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10/04/2011 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board Of Selectman
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 10/18/2011  by a vote of  4-0-1_
                                                Selectman Hersom abstains as he was absent from 10/4/11 meeting
                                                 7:00 p.m. – October 4, 2011
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Kevin Geraghty; Vice-Chair Michael Chizy, Clerk John Hebert and Selectman Kenneth Stuart   
                                                                                          Selectman Richard Hersom absent
Also in Attendance:
        Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques Administrative Secretary  

Chairman Geraghty calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No Comments under Public Forum

Approval of Minutes:
Selectman Hebert motions to accept as presented September 20, 2011 meeting minutes, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 4-0

Chairman Geraghty requests Agenda #2 (MGL ch91§10A permit) be tabled and placed on the October 18th 2011 meeting.

Memorial Day Parade: Chairman Geraghty begins by saying he has heard some comments from the BOS as well as residents regarding the current practice of 2 Memorial Day Parades (Sutton Center & Manchaug Center).  This is to discuss combining both parades into 1. The following are the comments by the BOS:
Selectman Chizy; mixed feelings but has noticed over the years, especially now that the Mateychuck Post is closed, most of those in attendance are parents & siblings for the Douglas Marching Band that the Town of Sutton pays $450.00 to perform. He goes on to say it is hard to get the Boy Scouts and other groups to march in both parades. He would support combining the parades.
Selectman Hebert: says he was the 1st to bring up combining the parades due to his observation over the past few years in the decline of attendance at the Manchaug Parade. John goes on to say that now that the 390 Post is closed, several of those members have joined the 414 Post (Dudley Gendron). Sutton is one town, it is time we all unite and consider 1 Parade for Memorial Day in the center.
Selectman Stuart: Begins by saying of all the agenda items he has dealt with since being on the board this is one he struggled with. Ken has a lot of friends from Manchaug and he as well has mixed feelings but this past Memorial Day parade he had the honor of driving Mike Chizy around to the cemeteries and noticed there really was not a lot of participation from Manchaug. Ken agrees we should unite and form 1 parade, if the post should reopen down the road we could revisit this area.
Chairman Geraghty: He shares similar thoughts with Mike, John and Ken. Based on the 390 Post closing and the 414 Post remaining, this is one town with 9200 residents; it is time to have 1 parade. If transportation from Manchaug to the center is a problem we have buses available. Memorial Day is a day to remember but it is also a family day, for those that march in both parades it leaves little time for the family. Kevin says it is time to invite Manchaug to the center and have 1 parade. Chairman Geraghty entertains a motion for the town to support, organize and fund one Memorial Day Parade which will run from Sutton center to the high school, Selectman Hebert 2nds passes 4-0
Selectman Chizy says he will do his best to get a firing squad from #414 to go to the Mateychuck Common and lay a wreath and to also visit the bridge for the naval remembrance.                                        
Chairman Geraghty requests that TA Smith send a letter to the Douglas Band thanking them for their years of service to our town.
Fraud Prevention & Detection Policy:TA Smith asks this be postponed to the Oct. 18th meeting to give Fin Com a chance to review.

South Sutton Commerce Park Lighting Agreement: TA Smith reviews with the BOS that this was an agreement between a previous TA and the tenants on Gilmore Drive. This is for 6 light poles and the electricity to light them (approx $560.00 per year per pole). The agreement states that the Sutton Commerce Park Tenants will pay for these 6 lights for 5 years, after 5 years the Town of Sutton will be responsible to pay for the usage. The BOS all agree that previous administration has approved this and this is just a formality, we should act in good faith and honor the agreement. Selectman Hebert motions to approve as presented the South Sutton Commerce Park Lighting agreement between the South Sutton Commerce Park Tenants Association with a place of business at 83 Gilmore Drive, Sutton MA and the Town of Sutton, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0

Evaluation of Town Administrator James Smith: The performance evaluation results were read by the Clerk for the Selectmen John Hebert with a final evaluation score of 96.94 out of a possible 100. Selectman Chizy says he has given Jim improved marks on all 20 questions. Every year he is at the top of his game and then the next year comes and he is even better. Jim always does what is good for the town and its residents. Mike says there have been 3 or 4 good TA he has worked with but Jim is the best. Selectman Hebert says there is so much that Jim does that goes unnoticed by the BOS and the residents but  when called on or visited with any questions or concerns Jim always handles the situation well mannered and courteous. Selectman Stuart begins by saying Selectman Chizys comments are a true assessment of Jim as he has worked with several Town Administrators. Ken goes on to say he had met Jim prior to becoming a Selectman, he is genuine and makes us feel comfortable, and it is a pleasure to have him as our TA. Selectman Geraghty begins with kind words to Deb Jacques (Secretary) he goes on to say TA Smith is still operating at high standards, he always has a million balls in the air and when one falls it is picked up and put back into the rotation. It is a pleasure to be on the BOS with Jim as the TA. Even with the economy in the state it is in, Jim continues to receive positive results on projects which are good for the town. Kevin goes on to say when Jim gets lemons, he makes lemonade.  TA Smith at this time thanks the Dept Heads and all involved in the daily functions at the Town Hall, he also thanks the Board for their appreciation on all that is done. Jim is thankful to all involved.

Charter & Bylaw Review Committee:  TA Smith says the last Charter review was 11 years ago. The review committee consists of 5 members, 2 are appointed by the Town Moderator and 3 by the BOS. If a Selectman (up to 2) wishes to be on the committee they must receive approval from town meeting to be on the BOS and the Charter Review Committee. Town Clerk Laura Caruso notified TA Smith that there is no longer a committee in place and per the charter one shall be established. Also attached is a request from Laura Caruso to be appointed to the Committee. The BOS all agree there should be a committee in place we must be careful as we would not want someone with an agenda on the committee that may not have the best interest for the town.

Annual Town Meeting Warrant: TA Smith begins by informing residents the meeting will be held on Oct 17th @ 7:30 pm at the Early Learning Center. Included in the Warrant are some housekeeping issues with previously authorized borrowings, capital stabilization funding for Marions Camp in accordance with the Marion’s Camp Master Plan, article 8 asks the town to authorize the town to acquire the Manchaug Pond to include the Manchaug Dam. Planning Director Jen Hager is present to review the Planning & Zoning board articles which include Renewable Energy Resources, hearing no comments or concerns, Selectman Stuart motions to approve as presented the October 2011 Annual Town Meeting Warrant, Selectman Hebert 2nds passes 4-0  
Town Administrator Update:
  • Marions Camp-open field work completed. Looking to build a pavilion and replace the boat house before next season
  • Fire Dept Open House was held on Oct 3 at the Manchaug Station.
  • Fin Com resignation: Pat Nedoroscik stepping down. TA Smith offers his thanks to Pat for her support in his position
  • Golf Tourn. to benefit Food Pantry to be held Friday Oct. 7th @ 9am. Checks made payable to Friends of Sutton Elders.
Announcements: None
Round Table:
  • Selectman Chizy announces that the addition at COA for the Food Pantry is completed on the outside. They have started work inside. He says thank goodness for the Golf Tournament as they need food.
  • Selectman Stuart commends a group in town known as Riches crew, they walked 26.2 miles and raised over $100,000.00 to be donated to Dana Farber (The Jimmy Fund) The group (which Ken is included) is run by Richard Haskins and John Esler.
Hearing no further discussion Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Stuart 2nds passes 4-0
Meeting Adjourned 8:05pm