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04/03/2012 BOS Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 4/17/2012 by a vote of  3-0-1                                                                                  
                                                                        (Selectman Hebert abstains/absent from 4/3 meetig)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – April 3, 2012
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Kevin Geraghty, Vice-Chair Michael Chizy & Selectman Kenneth Stuart (Selectmen Hebert and Hersom absent)
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques Administrative Secretary  

Chairman Geraghty calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum

BOS Meeting Minutes from 3/13/2012: Selectman Stuart motions to approve as presented, Selectman Chizy seconds, all in favor passes 3-0
BOS Meeting Minutes from 3/20/2012 will be tabled to the next BOS meeting as there is not a quorum to review and approve by those in attendance.

Proclamation for Student Government Day read by Selectman Chizy  
TA Smith reports that it was a great day with nice effort put forth by the students as well as the dept heads. TA Smith thanks Mr. Levansavich as well as principle Lucille Delisio for their help in the planning. Selectman Chizy thanks the students for their participation as well as the dept. heads for taking time out of their schedules to spend time with the students. It was a win win for all involved.  It was a good experience for all. Mr. Richard Levansavich says that the Government class takes part in State Govt Day, he is happy that they were able to do local government this year. His hopes are to make this a yearly event. Selectman Stuart is very enthusiastic as the future of this town are the kids and having them involved at the local level is great.  Chairman Geraghty says that the local government component in government is so important, the most impact people get to make is at the local level. Kevin goes on to say in cities and towns there are 100’s of people that volunteer their time to sit on boards & committees.   

FY2013 Budget Update: TA Smith gives a brief powerpoint presentation to show that the budget is now balanced.  He says the previous unknowns are now known. The goal was to maintain existing services as we absorb more cuts in local aid as well as reductions in lottery and chapter 70. The new growth is estimated to be $100,000. Leland Hill Estates is set to begin as well as the Villas phase 3 which is good for the town. Employee benefits have increased again. TA Smith is currently looking into the Health Care Reform Act. TA Smith discusses the debt exclusion of the Middle School/High School as well as the possibility of purchasing the Blue Jay property for the future site of a Police Station. There is an accepted offer price of $110,000.  This will need to go before the Spring Town Meeting for approval as well as the Telecommunication Easement on Stone School Road that TriStar is willing to pay $120,000. up front and then in 2024 the lease with American Tower will expire and TriStar would take over. (Jim would like to pay for the Blue Jay property with the upfront payment from TriStar) Selectman Chizy asks if the budget was balanced using House 1 funds. TA Smith answers without the House 1 figure which is supposed to be level funded. Selectman Stuart says it is a good night for students and teachers to be present as it shows the fall out of teachers being laid off and programs being cut due to lack of state aid. It shows the unfortunate truth. Ken goes on to voice the importance of the 146 project to help pull in revenue for the town. Ken also commends the town for not dipping further into the Stabilization fund as other towns have done.  Chairman Geraghty says we are doing the best we can do and commends TA Smith on his innovative thinking (such as purchasing the Bluejay property with revenue from the Telecommunications Easement so no borrowing is needed). Kevin offers thanks to TA Smith and the Dept Heads for keeping the town alive.

Villas Phase One Bond draw down: Planning Director Jen Hager is here to request the BOS approve payment of $372. out of the bond funds for further review of plans by Graves Engineering. Hearing no comments Selectman Stuart motions to approve payment of $372.00 for further review of as built plans by Graves Engineering, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 3-0

Announcements: Not at this time
Selectmen’s Roundtable: Correspondence & Business topics:
        Correspondence was received regarding:  the Michael Ellsessar road race on May 20th at the ELC and a letter from the Historical Society relating to changes to the Historical Designation Law.
Brief Recess for Students to join the BOS to take part in rest of meeting.

Transfer Station rates for April, May and June: Highway Superintendent Mark Brigham is present. He is requesting for the fee to be reduced for the remainder of the fiscal year for any late renewals. It is currently $30.00 for the year, we are looking to reduce to $10.00 until July 1st for the new sticker season at which point it will go back to $30.00. Mark states this was done last year and it worked out very well. Selectman Chizy explains that by offering the reduced rate, newcomers to town will be able to use the transfer station rather than hire private trash haulers. To discuss this agenda item, Student Govt. participants Jaime Grimes, Chris Anzivino, Veronica Rock, Steve Cataldo and Zoe Kintzer are seated with the Selectmen.  Acting chair Jaime Grimes agrees with the lowering of the price to prevent individuals from contacting private haulers and losing the business for the town. After a brief discussion among the acting Board of Selectmen and hearing no further comments, Chris Anzivino motions to create a late season transfer station sticker fee of $10.00 from April 1 through June 30th, acting vice-chair seconds all in favor passes with the Acting BOS 5-0 and BOS 3-0
Mark Brigham comments on the Student Govt Day saying it was a terrific experience, a great day.

Solar Fair: Planning Director Jen Hager is here to discuss the Solar Fair tentatively scheduled for May 20th at the ELC. Jen informs all that the grant application was suppose to be awarded by March 29th but due to the large number of applications the award process has been postponed to April 12th.  The Solar Fair is to educate residents on solar power. There will be access to providers that can offer information as well as to schedule an audit of the individuals residence. There will also be educational material and information on funding, tax rebates & incentives available to homeowners. The Town of Sutton has applied jointly with the Town of Millbury for this grant. If the grant is awarded, Colin and Kerrick McCullough will be the solar coaches for the Town of Sutton; Millbury will provide their own coach for their residents. TA Smith and Jen Hager feel they would be the perfect advocates as they are very energy conscious and knowledgeable on renewable energy. TA Smith takes this time to briefly explain the SREC program, solar thermal and photovoltaics.  

Jen Hager takes this time to say she thought Student Govt Day was great. Her student (Brandon Dugan) found a lot of the town’s history extremely interesting.  
Town Administrators Update:
  • Fire Chief Selection: meeting to be held Wednesday, April 4th at 10 am by the interview committee. Interviews will be scheduled for April 19th.
  • Michael Ellsessar Road Race on May 20th at the ELC
  • Virtual Net Metering: Jim Smith and Sue Rothermich have had meetings with individuals to discuss the possibility of buying net metering credits for the town of Sutton. At this time, Jim would like to hold off as NGrid has announced they will be lowering their price. Jim would like to possibly get a draft RFP together, have town council along with Kelly Brown (DOER) review and seek the lowest possible price.  
Acting Selectperson Jaime Grimes motions to adjourn the meeting acting Selectperson seconds passes 5-0 /BOS 3-0
8:10 pm
Meeting Adjourned