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04/19/2011 BOS Meeting Minutes
  Meeting Minutes--

Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  5/03/11 by a vote 3-0
                                                                Selectmen Hersom & Selectman Fattman absent     
                                                 7:00 p.m. – April 19, 2011
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room

Members in Attendance:                           
             Chairman Richard Hersom, Vice Chair Kevin Geraghty, Clerk Michael Chizy, and Member John Hebert  
                                                        (Selectman Fattman absent)        
Also in Attendance:     Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Hersom calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No Comments under Public Forum

Approval of Minutes: Selectman Geraghty motions to approve as presented April 12, 2011 minutes, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0-1(Selectman Hersom abstains as he was not present at the April 12th 2011 meeting)

ARBOR DAY Proclamation read by Chairman Richard Hersom
SUTTON YOUTH BASEBALL&SOFTBALL Proclamation read by Selectman Chizy. Selectman Chizy said this year’s event will be at the Hough Road Sports field and will begin at 12:30.

Proprietary votes for 2 Water Treatment pieces for the Middle/High School Project: OPM Alan Minkus, School Building Committee Chair Wendy Meade and Chris McClure Design Engineer, are here to present the request. Alan Minkus states that this is a housekeeping issue due to the project being funded by public funds with a value greater than $25,000.00 (project cost is $46 million). The 2 items being presented are DEP approved and by getting the approval from the BOS, the time frame will not be so costly. Chris McClure states that there is radon in the water, the piece of equipment being voted on tonight, strips off the radon and it vaporizes into the atmosphere. The second piece of equipment is for uranium, low levels of uranium were detected at the school, and this piece of equipment removes all traces of uranium making the water safe to drink. Selectman Geraghty asks if this upgrade will take care of the water issues as well as why this is not part of the bidding process. Chris McClure states that yes this will take care of the issues. Alan Minkus states that that by getting the approval prior to bids, they can spec out the exact equipment that will take care of the issues. Selectman Hebert asks will this be generated fed in the event of power outages, Chris McClure answers yes. Hearing no further questions/comments; there are 2 motions: Selectman Geraghty motions to approve the Radon Removal Aeration System, Multi-Staged Deep Bubble Aeration System Model DB32, manufactured by Lowry Aeration Systems, Inc., Blue Hill, ME for the Sutton Middle/High School Project, Selectman Hebert 2nds passes 4-0.
Selectman Hebert motions to approve the Uranium Ion Exchange Treatment System, as manufactured by Lowry Aeration Systems, Inc., Blue Hill, ME for the Sutton Middle/High School Project Selectman Chizy 2nds passes 4-0

Bond signing took place in the Treasurer/Collectors office as the vote took place at the 4/12/11 BOS meeting

Resolution for Fire Department Mutual Aid Agreement: Fire Chief Paul Maynard is here to present the Mutual Aid Agreement. He explains that this for District 7. This was enacted in 2006 but this further spells out exactly the terms of the mutual aid. Once signed, this will be filed with MEMA. Hearing no questions or comments, Selectman Chizy motions to approve the Mutual Aid Agreement between the Sutton Fire Department and Massachusetts Fire District #7 Selectman Hebert 2nds, passes 4-0

Sign May Town Meeting Warrant & May Town Election Warrant: reviewed the warrants at the 4/12/11 BOS meeting, hearing no comments: Selectman Geraghty motions to approve and sign the May Town Meeting Warrant, Selectman Chizy 2nds passes 4-0
Selectman Hebert motions to approve and sign the May Town Election Warrant Selectman Geraghty 2nds passes 4-0

Adoption of the Green Communities Action Plan: This is a vote for the presentation given at the 4/12/11 BOS meeting by Leiran Biton on Sutton’s Green community’s action plan: Hearing no discussion, Selectman Hebert motions to Adopt the Green Communities Action Plan as presented by Leiran Biton at the April 12th 2011 Board of Selectman meeting, Selectman Geraghty 2nds passes 4-0

Town Administrators Office Update:
  • Fire Chief Paul Maynard, Police Chief Dennis Towle and Selectman John Hebert are attending a meeting at the Grafton Fire Station on Wed. April 20th to discuss Ambulance contracts.
  • Invitation to Bid for construction of the Middle/High School currently out for bid. General bids due to the TA Office Thursday, May 12th, Sub bids are due to the TA office by April 27th.
  • Invitation for Moving Services for the Middle/High School due in to the TA office on Wed. April 20th
  • Update on the Transfer Station new hours: Mark Brigham reported all positive comments as well as 20 additional cars utilizing the Transfer station during the longer hours on Tuesdays (8am-7pm).
No Board of Selectmen Announcements at this time

Board of Selectmen Round Table:
  • Selectman Chizy reminds residents of the need for food at the Food Pantry. Mike would like COA Director Michelle Edelstein to give a presentation at the next BOS meeting regarding the expansion of the Food Pantry; Selectman Hersom agrees that would be a good idea.
Hearing no further discussion Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Geraghty 2nds passes 4-0

Meeting Adjourned 7:15pm