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06/19/2012 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board Of Selectman
     Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on7/10/12_ by a vote of   3-0-2_                                                                                          
                                                         (Selectmen Geraghty & Hersom abstain, not present at 6/19 meeting)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – June 19, 2012
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Michael Chizy, Vice-Chair John Hebert, Clerk Kenneth Stuart
                                                                 (Selectmen Geraghty & Hersom not present)
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques Administrative Secretary  

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No Comments under Public Forum

BOS Meeting Minutes from 6/05/2012: Selectman Stuart motions to approve as presented Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0

High School/Middle School project update: Present is Wendy Mead, School Building Committee Chair person, Jonathan Winikur and Tim Alex with SBS. Wendy Mead states they are present to give an update to the BOS regarding the school project. Mr. Winikur begins with a power point presentation showing the phases of the project. He states this is a $57.8 million dollar project that began with ground breaking in July of 2011. The project is approx. 4-8 weeks behind schedule due in part to bid protests, the removal of asbestos and NGrid pole relocation issues. Phase 2 is scheduled for completion during the 1st quarter of calendar year 2013. At that time the middle school classes will relocate from the modular classrooms to the completed rooms. Phase 3 will then begin with the high school classes moving into the modular rooms. The target date for completion on phase 3 is fall of 2014. The final phase 4 will be the demolition of the old 1949 building. Tim Alix states the following activities are scheduled: placing the flat roof membrane, exterior sheathing, exterior brick, storm water detention as well as underground utilities. Winikur states they remain cautiously optimistic as far as completion dates as well as remaining significantly under budget.  Wendy Mead asks if there are any questions or resident concerns. Selectman Hebert thanks them for the presentation, he questions what the propane tanks are for, Tim Alix responds they are for the kitchen as well as the science labs. John asks what the cement block structure being built is for; Tim Alix responds that is a well house. Selectman Stuart says great presentation; it is amazing at how quickly the building is going up. Ken asks if they are preserving any of the old school (1949 building) Winikur states they are keeping the name of the school which hangs above the main entrance as well as the pieces of granite block it hangs on. These will be used within the new school building. Ken asks if the name of the school (Sutton Memorial High School) will be changed, Winikur replies that usually the School Committee addresses the name of a school. Wendy Mead said the time capsule  as well as other items are to be included in the new structure. Chairman Chizy said to save some space next to the flag pole as they have a rock that will be placed there with the WWII plaque on it. Mike thanks them for a great presentation, he goes on to say these updates answer a lot of questions residents may have.

Reappointments of Board & Committee members: Selectman Ken Stuart reads the list of reappointments (attached) as well as those asking to not be reappointed. Hearing no discussions, Selectman Hebert motions to approve as presented, the reappointments of various Board & committee members, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 3-0

Town Administrators Update:
  • Solar Fair: took place Saturday, June 9th.450 people attended the event. Currently there are 230 residents signed up for the free evaluation.  There will also be informational booths at the 4th of July event in Millbury as well as at Gorettis and the center store.
  • Annual Goal and Objectives meeting usually held late August. Please think about a few dates, this will be discussed at the July 10th meeting
  • Retirement party for retired Fire Chief Paul Maynard to be held at Blackstone National Golf Course on Saturday, June 30th ticket price is $25.00
Impending heat wave this week, remind all seniors the Sr. Center as well as the library offer air conditioned relief.

Announcements: None at this time
Round Table:
        Selectman Hebert discusses the meeting attended by Mike Chizy and himself in Northbridge on June 11th hosted by Steve O’Neil with WRTA. John says it was unfortunate there were so few in attendance but WRTA is checking in    to bus service for Sutton and Northbridge to and from the Millbury Mall. Also on display was a new hybrid bus which is handicap accessible with a cost of $650,000.
        Selectman Hebert thanks TA Smith for the letter sent to Arthur Frost (MA DOT) in support of the 146/Boston road project. (John reads the letter at this time)

Hearing no further discussion:

Selectman Stuart motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0
meeting adjourned 7:35 PM