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07/10/2012 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board Of Selectman
     Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 7/24/2012 by a vote of  3-0                                                                                    
                                                 7:00 p.m. – July 10, 2012
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Michael Chizy, Vice-Chair John Hebert, Clerk Kenneth Stuart & Selectmen Geraghty & Hersom
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques Administrative Secretary  

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Forum: James Dwyer 142 Ariel Circle, Sutton addresses the BOS in regards to Section 7-9 (a) of the Home Rule Charter which states the By-Law & Charter Review Comm. shall meet regularly, and upon his recent inquiry there has been no meeting. Mr. Dwyer asks how the BOS respond to questions asked of them in letters or by citizen’s forum. Also suggested was that the progress on the Goals and Objectives of the Board of Selectmen be posted in the annual town report.  

BOS Meeting Minutes from 06/19/2012: Selectman Hebert motions to approve as presented Selectman Stuart seconds passes 3-0-2
                                                                (Geraghty & Hersom abstain, absent from 6/19 meeting)
Motion Picture production: TA Smith presents to the BOS information on a movie to be filmed in Sutton on July 16 & 17th. Present is a representative from the film company Josh Slates. Josh approaches the BOS and gives a brief background of the movie “Labor Day” produced by Jason Reitman. Josh states that the movie is currently wrapping up in the western part of the state. Sutton was chosen due to the visual splendor of the area, a unique malleability. Josh goes on to say the Town of Sutton is able to pull off  the multiple time periods, the movie begins in the 60’s, jumps to the 80’s and then present time. This movie will be shot at a private residence on Douglas Road. Josh speaks highly of the friendliness of the school allowing them to use the parking lot and the community overall. TA Smith states that a meeting was held with the Police and Fire. Before the BOS is a license agreement prepared by Kopelman & Paige along with a certificate of insurance naming the Town of Sutton as an additionally insured. Chairman Chizy states he had taken part in a meeting with Josh, it was a pleasant meeting. Hearing no further comments Selectmen Hersom motions to approve license agreement between the Town of Sutton and Frank’s Pie Company for a motion picture production to take place in the Town of Sutton as described in the agreement, Selectman Geraghty seconds passes 5-0

Presentation of the Master Plan: Kris Bradner with Birchwood Design Group is present along with Jen Hager Sutton Planning Director. Jen Hager begins with introduction; the previous Master Plan was in 1992, with most master plans covering 20 years. Under MA Gen. laws, a Master Plan serves as a basis for decision making. The new committee was made up of Sutton residents, business owners as well as town department heads. There are 7 areas of focus: Goals & Policies, Land Use, Housing, Economic Development, Community Services & Facilities, Transportation & Circulation and Natural & Cultural Resources. Jen states there were several meetings, surveys and a public Master Plan charette.  Jens hopes are for every year at an Annual Town Meeting; update the town on the completed goals. After a brief power point presentation the implementation matrix was reviewed. This matrix assigned a number 1, 2 or 3 for the priority level as well as who is responsible for the project. Selectman Geraghty says a lot has been identified in all areas of town, Selectman Hersom offers his thanks for the presentation, he looks forward to the annual review to stay on top of the projects, Selectman Stuart says excellent presentation, well thought out, it shows Suttons character, and the timing is perfect with the 146 project.  It laid out the steps needed to carry out the plan from overview to implementation. Chairman Chizy thanks Jen and Birchwood Design for doing a great job.

Sutton Youth Baseball request for dug outs and temporary lights: TA Smith reviews the following requests: 4 dugouts at the 2 baseball fields on Hough Road and temporary lights for a tournament at the Hough Road field July 20-24th, with the lights off by 9pm. TA Smith has requested Sutton Youth Baseball to notify the abutters of the lights. The BOS are all in agreement that the dugouts are not a concern but regarding the lights, they all feel strongly that abutters should be notified. Hearing no further discussion, Selectman Hebert motions to approve the request by Sutton Youth Baseball Association for the construction of 4 dugouts at the 2 baseball fields located at the Hough Road field, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0 Selectman Stuart motions to approve the request by the Sutton Youth Baseball Association to install temporary lights at the Hough Road field for a tournament to be held July 20th through the 24th, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0

Debt projection power point: a debt update was requested by Selectman Hersom but TA Smith feels it is a concern of the entire BOS. TA Smith begins by listing the 3 ways to fund capital improvements. The Capital Stabilization Fund was created in 2007 and part of the Shaw Farm Override. This type of funding is recommended rather than a debt over ride which prior to the Capt. Stab. Fund was the only way to borrow for large capital items; Debt Exclusion Override which is presented at Town Meeting and requires a vote of 2/3’s   and then put onto a ballot for a majority vote and Free Cash which is yearend excess of budgeted projections and yearend expenditures less than appropriations; this is transferred into the Capt. Stab. fund.  Jim offers 12 years of debt override history and projections for review (FY06-FY18) FY 14 shows the peak of our debt and then it begins to roll off. The Middle School High School Project hit our debt for FY2012 purposely as our debt exclusion was scheduled to decrease substantially and with the historic low interest rates the cost of borrowing was in the best interest of the town. Before we increase our debt any further, the goal of the BOS & TA is to allow debt from the school project to start rolling off. TA Smith mentions the possibility of selling the gravel pit on Hatchery road and put the revenue towards a new Highway facility at Shaw Farm. Prioritizing projects of importance as well as using the Capital Stabilization funds for projects less than $1 million dollars is a sound financial strategy. Selectman Geraghty thanks Jim for the illuminating presentation, Selectman Hersom asks from a debt planning standpoint, when there is an increase to the balance of the Stab. Fund and there is no draw down, does this piggyback the balance next year? If so is this in perpetuity? TA Smith responds yes it does piggyback and the funds are there in perpetuity or until spent but the BOS can any given year vote to not transfer the 2 ½ % into the fund. With debt roll off there would still be an increase in the fund.  Selectman Hebert reviews the magnitude of debt roll off after the peak in FY2014, Selectman Stuart says fantastic presentation, it is good to see the numbers and with the all time low interest rates borrowing for debt may save money in the long run. Ken says that taxes will increase until FY 2014 and then a steady decline after. The Capt. Stab. Fund is the best program that has been put in place and the use of free cash means not putting the burden on the residents. Chairman Chizy says good presentation, it shows how we are spending our money and Mike applauds Kevin Geraghty for coming up with the Stab. Fund in 2007.      

Kevin Geraghty: Selectman Kevin Geraghty begins by informing all that he is about to resign. Kevin thanks his wife Lisa, their sons Connor & Joe and his daughter Nora for all of their support during his 7 years as a selectman. He says they all sacrificed and offers them his heartfelt thanks. Kevin proceeds to read his prepared resignation letter (attached). Selectman Hersom says for everything there is a season, with demands of family and life Kevin was still able to do a lot for this town.  There may have been times that they did not see eye to eye but he will always hold Kevin in high regards as differences were checked at the door, Rick goes on to say God Speed, thank you , you will be sorely missed but not forgotten. Selectman Hebert says as he listened to Kevin’s letter, he thought there are many different flavors from age to knowledge that have been on the board,  we share knowledge and we get a lot done. John thanks Kevin for the town and says he will be missed. Selectman Stuart begins by saying the first time he met Kevin they spoke about Sutton politics. Ken was impressed by Kevin’s ability to listen to everyone’s point of view. Ken goes on to say as an elected official you hope to make the right decision, this decision does not always make you popular but you hope it is the right decision. Ken goes on to say Kevin shaped the future of this town with support of the School Building Project, Marions Camp, and purchase of the Fire Truck & Shaw Farm. Kevin was also involved with creating the Capital Stabilization Fund. Sutton will always be your home town and you will always be welcomed. Chairman Chizy says he is happy he had the distinct pleasure of serving on the BOS with Kevin. He has good common sense and recently Sutton was named 8th best community out of 72. Mike goes on to say Kevin, you and this BOS had a lot to do with that.  It was a pleasure to work with you; the town is a much better place because you served on the BOS for 7 years. Your experience and common sense will be missed good luck with your life. (The BOS and TA give Kevin a standing ovation).
Selectman Hersom motions to hold a Special Town Election on Thursday, September 6, 2012 from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm, the same day as the State Primary. The Special Town Election is for a Board of Selectman vacancy with a term ending in May 2014 Selectman Stuart seconds passes 5-0
Chairman Chizy informs the BOS Kevin was on the Charter By-Law Review Committee, he would like to nominate Richard Hersom to the committee in place of Kevin, Selectman Stuart moves the motion, and Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0

Town Administrators Update:
  • YERT: an environmental documentary showing Wed., July 25th @ 6:30 pm in the Millbury Library in support of Solarize Millbury & Sutton  
  • Annual Goals & Objectives meeting: discuss potential dates, all in agreement for the 8th or 15th of August at Blackstone National
New Employee in the Assessor’s office Michelle Reed.
Sutton recently voted #8 out of 72 for best Central Ma communities.
The Bee hive building across the street was recently cleaned up; TA Smith has contacted Historical for a possible feasibility study to see what the best use of the property would be.
Selectman Stuart thanks Jim for having this site cleaned up.
  • TA Smith asks the BOS if a thermometer can be installed at the Town common to show the number of households that will be involved in the solar project. The BOS agree that would be beneficial to show residents the status of this project.
        Selectman Stuart reads information about the water treatment to be done on July 19th on Singletary Lake.  The beach at Marions camp will not be impacted.

Round Table:
        Chairman Chizy reads a list of the items needed at the Food Pantry.
        Chairman Chizy reminds residents new Transfer Station stickers are due on vehicles.

        Selectman Stuart reads a letter from BVT in regards to a proposed science lab renovation
        Chairman Chizy informs all of 2 letters received by Mr. Dwyer regarding the Charter & Bylaw Review Committee and the    Annual Town Report.     

Hearing no further discussion:

Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 5-0
Meeting adjourned 8:40 PM