of Sutton has received a $14,000.00 grant which will be used to purchase equipment for the new K9 vehicle as the equipment in the old car is not transferable. Jim said Mike Guzinski (Town Manager of Douglas) is very appreciative of the donation. Selectman Hebert says this is the right thing to do, it shows respect to the neighboring towns. It also keeps good communication between town lines. Selectman Stuart and Chairman Chizy are in agreement. Selectman Stuart motions to authorize transfer of K-9 Police Cruiser #607 (2007 Ford Crown Victoria) to the Town of Douglas Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0   

Town Administrators Update:
  • BOS Town Report: Jim has provided a draft and would like BOS to review due to Kevin’s resignation (prior year chairman) Jim is looking to the BOS for their approval
  • Police Bearcat vehicle: recently acquired (at no cost to taxpayers) thru a grant written by Chief Dennis Towle. This is to be garaged in Webster but is for Central MA Law Enforcement Council (CEMLEC)
The entire BOS and TA Smith comment on great job by Chief Towle.
  • The annual Goals & Objectives meeting to take place August 15th @ 6pm (Blackstone National)
State House press conference with Gov. Patrick: Attended by TA Smith, Mike Chizy and Jen Hager earlier today for Green Communities. There are now 103 Green Communities which is a significant achievement.  

Announcements:   NONE
Round Table:             NONE
Correspondence:         NONE

Hearing no further discussion:

Selectman Stuart motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0
Meeting adjourned 7:30 PM