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Board of Selectmen Minutes 7/7/2010
  Meeting Minutes--

Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  7/20/2010 by a vote  3-0-1
 (Selec Fattman Abstains)

       7:00 p.m. – July 6, 2010
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
                      Richard Hersom, Chairman; Kevin Geraghty, Vice-Chairman, Michael Chizy, Clerk Members John Hebert & Ryan Fattman
Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Hersom calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Forum: No comments
BOS minutes from 6/15/2010: Selectman Chizy motions to approve as written Selectman Geraghty seconds passes 4-0-1  

Mateychuk Post 390 request for a 1 day outside beer & wine license: Sharon Farnsworth (mgr for Post 390) is present to answer any questions. Selectman Chizy recuses himself as he is a member of Post 390. TA Smith reviews the request with the BOS. It is for a chicken barbecue scheduled for 7/17 between the hours of 2pm-6pm. A police detail will be present. Selectman Geraghty feels it is a reasonable request with a detail officer present. Hearing no further comments/concerns, Selectman Fattman motions to approve, contingent upon a police detail hired for the entire event, the request for a 1 day outside beer & wine license for Mateychuk Post 390 on Saturday July 17th, 2010 from 2pm – 6pm, Selectman Geraghty seconds passes 4-0-1

Reappointments of Board & Committee members:
Clerk for the BOS Mr. Chizy reads the list of reappointments (attached). Selectman Geraghty motions to reappoint the Board of Selectmen appointees to various Town boards and commissions as presented, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0.

Appointment of Wayne Whittier to the Planning Board: TA Smith reviews the request from the Planning Board to appoint alternate Wayne Whittier to the vacant seat left by Scott Hughes until the next regular Town Election in May 2011. Selectman Chizy says this is a good choice, Selectman Geraghty agrees with Chizy and asks if the alternate position will be filled, TA Smith says yes, there are a few residents interested in this position, once Planning Board reviews they will forward selection on to the Board of Selectmen for appointment. Selectman Hebert feels Wayne is a good choice as he is up to speed with the projects Selectman Fattman agrees with Wayne’s appointment and makes a motion to appoint Wayne Whittier to the vacant Planning Board position until the next regular Town Election held in May 2011, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0

Consent to Kopelman & Paige for dual representation for proposed Inter Municipal Agreement: TA Smith informs the BOS that due to the recent sharing of our Public Health Director/Nurse Cheryl Rawinski, consent from the BOS in both Towns (Webster & Sutton) would be required for K&P to represent both towns. TA Smith goes on to say that this would be a revenue generator for Sutton as we will be paid for these services. Once the BOS agree to this, then formal discussions can begin for an Inter Municipal Agreement. TA Smith goes on to say this is a pilot program and first and foremost Cheryl is an employee for the Town of Sutton but currently assisting Webster. This will not affect the residents in Sutton and feels this is a win win situation. Selectman Chizy feels that with the economy the way it is, more towns will be looking to share services, it is great for both towns. Selectman Geraghty agrees with Mike and goes on to say there are a tremendous amount of services not being utilized, this is a great idea. Selectman Hebert speaks very highly of Cheryl’s skills and says there is a need to utilize them. TA Smith says that the need for Public Immunizations has grown, some communities hire the VNA but Cheryl is familiar with grants, and clinics. Selectman Fattman shares everyone’s sentiments.  Chairman Hersom says this is a great concept and feels Cheryl has gone above and beyond. Selectman Fattman motions to authorize Kopelman & Paige to serve as dual representative in actions relative to a potential inter municipal agreement with the Town of Webster, Selectman Geraghty seconds passes 5-0   

Town Administrator Update:
  • Annual Board Retreat for Goals & Objectives: get a few dates for weeknight as well as Saturday mornings
  • Rufus Putnam Painting: Sheriff Guy Glodis and his staff have agreed to paint the Rufus Putnam Building in early fall. John Couture will oversee project
  • Open Meeting Law presentation to be held on July 13th @ 7:00pm, all Boards and Commissions are invited to attend.
  • Marion’s Camp: will go back out to bid on July 14th. Landscaping to be scaled back to reduce the cost.
        Selectman Hebert to attend the CMRPC meeting July 7th

Round Table:
Selectman Chizy reads a letter of appreciation from the Manchaug Pond Association with kudos to TA Smith, Mark Brigham and Conservation
Selectman Geraghty: would like to discuss in his opinion, a misleading comment made by Selectman Fattman in regards to funds received for Marion’s Camp. Selectman Fattman called the funds a legislative earmark when the funds were actually a competitive grant.  Selectman Geraghty went on to discuss the event that was held at Marion’s Camp in which Selectman Fattman called the get together extravagant spending of tax payers money. Kevin said all items were donated; no tax payer’s dollars were spent.    
Selectman Fattman responded to Selectman Geraghty stating that it is clear there will be some differences over the next 4 months; the political race should be kept out of the BOS meetings.  
Chairman Hersom shares the opinion that politics does not belong in the meeting room. Rick goes on to say we owe it to the residents to do our best job as a board. If there are any mis-statements reach out to the Chairman and it will be placed on an agenda to be discussed as a board.

Hearing no further discussions, Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0

Meeting Adjourned 7:50 pm