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05/01/2012 BOS Meeting Minutes
      Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  5/15/2012 by a vote of  4-0                                                                                   
                                                                        (Selectman Geraghty absent)

                                                 7:00 p.m. – May 1, 2012
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Kevin Geraghty, Vice-Chair Michael Chizy & Selectmen John Hebert, Richard Hersom & Kenneth Stuart                                                                         
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques Administrative Secretary  

Chairman Geraghty calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Forum: No one present for Public Forum

BOS Meeting Minutes from 3/20/2012: Selectman Hersom motions to accept as presented, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0-2
                                                (Selectman Chizy & Stuart abstain/not present at meeting)               
BOS Meeting Minutes from 4/17/2012: Selectman Stuart motions to accept as presented, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0-1
                                                (Selectman Hersom abstains/not present at meeting)
Executive Session Minutes from 4/17/2012: Chairman Geraghty motions to approve but not to be released until issue complete,  Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0-1 (Selectman Hersom abstains/not present at meeting)
 Approve and sign May Town Meeting: TA Smith reviews the articles, the 1st 7 articles are identical to prior years, article #8 is a request to transfer to raise and appropriate funds for unemployment, in the past, $20,000.00 would be appropriated, the amount this year in anticipation of layoffs in the schools is $120,000.00.  Planning Director Jen Hager is present to discuss article #10 which is a citizens petition to amend the Zoning Bylaw for Accessory Apartments. Jen informs the BOS that the Planning Board voted 5-0 in favor of the recommendation. This would be for a detached structure (garage/barn) where a portion would be used for an accessory apartment. The property would have to be maintained as a single family home. Article 12 is to authorize a lease in 2024 for the cell tower located at Stone School Road & article # 13 is to purchase the property at 489 Central Tpk (the old Blue jay property) for a potential Police Dept. site. Selectman Hersom asked if article # 7 covers the projected capital plan for FY13, TA Smith replies yes Selectman Stuart has concerns with article #10 (the citizens petition) Ken questions septic tie ins and states it is ambiguous at this time. He would like to see this article better defined. Chairman Geraghty questions if you have a garage, can the whole garage be an apartment? Jen Hager states no, only a portion. Selectman Hersom motions to approve and sign the Annual May Town Meeting Warrant to be held on May 14, 2012 at the Early Learning Center, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 5-0
Adoption of Chapter 44 section 31: TA Smith informs the BOS that the town had received notification from the Dept of Revenue that under MGL the town must adopt chapter 44, section 31inorder to be reimbursed for expenses relating to major storms. This allows Sutton to preserve free cash when it will be certified in the fall. Hearing no questions (there are 2 motions to be made) , Selectman Hebert motions to adopt MGL Chapter 44, section 31 for the October 29th 2011 storm, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0
Selectman Hebert motions to authorize under MGL Chapter 44, Section 8 §9 the borrowing of $87,000. to pay emergency appropriations associated with the Town’s response to the October 29, 2011 storm, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0

Town Administrators Update:
  • MA Solarize Grant: to be held on Saturday, June 9th 9am-12:30 at the Elementary School gym. There will be presentations on geothermal, solar hot water and solar pv installation. There will also be activities for children and door prizes.
2 new hires: Lisa Troast for the position of payroll/HR specialist/assistant accountant and Paul Melia to the Cemetery Commission.
  • Tuesday, May 15th BOS meeting: Vera Kolias, AICP principal planner of CMRPC will be at the BOS meeting to discuss regional priorities to present at state level. (information in packets)
  • May Town Meeting to be held Monday, May 14th at the ELC at 7:30pm
  • 4th quarter SREC check received in the amount of $19,596.60. This brings the total to $110,000.00 for the year.  
        Selectman Chizy reminds residents there will be one Memorial Day Parade this year to be held in the center of town. Post 414 will be visiting cemeteries, some which are in Manchaug. There will also be a brief ceremony at the Mateychuck Triangle around 7:20 am on Memorial Day with the Dudley Gendron firing squad accompanied by the laying of a wreath. A detailed list of stops will be available on the cable channel as well as the town web site within a week.  

Selectman’s Roundtable:
         Selectman Stuart says he was happy to participate in the Little League/Softball Parade in town this past Sunday. Ken thanks  Sandy Burke, Joe Chirelli and Brian Hebert for their efforts as well as all the volunteers. He also thanks Anthony Cotoia for catching Kens opening day pitch. A good time was had by all.

        Selectman Hersom asks if at a future meeting if TA Smith could provide an overview of the next 7 years from a debt roll off standpoint. Rick feels this would offer citizens a clear picture as to where we are going financially. Selectman Stuart says very good idea, very useful. TA Smith replies yes, we will present in June.  

Chairman Geraghty entertains a motion to enter into Executive Session under MGL c30A, Sec. 21 #3 with the sole purpose of returning to open session for adjournment, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0

7:50 enter back into regular session, Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0

Meeting Adjourned 7:50 pm