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05/15/2012 BOS Meeting Minutes
      Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 6/5/2012 by a vote of   4-0                                                                                    
                                                                         (Chairman Geraghty absent)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – May 15, 2012
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Acting Chair Michael Chizy & Selectmen John Hebert, Richard Hersom & Kenneth Stuart                                                                        
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques Administrative Secretary  

Acting Chair Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Forum: No comments under Public Forum

BOS Meeting Minutes from 5/01/2012: Selectman Hersom motions to accept as presented, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0
                                                                        (Chairman Geraghty absent)
Executive Session Meeting Minutes from 5/01/2012: Selectman Stuart motions to accept as presented but not to be released until subject discussed is completed, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0
Proclamation for Myasthenia Gravis as read by Selectman Stuart. Bob Deboer is present to accept the annual proclamation and deliver it to the State House. Bob states that Sutton is one of 2-3 towns across Massachusetts that annually acknowledges MG. This awareness helps with funding at state level to educate individuals on MG.  Bob thanks the BOS for their continued support.  

Recognition for the retirement of Fire Chief Paul Maynard as read by Selectman Hersom. Fire Chief Maynard speaks to those in attendance stating that a Fire Chief is only as good as what is out there: (he motions to the large group of Sutton Fire Fighters in attendance). Selectman Chizy states “the Chief molds them” At this time, Selectman Hebert presents a plaque to Chief Maynard. Selectman Hebert (former Police Chief) states he had the pleasure of working with Paul Maynard for many years. Paul has a strong commitment to the community and the Sutton Fire Dept. He is always there to work with Department Heads and is a strong leader. Paul makes the Board of Selectmen very proud. Selectman Hersom offers his personal thank you as well as a thank you by the Board of Selectmen. You will be missed but never forgotten. Selectman Stuart says we forget what role the Fire Dept plays in the community but they put their life on the line at any given moment. He goes on to say we appreciate the jobs done by the Fire Dept as well as the Police Dept. Ken offers his thanks for serving the Town of Sutton and says it is not the end it is the beginning. Selectman Chizy says that the BOS have received many thank you cards through the years in response to the assistance they had received from the Fire Dept. Paul is a credit to the town. Mike offers his thanks to Paul; he has served the town well. TA Smith says it is obviously a significant loss to the town but we do have a good guy to replace him. Chief Maynard was the 1st appointment made by TA Smith; he has done a great job over the last 5 years.

Fire Chief Ratification: TA Smith says the interview committee narrowed down the applicants to 7, after the interviews it was narrowed to two. At this time, TA Smith introduces Matt Belsito as the new Fire Chief for the Town of Sutton. Matt briefs the BOS on his many years of service to the Millbury Fire Dept and currently holds the position of part time Fire Chief. Matt says he is a hands on chief and not afraid to get his hands dirty. Selectman Hebert welcomes Matt, he says he is a good fit He comes well recommended. Selectman Hersom echoes the sentiments, Rick states that if Phil Gauthier (sat on the committee for the Fire Chief) selected Matt as a finalist it speaks volumes. Selectman Stuart says it is an honor to call him Chief Belsito, welcome to Sutton. Selectman Chizy thanks the interview committee and says to Matt that his name is always mentioned in a good flavor, we are lucky to have someone with your experience and look forward to having you in town. At this time Chief Maynard presets the Chief helmet to Matt Belsito. Selectman Hersom motions to ratify the appointment of Matthew Belsito to the position of Full time Fire Chief effective May 21, 2012 Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0

Appointment to the Cemetery Commission: TA Smith introduces Paul Melia to the BOS. According to the Charter, the BOS appoint this position. Paul Melia is present for appointment. Selectman Stuart says he knows Pauls family very well and offers his thanks to Paul. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Hebert motions to appoint Paul Melia to the Cemetery Commission Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0

Blackstone Valley Prioritization Project: Vera Kolias, principal planner with CMRPC is present along with Donna Williams with Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor Commission and Jennie Hebert with Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce. Vera begins by saying this is to update the BOS on the Blackstone Valley Prioritization Project. This project covers 32 communities in the central region of Massachusetts; the goal is to identify regional and local priorities for growth and development. This planning effort will include help from local and regional participants. The hopes are to identify areas of priority as well as areas of preservation. There are 6 principles for this project, they consist of: infrastructure upgrades, new growth respectful of open space, land use accountability in regards to transportation, workforce housing produced and preserved in region, effective public transit to sustain new growth and coordinated planning & execution between jurisdictions. Vera has met with Planning Director Jen Hager to discuss and get feedback. Vera says it is important to inform the BOS as to what is identified in the town as they are the policy makers. There will be a regional forum at the end of June. The 3 phrases that stand out most are priority development, priority preservation and priority infrastructure.  Jeannie Hebert states she is thrilled that CMRPC is taken this project on as it opens up for more funding. Make all areas developable by choice not chance. Donna Williams is delighted with the process; this will bring pride to the valley. After a brief overview of a plan Vera thanks the BOS for their time.   

489 Central Turnpike Purchase & Sale TA Smith says that the Town authorized the purchase of this parcel at the Town meeting held Monday, May 14th, 2012. Closing will occur in the next 30-45 days. If in 3 or 4 years it is used for a Police Station great, if we can just clean it up that is great as well. It was a wise vote to approve this purchase. Selectman Hebert says it was prudent that this passed. Selectman Stuart said his peace at the meeting, he goes on to say the funds to purchase is not affecting tax payers, it is not a tax burden. Selectman Chizy says not a lot of people realize that Jim trys to find ways for the town to be able to afford different projects without impacting the tax payers, good job Jim. Selectman Hebert motions to Motion to approve the Purchase and Sale Agreement made between the Town of Sutton (Buyer) and Robert Sadowski (Seller) and Edward Kooyomjian (Seller) for property located at 489 Central Turnpike  for the sale price of $110,000.00 as voted and approved at the May 14th, 2012 annual town meeting, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0

Annual Boat Ramp Pass: TA Smith asks the BOS to approve an annual boat ramp pass for Manchaug Pond in the amount of $20.00 per year. This pass would be available to Sutton and Douglas residents. Selectman Hebert asks if we could have these stickers available for sale at Kings Campground, TA Smith will consider but is not sure as there has to be accountability. Hearing no further concerns, Selectman Stuart motions to approve a $20.00 permit fee for an annual Boat Ramp Pass for Manchaug pond available to Sutton and Douglas residents Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0.
Town Administrators Update:
  • Michael Ellsesser fun run Sunday, May 20th
  • Open House was held at  Manchaug Water district on May 12th
  • The Sutton Sewer Commission held a Public Hearing May 9th for a proposed Sewer Regulation change.
  • Selectman Stuart wishes his wife Denise Happy 20th Anniversary
Round Table:
  • Selectman Hersom would like a letter of thanks sent to Retired Fire Chief Phil Gauthier and Chief Defronzo for the time they spent on the Fire Chief Interview Committee.
  • Selectman Stuart asked for an update on the 146 project, Selectman Hebert responded that the 146/Boston Road project is slated to cost 6 million dollars, design is 75% complete. It will be shovel ready next spring
  • Selectman Hebert feels it is prudent to include a blue print of what route 146 looks like today in the Time Capsule at the school. TA Smith responds that is a great idea, Pam could take some pictures of the different areas of 146 and Jen could include the GIS.
Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0
meeting adjourned 8:10pm