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06/21/2011 BOS Meeting Minutes
  Meeting Minutes--

Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on--------------------------------------  7/5/2011 by a vote of 5-0    

                                                 7:00 p.m. – June 21, 2011
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room

Members in Attendance:                           
              Chairman Kevin Geraghty, Vice-Chair Michael Chizy, Clerk John Hebert, and Members Richard Hersom & Kenneth Stuart  
Also in Attendance:     Tim Harrison Temporary Town Administrator & Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Geraghty calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No Comments under Public Forum
Approval of Minutes:
Selectman Hersom motions to accept as presented June 7, 2011 meeting minutes, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0
Selectman Stuart motions to accept as presented June 15, 2011 meeting minutes, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0-1
        (Selectman Hebert abstains as he was not present at the 6/15 meeting)

Update on NGrid Project: present from NGrid is Margaret Neves, Stakeholder Relations Manager, David Beron, Project Manager and Amy McKinnon, Environmental Engineer. (the projector was not able to be used for a power point) David Beron begins by reintroducing the Interstate Reliability Project. This project was reviewed in 2008 at a Board of Selectmen’s meeting but was put on hold due to the economic times. The need for this project was reassessed by ISO (Independent System Operator) in 2010 and the results show it is more strongly needed.  This Transmission Project is needed to relieve constraints and meet peak demand. The peak demand is ever increasing. In 1980 peak electric use was 14,539 MW: in 2008 it was 27,100 MW. This transmission project will offer to its customers the cleanest and most cost effective electricity. This project, as had been discussed in 2008, will all take place in the existing developed corridor, some of the towers that had been decommissioned 10 years ago will be removed and replaced with new towers. A new transmission line will run from Millbury to North Smithfield RI on to Lebanon, CT.  In 2008, Margaret Neves met with direct abutters and hosted open houses to answer any concerns residents had. She has kept detailed notes and has reviewed the concerns. Margaret will be out in the community again going door to door as well as providing mailings to abutters of this project. Sutton will benefit through taxable infrastructure. Permitting and licensing for this project will take approximately 2 years as they are dealing with 3 states, MA, RI & CT. The construction phase is expected to be 2014-2015 with the facility providing service by 2015.  Selectman Chizy has no comment as it is the same as what was presented a few years ago, Selectman Hebert says the presentation was meticulous and is on board with the project. Selectman Hersom says the presentation identified the project well and offers his thanks for reaching out to the community. Selectman Stuart mentions the importance of addressing the concerns of residents that feel trepidation with the overhead wires. David Beron states that for the visu al aspect of this project there is funding to provide landscaping to help screen some of the wires as well as a plan to install gates and guardrails to limit access by ATVs and motorcycles. Selectman Geraghty offers his thanks for the update & looks forward to the added revenue for the town.

Appointment of Full Time Collector/Treasurer: Tim Harrison begins by stating this position became available with the resignation of Cheryl Ouillette. Tim and Jim Smith looked at the current position and decided to combine some of the duties of HR along with Treasurer/Collector.  Jim Smith and Tim Harrison are pleased to announce the appointment of Cathy VanDyne as Treasurer/Collector & Human Resources Coordinator as of July 1st, 2011. Selectman Chizy says Cathy has done a heck of a job and the transition has gone smoothly. Selectman Hebert concurs with Mike and feels Cathy is competent and she is easy to deal with. Selectman Hersom says that the Town Hall and the community went through a difficult time a few months ago and Cathy stepped up and offered her assistance. Rick thanks Cathy and says she is deserving of the position and very competent. Selectman Stuart just recently met Cathy but noticed her friendly smile. Ken goes on to say it is nice to get a collector with a smile on her face. Selectman Geraghty says the position of Treasurer/Collector is very important; it is the busiest office in the Town Hall. Kevin goes on to say that from the moment Cathy got here; she has shown commitment to the town as well as a keen sense on how things are done such as her work regarding our health insurance a few years ago, it was a tremendous savings for the town. Temp TA Tim Harrison (Town Accountant) says one of the reasons they decided to combine some of the HR functions was her experience in that field. Tim is happy to promote from within.   

Creation of Assistant Tax Collector position: (Tim Harrison continues discussion from the above agenda item) Tim states that when they looked at who does what, it became apparent of the responsibilities of the current Tax Collector clerk. The clerk takes in large amounts of money, makes deposits to the bank, reconciles with the Accountant & turns money over to the Treasurer so it can be invested. The individual in the current position is Donna Wood. Donna has worked for the town for 20 years, 11 of those years has been in the Collectors Office. In addition to the functions previously mentioned, Donna also deals with the Transfer Station Stickers, selling & inventory of the bags & beach passes. In recognition of what Donna does, Tim and Jim would like to promote Donna to Assistant Tax Collector. Selectman Chizy says Donna knows the office upside down and is always at work, good luck. Selectman Hebert remembers her as a dispatcher, she is loyal & trust worthy, not selfish. Selectman Hersom says it absolutely makes sense congratulations to Tim and Jim for thinking out side of the box. Selectman Stuart says he is a firm believer in cross training; Donna is an asset to the town as well as a tremendous worker and a good person, an excellent move. Selectman Geraghty echoes sentiments and says it is well deserved.

FY11 Budget Update: Tim Harrison says that FY11 has been an interesting budget season. The town has been able to maintain the workforce and avoid layoffs. In front of the BOS tonight is a list of end of year transfers (per MGL c44, Sec 33B). After the BOS vote it will go to the Finance Committee as this requires a 2 board vote.  Selectman Chizy says Tim and Jim working as the finance team are doing a good job keeping us afloat, he has no questions, hearing no further comments Selectman Hersom motions to make interdepartmental transfers per MGL c44, Sec 33B in the amount of $56,400.00 from accounts as presented to cover various shortfalls, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0  

At this time Agenda item # 3, Ambulance Contract will be tabled until it is brought in from the Town of Grafton
Town Administrators Office Update:
  • K&P has notified the BOS that the bid protest against TLT has been withdrawn. TLT will be awarded the General Contractor job.
  • Interviews have been held for the HR/Accounting Assistant Clerk, intentions are to fill the position by 7/11/11
  • Marions Camp now opened for the season permits available @ Tax Coll. Office or at the gate
  • Transfer Station stickers available for new FY12:  $30.00 1st vehicle/15.00 second vehicle
Selectman Hebert encourages residents to visit Marions Camp w/trained life guards and a beautiful beach

Board of Selectmen Announcements:
  • Selectman Chizy announces that on Friday, June 10th @ Asa Waters in Millbury Pat Nedoroscik had been awarded the Unsung Heroine Award
  • Selectman Hebert announces that on June 13th, Mike Chizy, Ken Stuart and John had the honor to present Garrett Amorello with a citation from the BOS for his acceptance into West Point Academy.
  • Selectman Stuart offered his congratulations to the Sutton Boys Tennis team for making it to the State finals. Ken went on to read a brief letter in regards to the 3 year old Malia Jusczyk inflicted with stage 4 neuro bhlasphoma. A benefit bake sale was held on June 11th on the town common, almost $10,000.00 was raised. Ken offers kudos to the town for their response and support.   

Board of Selectmen Round Table:
  • Selectman Chizy says the food pantry is getting low. Any donations are appreciated.
Selectman Hersom calls a 5 minute recess to allow time for the Ambulance Contract to be delivered to the Town Hall, Selectman Stuart seconds passes 5-0

The meeting re adjourns for the Ambulance Contract:
Selectman Hebert states he had attended meetings along with Fire Chief Paul Maynard and Police Chief Dennis Towle. The contract before the BOS will provide Sutton with a dedicated ambulance in town. The ambulance will be lettered with the Towns name and it will be registered in town so the town will benefit tax wise.  It is a $70,000.00 dollar contract for the first year with a 3% increase each of the 2nd & 3rd years (it is a 3 year contract). When the new regulations for MA State 911 become available, Alert will pick up $5,000.00 of the $10,000.00 price per town. Selectman Hebert says this is a good contract. Selectman Chizy says everyone did a good job, Selectman Hersom says great contract, Selectman Stuart says excellent job, kudos to all involved. It is a win win proposal. Ken thanks John and all involved for their hard work.  Selectman Hersom motions to Approve and sign as presented the Ambulance Contract between the Town of Sutton and Alert Ambulance, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0.

Hearing no further discussion Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Chizy 2nds passes 5-0

Meeting Adjourned 8:25 pm