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03/01/2011 BOS Meeting Minutes
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 3/15/11  by a vote 3-0   
                                                        (Selectmen Chizy & Fattman absent)              
                                                 7:00 p.m. – March 1, 2011
                                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room

Members in Attendance:                           
              Chairman Richard Hersom, Vice-Chair Kevin Geraghty, Clerk Michael Chizy, and Members John Hebert & Ryan Fattman
Also in Attendance:     Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Hersom calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Forum: No comments
Approval of Minutes:
Select. Fattman motions to approve as presented minutes from 2/15/11; Select. Geraghty 2nds passes 4-0-1(Hebert absent)
Select. Geraghty motions to approve as presented minutes from 2/23/11: Select. Hebert 2nds passes 5-0
Select. Fattman motions to approve as presented but not to be released Exec. Session from 2/23/11, Select Hebert 2nd passes 5-0

Continuation of Public Hearing Scheduled on 2/15/11: Selectman Chizy reads the notice, present is Atty. Antonellis, Elizabeth Shropshire and Jay Magill. Atty. Antonellis briefs the BOS on progress of work: Public water is up to the building, there is a fire hydrant in place as well as the contract for Sprinkler System in place. Antonellis states that they are working to bring building into compliance. Select. Chizy feels that Magills run the Highfields very good and is happy that they are in town. Select. Geraghty asks for an update, Atty. Antoneliis states that the Building Inspec. and Fire Chief would not issue the Safety Certificate due to deficiencies with the building. Selectman Fattman informs the BOS that he had spoken to legal counsel for the ABCC, William Kelley. Mr. Kelley told Ryan that the BOS could approve the license with the contingency on completing the necessary work to get the safety certificate. This would get the paperwork moving. Selectman Fattman also spoke to Atty. McEnaney (K&P), he assured Ryan there was no problem with this course of action. Selectman Hebert says PV has been in our town since 1965 and has employed many Sutton residents. They have been a good tax base and is glad that Magills have taken it over. Select. Heberts main concern is to be fair and start the process. Chairman Hersom shares Heberts sentiments and goes along with supporting the motion. At this time, Chairman Hersom asks the manager of PV, Elizabeth (Magill) Shropshire, what methods she will use to safeguard patrons as well as over serving and not serving minors. Elizabeth introduces herself to the BOS, she goes on to say all servers will be TIP certified, there will always be a manager on duty in the restaurant as well as the function room. Also in place will be signage saying everyone is carded. Hersom asks if they will have a beverage cart on the greens, Elizabeth replies yes, that individual would also be TIP certified. Selectman Chizy responds that Highfields in Grafton runs a very good operation, Mike feels this will be run the same way. Select. Geraghty feels that by all accounts the operators are capable of running this establishment. Chairman Hersom asks the Building Inspec. John Couture and Fire Chief Paul Maynard their thoughts: John Couture replies he and the Fire Chief are happy with the progress being made at this time. They do not have an issue with the approval with a contingency. The License will not be given out until the areas being addressed from Couture and Maynard has been satisfied. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Chizy motions to exit the Public Hearing, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0. Selectman Fattman motions to approve the application by PV Foods & Beverage Services, LLC located at 95 Armsby Road, Sutton for an All-Alcohol General Premise Liquor License, and Manager in Charge Elizabeth Shropshire: CONTINGENT on the approved Certificate of Safety from the Building Commissioner and the Fire Chief, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0  Selectman Fattman motions to approve the application by PV Food & Beverage Services, LLC located at 95 Armsby Road for the Common Victualler License & Music and Dance, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0

Temporary Appointment of John Mitchell as Alternate Electrical Inspector to Alternate Inspector Stu Anderson: Building Commissioner John Couture is here to introduce John Mitchell to the BOS and request the temporary appointment. John would be a back up for Larry Morris in the event Stu is not available. John Mitchell of 82 Dodge Road introduces himself and gives a brief background. Selectman Chizy says that if the Building Commissioner is recommending this he will go along with it, Selectman Geraghty welcomes John Mitchell, hearing no further comments, Selectman Fattman motions to appoint John Mitchell as temporary alternate wiring inspector, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0

Payment & Release of Surety Bond- Villas at Pleasant Valley: Planning Director Jen Hager is present. Jen explains that this is the release of Phase 2 at the Villas. This property was previously owned by Art-Lot Acres (Jon LeClaire), the new owner is Black Brook Realty LLC (John Burns). Jen goes on to say that the new owner will convert the funds into a cash bond. Hearing no questions or concerns: Selectman Fattman motions to release Bond #K07155116 from Westchester Fire Insurance Company, and in turn all of Westchester’s obligations under the bond agreement in consideration of their paying $199,000.00 to Black Brook Realty, LLC on behalf of the Town in exchange for said release, Selectman Geraghty seconds passes 5-0  

TA Office Update:
  • Stretch Code Presentation held on January 27th, 2011
  • Town Meeting & Election schedule attached
  • Solar PV System Ribbon cutting rescheduled to sometime in April
  • Master Plan 1st meeting was held on Feb. 9th, next meeting scheduled for March 9th. Planning Board is still looking for a few volunteers. One specifically with some history on Manchaug.
  • Charter Communication- renewal application received, current license due to expire 1/27/12. Pam Nichols reviewing
  • Ambulance Contract (Alert Amb) set to expire 6/30/11, Town exercising option 2 of going out to bid for services.  
  • Transfer Station new hours to begin April 4th 2011. Tuesdays 8-7PM/Wed closed/Thurs, Fri & Sat 8-4PM
  • Modular Classroom bids packets out to bid at this time.
  • Selectman Geraghty congratulates Boys & Girls Basket Ball Teams as well as Basket Ball Coach Mark Donahue for his Clark Tournament win
  • Selectman Fattman echoes sentiments to Coach Donahue/ Ryan also mentions the Wine Tasting at Dudley Gendron March 4th $25.00 per person to benefit the Food Pantry
Round Table:
  • Chairperson Hersom has been made aware of an item that requires a contractual authorization. Jen Hager is present to explain the situation. Gates Leighton had submitted The Shaw Master Plan to TA Smith and the BOS several months ago. TA Smith had discussed having a second survey conducted to confirm the vast vernal pools and wetlands. Jen goes on to say there is a very short time period this can be done in the spring (3 weeks) if you miss the time frame you have to wait a whole year. The cost to perform this is $2,000.00. Atty. McEnaney (K&P) had been contacted and said in Jims absence, the BOS could approve. Selectman Chizy motions to allow Chairman Hersom to sign the contract, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0
Hearing no further comments, Chairman Hersom forwards a motion to enter Executive Session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21 (3) with the sole purpose of reconvening for adjournment, Selectman Fattman so moves the motion, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0   

8:10 Board of Selectman enter back into regular session
Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn Selectman Geraghty 2nds passes 5-0