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03/20/2012 BOS Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk onMay 1, 2012_by a vote of   3-0-2                                                                                        
                                                                (Selectmen Chizy & Stuart abstain/absent from meeting)
                                                 7:00 p.m. – March 20, 2012
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Kevin Geraghty, Clerk John Hebert & Selectman Richard Hersom  (Selectmen Stuart and Chizy absent)
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques Administrative Secretary  

Chairman Geraghty calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes from 3/13/2012 will be tabled to the next BOS meeting as there is not a quorum to review and approve by those in attendance.
Recognition of the Boston Post Cane Award, presented earlier today to Mrs. Irene O’Shea is read by BOS clerk John Hebert

Appointment to the Recreation Commission: Amy Parsekian is present along with Recreation Commission member Brian Allen. Brian informs the BOS that there is a vacancy left by Barry McLean and Amy has submitted her Volunteer Action Form showing an interest. Selectman Hebert thanks Amy for volunteering. He says that it is a very exciting position and Marions camp area is one of the finest along Lake Singletary. Selectman Hersom echoes the sentiments and offers thanks from the BOS as well as on behalf of residents in town. Chairman Geraghty adds that this role touches a lot of residents in town and as the town moves forward with Shaw Farm the role will expand. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Hersom motions to appoint Amy Parsekian to the Recreation Commission to fill vacancy left by Barry McLean for 1 year left to serve out of a 3 year appointment:  term to expire 6/30/2013 Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0  

Late Common Victualler for Kings Campground:  Lester Szawlowski dba Kings Campground has submitted his Common Vic application late for 2012 (all Common Vic’s are renewed in December). TA Smith states his business is scheduled to open early May and says his residence is in Rhode Island. The Selectmen all agree that Mr. Szawlowski should be reminded that all paperwork to the Town should be returned in a timely basis. Hearing there no outstanding issues, Selectman Hebert motions to approve the Common Victualler for Kings Campground for 2012, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 3-0

Powerpoint Presentation of FY13 School Budget: Superintendent Ted Friend, members of the School Committee and Business Mgr. Sue Rothermich are present. Superintendent Friend and Paul Brennan (School Committee) approach the BOS. The presentation shows a breakdown of events over the past 5 years including lost positions, rising costs of SPED programs (unfunded mandates)  loss in Federal Stimulus $, reduction in Entitlement grants and revenue decreases (chapter 70, revenue from town). Also affecting the budget are increases in non-discretionary expenses (sped, fuel, electricity and contractual salary increases). Ted states the budget submitted (15,622,452.) was a budget necessary to run the school and as history has shown, the funded budget is always less than the requested budget (adjusted budget is $14,988,452.). With the salaries being 78% of the school budget, cutting positions and drawing down the schools revolving accounts (sport fees, school choice and after-care fees) is the only option to close the FY13 gap. Paul Brennan states that the school budget is to the bare bones. FY2014 will be a very difficult budget; they would like to get the word out that it will be a much more difficult time next year.  Added to the requirements next year will be for a principal to review each teacher after 200 minutes of sitting in on their class.
Chairman Geraghty opens it up for discussion and says he appreciates the level of detail. Selectman Hebert offers thanks for a great presentation; they worked hard to get the budget down. He then asks why they would lay off a 1st or 2nd grade teacher when it has been mentioned that is the most important age to teach and replace with a 4th or 5th grade teacher. Ted Friend states that due to contractual constraints, a teacher with more years will replace a newer teacher. Ted goes on to explain that a teacher between the 1st and 6th grade can teach any of those grades.  Selectman Hebert says that TA Smith has worked very hard on the municipal budget and there have been reductions in hours/positions as well as zero wage increases for Dept Heads and the Town Administrator and for that John offers thanks. John says that a teacher’s salary goes up in step yearly as well as lane changes which make it hard to fund. Ted Friend states that Sutton teachers are in the bottom third in wages. Selectman Hersom says very good presentation, this is the 5th budget season with Rick on the BOS and prior to this he was on Fin Com. Rick says it is always the same, the numbers do not work. The revenues are constrained and the cuts are to the bone. He states that something radical has to change and does not want to be a judge as far as what a teacher is worth but when the salaries make up 78% of the budget something has to change. Selectman Hebert asks the presenters if they have any ideas that may help. Ted states that the budget presented is what they feel is needed for the Town of Sutton. Ted goes on to say we are operating on a 19th century model of education and it is 2012. Chairman Geraghty states that he has been on the BOS for 7 years and this is a recurring problem. This is a national crisis and the Federal and State has abdicated responsibility to fall on the cities and towns. This is not a level playing field.  

Town Administrators Update:
  • Student Government Day: April 3rd 2012, meeting with Dept. Heads and students, refreshments will be served. Pair up students with Dept Heads and spend 1 ½ hours in the Depts. Meet back in BOS meeting room at 11am and prepare for Selectmens Meeting to be held that night.
Fire Chief Selection: 32 resumes received. They will be reviewed and 5-7 finalists will be presented to the search committee which will include 2 Fire Chiefs.
        Not at this time

Selectmen’s Roundtable: Correspondence & Business topics:
        Correspondence was received from Mr. James Dwyer concerning appointment qualifications

Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn the meeting Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0  
8:30 pm
Meeting Adjourned