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Board of Selectmen Minutes 07/20/2010
  Meeting Minutes--

Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  8/3/2010_ by a vote _3-0_   

        7:00 p.m. – July 20, 2010
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
                      Kevin Geraghty, Acting Chairman, Michael Chizy, Clerk Members John Hebert & Ryan Fattman
Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Geraghty calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Forum: No comments
BOS minutes from 7/6/2010:  Selectman Chizy motions to approve as presented, Selectman Hebert seconds passes 3-0-1 (Selectman Fattman abstains)

Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) 169 Eight Lots Road: Jonathan Anderson is present to present and discuss. TA Smith begins by saying the town had received paperwork from the Department of Agricultural Resources stating their intent to purchase this property. At that point, the BOS must discuss at a public hearing which serves as public notice to residents of the intentions. Jim asks Jonathan Anderson to brief the BOS on this. Jonathan begins by stating he had wanted to protect these 82 acres of farm land owned by Mr. Cronin which is currently for sale. Jonathan began this last fall by contacting Greater Worcester Land Trust as well as the Metacomet Land Trust. Michelle Padula from the DOAR was also contacted and she toured the site. The State is interested in this property as it abuts 729 acres of state owned land. The land owner, Mr. Cronin supports this process. The state is meeting on July 29th and will be finalizing their decision. If this does not work out, the Fish and Wildlife may also be interested in this property. There are a lot of things that come in to play to have this work. The state needs to make sure the value of the land in order to move forward. Selectman Chizy commends Jonathan for the work put into this. Mike goes onto say he is all for preserving farm land. Selectman Fattman and Hebert congratulate Jonathan for getting to this point and hope it all works out. Selectman Geraghty echoes the sentiments and asks at what point the land owner makes the decision to sell. Jonathan replies that once the MDAR makes a decision they will present it to the owner but the State will have 120 days to get all the information needed (determination on value and whether it percs or not)to either proceed with the sale or withdraw the offer.

Naming of BOS Delegate & Alternate to the CMRPC for FY11: Selectman Chizy says that John and Bruce have both been in the     CMRPC a long time and they both do a terrific job, Selectman Chizy motions to reappoint John Hebert as the BOS Delegate and reappoint Bruce Davis as BOS Alternate; Selectman Fattman seconds all in favor passes 4-0
Town Administrator Update:
  • Annual Goal & Objectives off site meeting- tentatively scheduled for August 24th at BNGC, Selectman Geraghty cannot make the 24th, we will reschedule for the 31st  
  • Shared Technology Director- Jim has had a number of discussions with Ted Friend, the new Superintendent regarding the sharing of an IT position. This position will be posted soon and will not cost anymore then what has been budgeted for FY11.
  • Open Meeting Law- K&P gave a presentation on the changes to the Open Meeting Law Tuesday, July 13th. We are in compliance with the new law that took effect July 1st, 2010
  • Youth Baseball Tournament- town assisted with the getting the Hough Field ready for the Tournament.
  • State of MA Solid Waste Master Plan- Jim submitted a comment asking the State to use actual recycling data vs averages.
  • Manchaug Pond Tour- Manc. Pond Assoc. would prefer an afternoon (3-4 pm) on a weekday as weekends are busy
  • Perc Tests- 134 Dodge Hill & 86 Duval both perced on Friday, auction will take place mid September
  • Town Golf Tournament for Charity- 2 nd annual scheduled for Friday, October 8th 9am Clear view Country Club. Proceeds will once again benefit the Sutton Food Pantry.
        No new news
Round Table:
Selectman Chizy informs the Board that there was an article in the Millbury Sutton Chronicle in regards to Billy Hastings from Troop 131 who did a food drive for the Sutton Food Pantry for his Eagle Scout Project. Billy collected over 900lbs of food as well as $300.00 in gift certificates. All of the donations were brought to the Senior Center Food Pantry. Good Job Billy Hastings!

Hearing no further discussions, Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 4-0

Meeting Adjourned 7:47 pm