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03/15/11 BOS Meeting Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board Of Selectman
  Meeting Minutes--

Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on4/12/11  by a vote 2-0-2_
                                                 7:00 p.m. – March 15, 2011
                                                           Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room

Members in Attendance:                           
              Chairman Richard Hersom, Vice-Chair Kevin Geraghty & Selectman John Hebert  
                                                                       (Selectmen Chizy & Fattman absent)                 
Also in Attendance:     Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Hersom calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Forum: No comments
Approval of Minutes:
Select. Geraghty motions to approve as presented minutes from 3/01/11; Select. Hebert 2nds passes 3-0
Select. Geraghty motions to approve as presented but not to be released Exec. Session from 3/01/11, Select Hebert 2nd passes 3-0

Town Accountant Update: Accountant Tim Harrison begins by saying that Department Heads went before the Finance Committee last week for their FY2012 budget. All went smooth except for the presentation by Dr. Fitzpatrick for BVT. TA Smith and Tim
Harrison both anticipated a $160,000. reduction in Suttons contribution to BVT due to 16 less kids attending, Sutton is only seeing a little over $100,000. reduction. Harrison states he questioned Fitzpatrick and was told the state computes the minimum per student and that price had risen. Tim informed the board that the state calculates the minimum contribution based on property values and income levels. What stands out in the FY Assessments for the 13 towns that utilize BVT is that for 97 students enrolled from Sutton the cost is $915,787. under minimum contribution, for 152 students from Northbridge the minimum contribution is $807,266. The total FY12 Assessment for BVT by the Town of Sutton is $1,053,061. In the current FY11 budget, Tim states that the only changes to address are the deficits. Currently, the deficits are Unemployment $40,000. Veterans Benefits $10-15,000. and Snow & Ice $100,000 (includes snow removal off school roof. Tim said he will meet with TA Smith and address how we will handle the deficits. Possibly ask the Assessors to release some overlay funds. The only issue thus far with the FY12 budget is the increase in Health Insurance. TA smith anticipated a 10% increase but the increase actually came in at 14.7%, increasing the budget by $300,000. A possible scenario as to how the gap may be covered is to use 1 time funds. Finance Com member Patrick Morris has volunteered to sit with Tim, Cathy and our MIIA rep to review the increase in insurance costs. This meeting is scheduled to take place April 5th, an update will be provided at the next scheduled BOS meeting. At this time, Chairman Hersom brings before the BOS the need to meet on April 12th. That will be an added meeting. The BOS agree to cancel the April 5th meeting and meet on April 12th and then again on April 19th.  With the borrowing for the school coming up, Tim has spoken to our fiscal advisor and it looks like during the peak borrowing on a single family home the increase in property taxes will be increased to around $480.00 per year. This is using a conservative borrowing rate of 4 ¼% and will be locked in for 20 years.  Selectman Geraghty asks how many students attend Norfolk Aggie School, Tim replied 1, Selectman Hebert says it is important that our stabilization fund stay strong as it helps with our bond ratings. Selectman Hersom questioned at what level is the formula for BVTs contributions made, DOR or Dept of Educ.? Tim replies Dept of Educ. And the formula is constantly redone.      

TA Office Update:
  • The office is in receipt from Town Counsel an updated status report on all litigation, non-litigation & labor matters. If the BOS wish, Atty McEnaney will come in to review.
  • RFP for the Ambulance Service is out for bid, proposals are due to the Grafton PD by 3/31 @ 4PM
  • 6 bids have been received for Modular Classrooms, they are being reviewed.
  • Fire Chief Paul Maynard has received his accreditation as Fire Chief; currently 36 chiefs in MA are accredited.
  • Invitation to bid for School project now available at
  • New hours for Transfer Station to begin week of April 4th.
  • Selectman Hersom offers his congratulations to the Sutton Girls Basketball team for winning the district.
Round Table:
  • Chairperson Hersom at this time wishes to read a letter from TA Jim Smith. This letter dated March 14th, 2011 signed by TA Smith appoints as Temporary Town Administrator Tim Harrison (Town Accountant) copy of letter is attached. Selectman Geraghty says he is very pleased that Tim is willing to assist the town in this position. Kevin goes on to say Tim is qualified and has served the town for many years. Selectman Hebert says he has worked with Tim for many years he is very professional and he does a really good job. Selectman Hersom also offers his thanks to Tim for assisting the town in this capacity.  

Selectman Geraghty motions to adjourn Selectman Geraghty 2nds passes 5-0