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05/03/2011 BOS Meeting Minutes
  Meeting Minutes--

Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 5/17/11_ by a vote 3-0-2_  
                                        Selectmen Hersom & Selectman Fattman abstain as they were not at the 5/3 meeting
                                                 7:00 p.m. – May 3, 2011
                                Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room

Members in Attendance:                           
             Acting Chairman Kevin Geraghty, Clerk Michael Chizy, and Member John Hebert  
Also in Attendance:     Tim Harrison Temporary Town Administrator & Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Geraghty calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No Comments under Public Forum

Approval of Minutes: Selectman Hebert motions to approve as presented April 19, 2011 minutes, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 3-0 (Selectman Hersom and Fattman absent)

Council on Aging Director Michelle Edelstein to discuss Food Pantry Expansion: Michelle begins the presentation by thanking Mike Chizy for his continued commitment to the Sutton Food Pantry. Michelle goes on to say the Senior Center and the Food Pantry are two different entities. The Food Pantry fills the nutritional needs of families in the Town of Sutton. Last week 16 families utilized the Food Pantry.  Michelle reads a list of items currently in short supply at the pantry. This list is updated on the website monthly. Michelle stresses these are not people abusing the system; these are families that have a need for food. These individuals come in and are screened prior to receiving food. One of the criteria is they must provide and an electric bill showing they are Sutton residents. 100% of the food goes to Sutton residents; all donations are used for Sutton residents. The Food Pantry is run strictly by volunteers, there are no paid hours to run the pantry. Michelle with the help of Town Administrator Jim Smith has begun the process to add a 20’ X 20’ addition onto the Sr. Center for the Food Pantry. This would give individuals that use the pantry privacy as Michelle states it is a very humbling experience for these individuals. She has started fundraisers and currently has reached the $5,000.00 mark. Estimates show the project would run from $50,000.00 - $80,000.00(maximum amount). Many residents with contractors experience have stepped up and volunteered their services. This addition would provide privacy as well as safety for the volunteers that currently have to climb up on ladders to stock the shelves.  Selectman Chizy asks for Michelle to provide information for those wishing to donate. Michelle states food items may be dropped at the Sr. Center Monday-Friday 8-3pm, cash donations may be made to the Town of Sutton and under the memo Food Pantry Expansion. Selectman Hebert says that people like Michelle and Cheryl do not go unnoticed. They do a great job. Selectman Geraghty says there is a true distinction between the Sr. Center and the Food Pantry and he is happy Michelle pointed that out. Kevin goes on to say that the increasing number of users is a sign of the economy. There is a 45% increase in usage the 1st 4 months of 2011 then the 1st 4 months of 2010. Kevin goes on to say the Selectmen are very supportive of this project.

3 Year Appointment of Town Accountant Tim Harrison: The letter from TA Jim Smith appointing Tim for 3 years was read by Clerk Mike Chizy. Selectman Chizy says that Tim does a great job and answers any questions there may be. Selectman Hebert says he has found Tim to always be a pleasure to work with, John also offers his thanks to Tim for stepping up as Temporary Town Administrator. Selectman Geraghty says Tim has integrity and is great at managing the finances; he has proven himself beyond every measure. Selectman Hebert motions to ratify the three year appointment of Town Accountant Tim Harrison, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 3-0

FY12 Budget Update: Tim Harrison has before the BOS the final budget for review. Tim states that on April 29th, the State reduced Sutton by $6,188.00. Tim met with TA Smith and discussed a few options. What was decided was to reduce the Assessors Clerk by 10 hours as well as replacing 3 of the hours back to the Board of Health. Tim went on to say that he had met with the MIIA rep and was told there would be no increase for our Property & Casualty. The final budget is $26,016,498.00. Tim informed the BOS that Fin Com has made their recommendations on the warrant articles. Tim also stated that we need to continue to look into different avenues for Health Insurance.

Town Administrators Office Update:
  • May 15 Road Race to benefit Michael Ellsessar, June 25th 5K Road Race  Sutton Athletic Booster Club
  • IFB for Moving Services awarded to ABC Moving ($65,200.). RFP for testing awarded to UTI ($14,091.)
  • IFB sub bids due 5/4/11, general bids due 5/19/11
  • Ribbon cutting for Solar Panels May 17th at the ELC 9:30-10:30
  • Cheryl Rawinski attended a meeting with the Worc. Comm. Action Council to discuss more outreach in the Blk V area
  • Position of Treasurer/Collector posted, 2 resumes received. Interviews to be conducted on May 10th
  • Haying Shaw Farm bids out, due back on May 5th
  • Wed May 4th the Sewer Commis. Are having a Public Hearing to discuss sewer rates.
Board of Selectmen Announcements
  • Selectman Chizy announced a pancake breakfast at the Sr. Center on Friday 5/6
  • Selectman Chizy announced Memorial Day. He would like any vets from WW11 to participate  
Board of Selectmen Round Table:
  • Selectman Hebert announced that he and Mike Chizy attended the Sutton Youth Baseball opening day on May 1st at the Hough Road Sports field. John said that the new parking lot and concession stand projects came out great.
  • Selectman Geraghty agreed that the Hough Field projects are perfect examples of community groups along with town partnerships having a good outcome. Kevin also mentioned Arbor Day and the planting of 3 trees at Marion’s Camp. Kevin urged the residents to check out Marion’s Camp with the completed parking lot and beach access. He said it is nothing short of amazing.
Hearing no further discussion Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hebert 2nds passes 3-0

Meeting Adjourned 7:40pm