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06/05/2012 BOS Meeting Minutes
      Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 6/19/2012 by a vote of   3-0                                                                                   
                                                                         (Selectmen Geraghty & Hersom not present)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – June 5, 2012
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Acting Chairman Michael Chizy, Clerk John Hebert, Selectmen Richard Hersom and Kenneth Stuart
                                                                         (Chairman Kevin Geraghty absent)
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques Administrative Secretary  

Acting Chair Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No Comments under Public Forum

BOS Meeting Minutes from 5/15/2012: Selectman Hersom motions to approve as presented Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0

Board of Selectmen Reorganization: The following nominations take place without discussion.
        Selectman Hebert nominates Michael Chizy to Chairman, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0
        Selectman Stuart nominates John Hebert to Vice-Chairman, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0
        Selectman Hersom nominates Kenneth Stuart to Clerk, Chairman Chizy seconds passes 4-0

Sutton Wines & Liquors Liquor license change: TA Smith informs the BOS this was approved by the BOS last September but the ABCC denied as some of the changes had to be cleaned up before they approved this. Hearing no comments Selectman Hersom motions to approve the request by Sutton Wines & Liquors, Inc. for a change in the existing directors/officers and related items as presented for the All Alcohol Retail Package Store Liquor License, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0  

Teamsters Contract: TA Smith discusses with the BOS the few changes to this 3 year contract. Included in this is a 1% raise in year 1, 2% in year 2 and 2 ½ in year 3. This will include steps as well as longevity added to the hourly rate. Longevity will be eliminated and anyone with less than 5 years will not receive longevity. Hearing no comments Selectman Stuart motions to approve as presented the Agreement between Teamsters Union Local #170 and the Town of Sutton for the period of July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2015, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0

Cell Tower Easement Agreement: TA Smith had presented this for review last month; this agreement is for the cell tower location on Stone School Road. This agreement begins in 2024 but there is a payment of $120,000.00 paid up front. The town could see $87,000.00 in revenue yearly from this site come 2024. TA Smith has included an option in this agreement to include Police and Fire repeaters at this site if needed. Chairman Chizy asked if this would improve cell service in town. TA Smith responded that cell service has improved thanks to Chief Towle and Chief Maynard but other locations for possible cell tower sites are Shaw Farm (town owned) or the Blue Jay property (potentially the location for a Police Station) Hearing no further discussion, Selectman Hebert motions  to approve as presented the Cell Tower Easement Agreement between HHO Realty Ventures “aka” TriStar and the Town of Sutton for property located on Stone School Road (map 26, lot 7) Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0

Town Administrators Update:
  • Senate Budget: Increases in lottery aid, chapter 70 and special education circuit breaker funds have been increased. Sutton will receive $47,000. in additional lottery aid and $60,000. In chapter 70 money. TA Smith is planning on appropriating these additional funds to the school dept. at the Fall Town meeting. Chairman Chizy asks what percent of lottery does the town receive, TA Smith replied this is the 1st year in a long time we are getting 100%.
  • Purgatory Bike Race: to be held on Sunday, June 10th. The sponsors will be making a donation to the Sutton Food Pantry.
  • The Solar Fair: To be held on Saturday, June 9th at the ELC gym. There will be activities for the children, free food as well as speakers educating residents on going solar. This is opened to Millbury residents as well. Signups will be offered for free evaluations of property owners wishing to go solar.
Selectman Hebert thanks Jim for putting together this solar fair; John says this is a positive for Sutton and Millbury. Selectman Hersom asks if you have to attend the fair to be included in the free evaluation, Jim responds you do not have to attend, go to and have your name added to the list, you can also go to the town web site and there is link on the front page. TA Smith invites anyone interested to watch the 5 minute videos made by Carrick and Garret McCullough. They are very informative.  Selectman Stuart says word has spread through the town, it is very exciting. Ken asks if those attending the Solar Fair have to bring anything with them, TA Smith replies no, just themselves. The more people that sign up will lower the cost for everyone.
  • Debt Update: to be discussed at the July 10th BOS meeting
        Selectman Hebert- June 11th @ the Northbridge Town Hall 7PM, CMRPC will hold a meeting regarding Transit Service in the Blackstone Valley
        Selectman Hersom-June 10th 11AM-3PM @ Whittier’s Farm is holding an event as June is National Dairy Month
Round Table:
        Selectman Hebert informs all that the improvements at 146 & Boston Road is on target to start in the spring of 2013. There will be lane and light changes which should reduce the congestion at that intersection. This is a 6 million dollar project.  Currently, the flyover project for that same intersection is scheduled for 2035 with a price tag of 51-52 million dollars. Selectman Hebert at this time asks the other BOS to authorize TA Smith to write a letter in support of the lane change project addressed to Arthur Frost at District 3. The 4 Selectmen present all are in agreement a letter showing support should be sent.        
        Chairman Chizy says this project is very important for the town. Selectman Stuart thanks Selectman Hebert for his update,       Ken goes on to say some think this is a bandaid, it is not, it is a step in the right direction. This will work out very well; the entire town should support the lane change project.

        Chairman Chizy comments on Memorial Day. John Hebert, Mike Chizy and Post #414 had a ceremony at Mateychuck square at 7:15 that morning and then followed with the wreaths in the river.  Mike thanks Janet Whittier and Pat Nedoroscik for decorating the square with flowers. He goes on to say we had a great parade and offers thanks to all involved especially Debbie Jacques and Mary Whittier.    

        Selectman Stuart reads the 2 letters sent to Phil Gauthier and Mark DeFronzo thanking them for sitting on the Fire Chief Review committee.

Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0
meeting adjourned 7:36 PM