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Board of Selectmen Minutes 8/17/2010
  Meeting Minutes--

Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on-9/7/2010 by a vote  4-0   
                                                 Selectmen Fattman enters after the vote taken  

       7:00 p.m. – August 17, 2010
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
               Chairman Richard Hersom, Vice-Chair Kevin Geraghty, Clerk Michael Chizy, and Members John Hebert & Ryan Fattman
Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Hersom calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Forum: No comments
BOS minutes from 8/03/2010:  Selectman Geraghty motions to approve as presented, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0-2    
 (Selectman Hersom & Fattman abstain due to not attending the 8/3 meeting)

                                            **********PUBLIC HEARING POLE HEARING***********
Selectman Chizy reads the public hearing notice as was posted in the T&G on August 2nd, 2010.  Selectman Hebert motions to open the Public Hearing; Selectman Geraghty 2nds passes 5-0. Paul Schneider is present for Verizon and states that this is for the fiber optic build out for the town. The Police Dept, Fire Dept and Highway have all responded with no issues concerning placement of these poles. Hearing no comments or concerns Selectman Chizy motions to close the public hearing, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0. Selectman Geraghty motions to approve placement of the new poles on Mendon Road as presented, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0

Appointment to the Historical Commission: Mark Kellogg of 98 Putnam Hill Road is present for an appointment to the Historical Commission. Mark is filling an unexpired vacancy left by Greg Wolodkin with a term to expire 2011. Selectman Geraghty welcomes Mark and goes on to say he is young, intelligent and thanks him for his commitment to serve the public. Selectman Chizy & Hebert offer their thanks for volunteering, Chairman Hersom echoes sentiments expressed by the BOS. Selectman Fattman motions to appoint Mark Kellogg to the Historical Commission, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 5-0

Modifications to the Senior Tax Work off program: COA Director Michelle Edelstein is present. TA Smith briefs the BOS on the current Senior Tax Work Off program. What began in 2001 with 18 seniors is now currently 26 seniors. The seniors work 93.75 hours at $8.00 and hour and receive $750.00 off their property tax bill. Currently there are no qualifications needed. TA Smith goes on to say surrounding towns have been polled and require some limitations such as income eligibility guidelines and a cap on the amount committed to the program. If there are to be changes to this, TA Smith says it may have to go to Town Meeting. Selectman Chizy feels that income guidelines and a cap are 2 good places to look at. He would like more information on the surrounding towns and their guidelines.  Selectman Geraghty asks who makes the determination as to where the person works. Michelle responds that she speaks to each person individually and finds out their skills and places them where they would be better suited. Kevin goes on to say it is a great value to the town assuming we are getting value from the work. Selectman Fattman questions the possibility of grandfathering in existing seniors. Selectman Hebert would like to see more information from surrounding towns and look further into it at the Goals and Objectives meeting. Chairman Hersom asks what happens if a senior applies and is not skilled, Michelle states that she will work with the individual. Selectman Hersom feels an income policy may be difficult but would like to see a snap shot on the surrounding community’s guidelines.

Draft Policies: Stabilization Fund, Free Cash, Investment for General Fund and Investment for Trust/Stabilization Fund: TA Smith reviews with the BOS & Accountant Tim Harrison the following drafts. TA Smith says that while the town has followed many of the guidelines, there is no documentation of these practices. Adoption of these policies will add transparency and accountability to the finances of the town. Rating agencies look favorably on financial policies. This was mentioned this past year by Standard and Poor, the towns rating agency. TA Smith goes on to say that by having these policies in writing, the current board communicates our intentions for future town officials. Selectman Chizy feels it is about time we do this. Selectman Geraghty says plans & procedures are key. Selectman Fattman asks about the Free Cash fund and when it originated. Selectman Hebert feels it is prudent management skills. Chairman Hersom agrees with all comments and goes on to say that banks want companies to be fiscally solvent. All are in agreement that this is a great thing.

Update on Transfer Station FY2010: TA Smith gives a brief power point on the Transfer Station. The rates have remained the same for 4 years where private pick up has increased by 5-10%.  During the months of June and July, residents can purchase a sticker at the Transfer Station on Saturdays. This is a self supporting operation that in FY10 showed a positive figure of $6,348.00. The BOS all agree they are happy to see it running good and making money.
Town Administrator Update:
  • Marions Camp Bids opened, awarded to Kaszowski Brothers at $164,000.00
  • Manchaug Pond Tour held on August 11th . Very educational.
  • 134 Dodge Hill Rd & 86 Duval Road to be auctioned off on September 30th 10:00-12:30
  • Cell Tower RFP: available for pickup on Wednesday Aug. 18th due back Friday September 17th @ 11am
  • Sutton Housing Authority resignation: Ms Josephine Zanella resigned, vacancy to be filled
  • School Committee resignation of Tracy Zuliani, position will be posted and then brought to next meeting
  • Solar Project moving forward
  • Police Officer position posted to be filled
  • Fri. Oct 8th Town Golf Tournament for Charity
  • Annual Board retreat for goals & objectives Aug 31st @ 5:30 Blackstone National Golf Coarse
        No news
Round Table:
Selectman Geraghty wishes Tracy Zuliani well on her new job and asks for specifics to filling the vacancy.   
Kevin asks Jim what the balance is in the Marions Camp acct. after the $164,000.00 is withdrawn. TA Smith replies around $60,000.00.
Selectman Fattman offers his thanks to Tracy Zuliani for her service to the town.
Selectman Hersom feels the 2 properties being auctioned off will bring in fair market value. He also asks if there is any way to expedite cell tower project. TA Smith said it has been a complicated and lengthy process.

Selectman Hersom moves to enter into Executive Session with sole purpose of convening back into open meeting solely for adjournment, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0  Roll call taken

Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0

Meeting Adjourned 8:25 pm