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09/6/2011 BOS Meeting MInutes
Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 9/20/2011  by a vote of  4-0-1   
                                                                Selectman Hebert abstains as he was absent from meeting
                                                 7:00 p.m. – September 6, 2011
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Kevin Geraghty; Vice-Chair Michael Chizy and Members Richard Hersom & Kenneth Stuart  
                                                                                        (Selectman John Hebert absent)                  
 Also in Attendance:
         Town Administrator James Smith & Debbie Jacques Administrative Secretary

Chairman Geraghty calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No Comments under Public Forum
Approval of Minutes:
Selectman Stuart motions to accept as presented August 16 2011 meeting minutes, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 2-0-2
                                                (Chairman Geraghty & Selectman Hersom absent from 8/16 meeting)
Selectman Stuart motions to approve Executive Session minutes from August 16, 2011 as presented: Chairman Geraghty requests the vote be amended to reflect “not to be released until matters discussed are finalized”, Selectman Chizy so moves and seconds passes 2-0-2                                                (Chairman Geraghty & Selectman Hersom absent from 8/16 meeting)
Selectman Hersom motions to approve as presented minutes from the Goals & Objectives meeting held on August 26, 2011 Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0

Proclamation LIT-FIT Challenge: Superintendent Ted Friend is here to present to the BOS.  Superintendent Friend informs the BOS that the goal here is to read more as that creates lifelong learning and increase physical activity for lifelong fitness. This is a one year program, at the end of one year the LIT-FIT Team is hoping for 25 million minutes of reading and 25 million minutes of exercise. The commitment of participants is 15 minutes of reading and exercise each day. The BOS all agree this is a useful great program for the community. Selectman Chizy reads the proclamation at this time.

Vote to layout Gilmore Dr., Jenna Lane, Jared Dr. and Gale Rd.: Planning Director Jen Hager is present. Jen reviews with the BOS this was before them on August 16th, it than went before the Planning Board on August 22nd. It is now before the BOS for the final vote to place it on the Fall Town Meeting. Notification of this meeting was sent to land owners on the said roadways. The BOS agree to take each road separately and see if there is any discussion:
Gale Road:
Selectman Geraghty moves that, acting pursuant to M.G.L.c.82, sec.’s 21-24, we the Board of Selectmen, deem that common convenience and necessity require the layout of Gale Road as a town way.  The boundaries of said way hereby laid out are as stated in the attached description, and are as shown on a plan entitled “Layout Plan of Gale Road in Sutton, Mass.” prepared by Guerriere & Halnon dated April 30, 2002, which plan was referred to the Planning Board and which plan is hereby also adopted as part of this order.  All land lying within the above-described boundaries is hereby laid out as a public town way. The aforementioned description and layout plan is hereby forwarded to the Town Clerk for filing and the foregoing alteration layout is hereby reported to the town for acceptance. Selectman Chizy seconds, hearing no discussion passes 4-0

Gilmore Drive:
Selectman Chizy moves that, acting pursuant to M.G.L. c.82§21-24, we the Board of Selectmen, deem that common convenience and necessity require the layout of Gilmore Drive as a town way.  The boundaries of said way hereby laid out are as stated in the attached description, and are as shown on a plan entitled “Sutton Commerce Park – Gilmore Drive – Road Acceptance Plan; Sheets 1-5” prepared by Andrews Survey & Engineering dated August 8, 2011, which plan was referred to the Planning Board and which plan is hereby also adopted as part of this order.  All land lying within the above-described boundaries is hereby laid out as a public town way. The aforementioned description and layout plan is hereby forwarded to the Town Clerk for filing and the foregoing layout is hereby reported to the town for acceptance. Selectman Hersom seconds, hearing no discussion passes 4-0
Jared Dr:
Selectman Hersom moves that, acting pursuant to M.G.L. c.82§21-24, we the Board of Selectmen, deem that common convenience and necessity require the layout of Jared Drive as a town way.  The boundaries of said way hereby laid out are as stated in the attached description, and are as shown on a plan entitled “Layout Plan of Jenna Lane & Jared Drive” prepared by Guerriere & Halnon dated July 19, 2011, which plan was referred to the Planning Board and which plan is hereby also adopted as part of this order.  All land lying within the above-described boundaries is hereby laid out as a public town way. The aforementioned description and layout plan is hereby forwarded to the Town Clerk for filing and the foregoing alteration layout is hereby reported to the town for acceptance. Selectman Stuart seconds, hearing no discussion passes 4-0
Jenna Lane:
Selectman Stuart moves that, acting pursuant to M.G.L. c.82§21-24, we the Board of Selectmen, deem that common convenience and necessity require the layout of Jenna Lane as a town way.  The boundaries of said way hereby laid out are as stated in the attached description, and are as shown on a plan entitled “Layout Plan of Jenna Lane & Jared Drive in Sutton, MA” prepared by Guerriere & Halnon, dated July 19, 2011, which plan was referred to the Planning Board and which plan is hereby also adopted as part of this order.  All land lying within the above-described boundaries is hereby laid out as a public town way. The aforementioned description and layout plan is hereby forwarded to the Town Clerk for filing and the foregoing layout is hereby reported to the town for acceptance. Selectman Hersom seconds, hearing no discussion passes 4-0

Marions Camp Beach Update: TA Smith reports that this is the first year Marions Camp has realized a profit of $3,088.00. Jim thanks Tammy Mahoney and the lifeguards for the successful season. He goes on to say this is positive news for the future of the beach. Work on the gazebo field will begin shortly. Selectman Hersom says great news, hard work and investment has paid off, the site is spectacular. Selectman Stuart says years ago residents were not sure if the town should purchase Marions Camp, it was worth the purchase. Ken goes on to say the transformation over the past 5 years is night and day, he commends all involved with the success. Chairman Geraghty says Marions Camp has been the focus of the BOS for the past 7 years.  The town made a half million dollar investment and did not have a lot to show for it as it was in a deteriorated state. But with the state working with the town (good grants) it allowed us to invest in something that is a real value to our community. Marions Camp has become a real bright spot.

TA Update:  
  • Food Pantry addition moving along quickly, great job by Larry Hope
  • Improvements at Boston Rd & Route 146 voted by CMMPC to begin in 2013
  • Marion Camp Rick Deschenes to begin clearing the field and level the area for the pavilion
  • Library Director Roberta Rothwell retired, acting director is Carol Geary. Library Trustee Rachel Tufts will lead in replacing Roberta; TA Smith will sit in on the final interviews.
  • Charitable Donation Boxes: Planning Board met on Aug. 22nd and request that it be placed on the Spring Town Meeting under General By-Law update.
  • TA Smiths Evaluation in packets: Please return to Debbie or Kevin to tabulate. It will be on Oct. 4th agenda
  • Reminder: TA Smith will be at the ICMA Conference Sept. 16-21st.
Comments to TA Update:
  • Selectman Chizy thanks Roberta Rothwell for a good job; she ran a lot of good programs
  • Selectman Hersom asks the estimated date of the completion of the Sr Center addition, TA Smith replies 2-3 weeks
  • Selectman Stuart says great news for the 146 project. Ken goes on to discuss the Donation Boxes. He urges residents to  research before they put items in, some are for profit.
  • Selectman Geraghty echoes Ken’s comments regarding the Donation Boxes, Kevin questions maybe we should request full     disclosure on the organizations.
No Announcements
Round Table:
        Select.  Chizy reports 25 families utilized the Food Pantry in 1 week. The Food Pantry is @ an all time low, donations needed
        Select. Hersom: Volunteers needed for Sat, Sept 10th @ the ELC to assist in apple crisp making for Waters Farm Days
        Select. Geraghty discussed @ G&O meeting: dual parades in town to be on the Oct 4th agenda for public input
Hearing no further discussion Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hersom2nds passes 4-0
Meeting Adjourned 7:40 pm