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Board of Selectmen Minutes 9/7/2010
  Meeting Minutes--

Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on_9/21/2010_ by a vote __5-0_   
                                                 Selectmen Fattman enters after the vote taken  

       7:00 p.m. – September 7, 2010
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
               Chairman Richard Hersom, Vice-Chair Kevin Geraghty, Clerk Michael Chizz, and Member John Hebert  
                                                                                Selectman Fattman enters at 7:03
Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Hersom calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Forum: No comments
BOS minutes from 8/17/2010:  Selectman Geraghty motions to approve as presented, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0    
 (Selectman Fattman not present)
BOS Executive Session Minutes from 8/17/2010: Selectman Geraghty motions to approve but not to be released until matter is resolved, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 4-0
                                                (Selectman Fattman enters meeting but not in time to vote on E.S. minutes)
BOS Goal and Objectives Minutes from 8/31/2010: Selectman Geraghty motions to approve Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0

Appointment to the School Committee (Board wishes to postpone until the next meeting as candidate is unable to attend) this item will be placed on the September 21st meeting.

Presentation of GASB 45 Actuarial Study given by Daniel Rhodes representing The Segal Group: Dan begins by discussing GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) and OPEB (Other Post Employment Benefits) as described in MGL Ch 32. The only OPEB in Sutton is health insurance benefits for retirees. GASB 43 & 45 requires that public employers annually expense OPEB benefits that are earned today by our active employees, but that will be paid when the employee retires. Whatever is not funded becomes an unfunded liability. The Town of Sutton will have actuarial valuations as required performed every 2 years. The information gained from these valuations will assist governments in their financial obligations when funding OPEB benefits using the projections obtained showing who will retire, when and how long benefits will be paid. This will also assist with the yearly budgets, benefits and union contracts that will affect the town’s financial responsibilities years from now. Tim Harrison (Town Accountant) and TA Smith have discussed ways to address this unfunded liability for the Town of Sutton. They would like to ask the residents at the Fall Town Meeting to adopt an OPEB Trust Fund. Medicare part D reimbursements, due to start being paid to the town in FY2012, is one way to start adding money to this fund, this reimbursement will be a yearly revenue that will be added to the trust fund. Other one time monies may be used for this fund. TA Smith says this is a lot to get our arms around. The real goal of GASB 45 is to offer transparency to the residents as well as addressing our unfunded liability now rather than 30 years from now.  TA Smith is in favor of recommending a creation of an OPEB Trust Fund without funding at the Fall Town Meeting. Selectman Chizy has no comments at this time, Selectman Geraghty feels this presentation was much needed; any type of unfunded liability is dangerous. Selectman Fattman feels the proactive approach is great. Selectman Hebert feels this should go to Town Meeting and take the appropriate steps to get going. Selectman Hersom agrees with all that has been said, Rick goes on to say he looks forward to input from Jim and Tim on this. Rick also says that it is pretty glaring whether funded or unfunded; the rate of liability on the town is not sustainable.

BOS appointee to the Master Plan Committee: TA Smith says this is a steering committee with 11-13 members, some of which are in key planning leadership boards in town. The appointee process should be complete in 30 days. A presentation draft should be available within 6 months. Selectman Chizy feels a selectman and a planning board member is definitely needed to sit on this committee. Selectman Geraghty agrees that a selectman should sit on this committee and is ready to make a nomination. Selectman Fattman is interested to sit on committee but says he knows there are some concerns with his current situation. Selectman Hebert has no comments, Selectman Hersom says the BOS should be represented but it will also be good to get some new blood onto town committees. At this time, Selectman Geraghty nominates Selectman Mike Chizy to the committee, Kevin feels Mike is a good representation of the BOS and he works well with all groups in town. Selectman Fattman 2nds nomination, all in favor passes 5-0
Town Administrator Update:
  • Marion’s Camp- contractor on site expect project complete by late Oct. early Nov.
  • Chapter 70 Increase- Additional funds released for FY11 Chapter 70. Sutton Schools due to get an additional $255,000.00 paid directly to the schools. These are 1 time funds in addition to the $300,000.00 one time stimulus funds already received. TA Smith recommends for these funds to not be spent this year, if they are there will be a $555,000.00 gap in next year’s budget ($300,00.00 + $255,000.00)
  • 134 Dodge Hill Road & 86 Duval Road- Auction is scheduled to take place on Sept. 30th 10-12:30 in the Wally Johnson meeting room.
  • Cell Tower RFP- been out for 2 weeks, no takers. In the process of revising the RFP to allow tower companies to bid.
  • Sutton Housing Authority- 2 letters of interest have been received. Russell Spain and Stephanie Manna. These 2 candidates will be invited to the September 21st meeting.
  • Tricentennial Park Dedication- scheduled for Wed., October 6th @ 4pm. Jen is working with Gary Vaillancourt and Dave Lavallee to plan.
  • TA Evaluation- handed out by Chairman Hersom, please return to Rick or Debbie by Sept. 15th to be placed on agenda for September 21st.
  •  Golf Tournament for Charity- 2nd annual Town Hall Golf Tournament October 8th @ 9:00 to benefit Sutton Food Pantry.
        No news
Round Table:
Selectman Chizy-
  • Food Pantry has a lot of empty shelves. With school back in session the need is greater, 17 families were helped last week. Mike reads the list of items they are completely out of and informs all that the list is on cable and the town web site.
  • Time Capsule- Mike would like to discuss the possibility of a 50 year time capsule placed at the school, he would like the kids involved with what is put into the capsule. This will be an agenda item for October.
Selectman Geraghty-
  • Appointment to housing authority was previously said to be going on the Sept. 21st agenda, he asks if we should move to October 5th meeting, all are in agreement that it be on October agenda.
Selectman Fattman-
  • Time Capsule is a wonderful idea.
  • Cell Tower- can you get it online. TA Smith says we need contact info in the event there is an addenda issued.
Selectman Hersom-
  • Asks if the information on what Food Pantry needs is on line, TA Smith responds “yes”
Selectman Geraghty motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0

Meeting Adjourned 8:25 pm