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Board of Selectmen Minutes 4/6/2010
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 4/20/2010 by a vote 4-0-1   
                                                                 John Hebert Absent from 4/6/2010 meeting       

       7:00 p.m. – April 6, 2010
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
              Richard Hersom, Acting Chair, Kevin Geraghty, Clerk:  Members Michael Chizy & Ryan Fattman
Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Acting Chair Rick Hersom calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum
Selectman Fattman motions to approve March 16, 2010 minutes as presented, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0

The Villas Phase I Bond Proceeds Expenditure: Repayment to the Villas Condominium Association in the amount of $1476.00 for work done on the roadway to be paid out of the Phase I bond from Travelers Insurance. Hearing no discussion, Selectman Geraghty motions to authorize the expenditure of $1476.00 from the Villas Phase I bond proceeds pursuant to Mass General Laws Chapter 41 Section 81U, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0

Execution of Whittier Farm APR: This APR was voted on and approved at the May town meeting. TA Smith goes on to say it is a terrific project on property where the family goes back generations. There are two agreements, one is for the south side (182 acres) for a total of $1,832,000.00($1,692,000. from the State and $140,000. from the town) the second is for the north side (197 acres) for a total of $1,562,000.00 ($1,422,000. from the State and $140,000. from the town). Selectman Fattman asks about the status of the cell tower property, TA Smith explains that would be the next step. As per the purchase & sale, the 1st step is to close on the APR and then close on the cell tower location. Selectman Chizy says this is great for the Town of Sutton to get this land and keep its rural character. Selectman Geraghty agrees with Mikes comments and thanks the Whittier’s and residents of Sutton by recognizing the value of this. Selectman Hersom says that residents can rest assured the landscape they see now in West Sutton will be the same 300 years from now. He goes on to applaud the Whittier’s and the residents for being wise and prudent. Selectman Fattman motions to execute the Agricultural Preservation Restriction with Whittier Farms Inc. and the State of Massachusetts protecting approximately 378 acres of farmland, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0    

Tax Collector/Treasurer Cheryl Ouillette presents note renewal for BOS signing & Standard & Poor’s credit rating: Also in attendance is Clark Rowell, Vice President of Fiscal Advisory Services for Unibank. Cheryl informs the BOS that the general obligation bonds in the amount of $945,000.00 with the Boards approval will go to Eastern Bank Capital Markets with an overall interest cost below 3%. TA Smith feels it was a good process and offers thanks to Tim Harrison and Cheryl Ouillette. Jim feels the discussion with the rating agency went very well. Clark Rowell said that he also felt the discussion went very well and the AA stable rating is a feather in the cap for Sutton. Hearing no discussion, Selectman Geraghty motions to approve the sale of the bonds as presented by the towns Financial Advisor, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0

Budget Update: TA Smith presents an updated power point on the Fy2011 budget. The budget is to be delivered at Town Meeting scheduled for May 10th. If the Meals & Hotel tax does not pass, there will be an additional $45,000.00 in cuts. Already eliminated are 10 hours in the Board of Health for the clerk and the Town Nurse and 10 hours for the clerk in the Town Clerks office. This will not affect hours of operation in these departments. The vacant positions will remain frozen. Jim also reviewed the potential cost to tax payers should the vote for the Middle School/High School be approved as well as the significant amount of debt being paid off. Selectman Hersom says it was a very detailed overview. Selectmen Chizy & Geraghty both voice “good job” Selectman Fattman feels it was a good presentation and questions why we would go with a 20 year borrowing for the new school rather than a 30 year. TA Smith says that there is a 20 year maximum to borrowing; the State does this to keep the cities and towns financially healthy. Jim informs Ryan that under MGL Chapter 44 there are borrowing terms listed for specific items.  
TA Update:
  • Solar Project: we are awaiting the feasibility study & financing report.
  • Route 146 Roadway & water main project: Currently out to bid. There was an addendum issued and possibly another to go out shortly. This will delay the bid opening.  
  • Marions Camp: going out to bid for parking lot pavement, drainage and beach access improvements. Recently received an additional $145,000.00 for improvements at Marions Camp. This was presented at a Press release at Marions Camp last week.
  • Rain Storms: some areas in town did have some flooded road ways. The biggest area affected was Putnam Hill Road and the Private roads along Tucker Pond. Jim commended the Police Dept, The Fire Dept and Highway for the services they provided. Jim went on to thank Paul Maynard as he assisted the National Guard that came in to Sutton and utilized the sand at the Highway Barn to fill sand bags for harder hit communities.
  • Senator Moore will hold a Budget briefing on Friday April 16th at Alternatives in Northbridge.
  • May 16th road race to benefit our schools. Police & Fire notified.
No Announcements

Round Table:
Selectman Geraghty thanks all involved with the efforts put forth for Marions Camp. Kevin goes on to say it has been a journey with Marions Camp that over the past 3 years has started seeing results due to the funding received from DCR along with the help of Rep. Callahan. It is a valuable asset to the Town of Sutton.  

Selectman Fattman speaks briefly on the Health Care Reform article.

Selectman Geraghty motions to enter into Executive Session under MGL Chapter 39,  § 23B, #3 To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation with the sole purpose of re entering the public meeting for sole purpose of adjourning, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 4-0

Selectman Fattman motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0

Meeting Adjourned 8:30 pm