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07/19/2011 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board Of Selectman
  Meeting Minutes--

Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  8/02/2011  by a vote of  5-0  

                                                 7:00 p.m. – July 19, 2011
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room

Members in Attendance:                           
               Chairman Kevin Geraghty, Vice-Chair Michael Chizy, Clerk John Hebert, and Members Richard Hersom and Kenneth Stuart  
Also in Attendance:     Town Administrator Jim Smith & Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Geraghty calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No Comments under Public Forum
Approval of Minutes:
Selectman Hebert motions to accept as presented July 5, 2011 meeting minutes, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 3-0-2
                                                          (absent from the 7/5/11 meeting was Selectmen Geraghty & Hersom)

Chairman Geraghty takes this time to welcome TA Jim Smith back to the meeting. TA Smith replies that it was an interesting little road, all’s well that ends well. TA Smith offered his thanks to the Board of Selectmen and previous Chairman Rick Hersom. TA Smith expressed his gratitude to Rick.  TA Smith also thanked the entire staff for a great job, it was very much appreciated.

Appointment to Zoning Board of Appeals: Per letter from Chairman of the Zoning Board, Arthur Keown; Russell Sylvia has submitted his resignation. Mr. Keown has requested that alternate member Michael McGovern be appointed to carry out the 1 year remaining in the term left vacant by Mr. Sylvia. Hearing no discussion, Selectman Stuart motions to appoint alternate Zoning Board Member Michael McGovern to fill the vacancy created by Russell Sylvia for a 1 year term, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0
Chairman Geraghty takes this time to thank Mr. Sylvia for his service to the town.
In addition to this appointment, 2 members to the Planning Board, Tomm Connors and Scott Paul have been reappointed for 3 year terms. This is a housekeeping issue as they were not included on the list as read at the July 5th meeting. Selectman Hersom motions to reappoint Tomm Connors and Scott Paul to the Planning Board for 3 year terms, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0

FY12 Budget Update: Town Accountant Tim Harrison is present. TA Smith takes this time to publicly recognize Tim for filling in as Temporary Town Administrator for the past 5 months. TA Smith went on to say Tim was able to balance all of the work and did a terrific job. Jim offers Tim a personal thank you for all he did. Accountant Tim Harrison begins by saying there was a Dept Head meeting held earlier today to welcome Jim back, during this meeting Tim thanked the Dept Heads for their support from the minute he was appointed Temp. TA they all rallied behind him. Tim also offered his thanks to TA Smith and the Board of

Selectmen for the trust and confidence extended to him to fill in.  Tim begins his update on the budget by saying there are no concerns ending FY11 that would affect FY12. The only thing that was left up in the air was the figures for State Aid. Budgeted for FY12 was $5,717,700 the actual dollar amount is $5,716,747, that is a shortage of $953.00.  Selectman Chizy has no questions and says Timmy has done a good job, Selectman Hebert says the financial team we have in place is remarkable, it shows in our bond rating right down to the day to day operations. Selectman Hersom echoes the sentiments of his colleagues and says not too many towns have a little extra left at the end of a budget season. Selectman Stuart commends Tim on an excellent job. Chairman Geraghty on behalf of the town (as representatives of the people) thanks Tim for all he has accomplished during his time as Temp. TA, he has saved the town heart ache and money. It will always be remembered.
Town Administrators Office Update:
  • Ground breaking for the new/middle school took place on 7/14. Jim offers a special thanks to Kathleen Craven from the MSBA for her attendance.
  • Cable survey is due back by Friday, July 22nd
  • The Sutton COA offers their location as a cooling station during the hot weather
  • Annual Goals & Objectives to be scheduled, a night meeting is preferred.
  • Green Communities: Jim has just received word that the Town of Sutton has been accepted as a Green Community. With that come some benefits such as a grant in the amount of $143,000.00. This could be used towards the solar panels at the new school project or hydro power at Manchaug Dam. Jim thanks Planner Jen Hager for her work on this project.
Board of Selectmen Announcements:
  • Selectman Hersom requests for the next meeting, an update on the cell tower project.
Board of Selectmen Round Table:
  • Selectman Hebert offers residents to visit Marions Camp during this hot, humid weather. It is absolutely beautiful.
  • Selectman Stuart agrees with John and shares that his children really enjoy visiting Marions Camp.
  • TA Smith responds that sticker sales for the beach are up from last year.  
Hearing no further discussion Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Chizy 2nds passes 5-0

Meeting Adjourned 7:20 pm