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Board of Selectmen Minutes 2/16/2010
Town Of Sutton
Board Of Selectman
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  March 2, 2010 by a vote 4-0  

        7:00 p.m. – February 16, 2010
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
John Hebert, Chairman; Richard Hersom, Vice-Chair; Kevin Geraghty, Clerk: Members Michael Chizy and Ryan Fattman

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum
Selectman Hersom motions to approve January 26, 2010 minutes as presented, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0-1 (Selectman Geraghty abstains as he was not present at 1/26/10 meeting).  
Selectman Fattman motions to approve Executive Session minutes from January 16, 2010 but not to be released at this time, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0-1(see above)

Bond release for the Villas at Pleasant Valley: Planning Director Jen Hager is here to request the BOS approval of a bond release. Jen informs BOS that there is still work to be done forcing her to call in on this bond. The work was to be completed in 3 phases, 2 off Boston Rd and 1 off Armsby Road. This bond is in the amount of $50,268.00 from Travelers Insurance. This bond will help finalize Phase 1 (fencing, as-built plans and reimbursing the condo association). Phase 2 will consist of stabilizing the sloped areas. Selectman Geraghty motions to endorse the Affidavit, Release and Assignment and to accept the $50,628.00 in bond proceeds for Phase I of the Villas at Pleasant Valley and release Traveler’s Insurance from any further liability, Selec. Hersom 2nds passes 5-0

Tri-Park sign agreement: Planning Director Jen Hager is present to request the BOS to execute the task agreement for the Tri-Centennial Park signs. Hearing no discussion, Selectman Fattman motions to endorse the Task Agreement with the JHCBRVNHCC for completion of the wayside sign at Tri Centennial Park, Selectman Chizy seconds, and passes 5-0.

Declaration of snow emergency: TA Smith informs the BOS that as of this date, the cost for snow and ice removal has totaled $125,000.00, $120,000.00 was budgeted. This is due in part to the increase in salt ($70.00 a ton). Selectman Fattman motions to overspend the budgeted Snow & Ice account under MGL Chapter 44 § 31D Snow and ice removal: emergency expenditures Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0

Appointment of Town Administrator to School Committee Collective Bargaining Team (MGL Chapter 150E §1): The BOS all agree that this will be helpful to the negations as TA Smith will bring with him knowledge regarding revenues and the financial picture of the town. Selectman Chizy motions to appoint TA Smith to the School Committee Collective Bargaining Team, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0

Presentation of the Preliminary FY2011 Budget (power point): TA Smith begins by saying under the Town Bylaw and Charter; he is required to present the preliminary operating Budget for FY2011. This is his 3rd Budget presentation and informs the BOS that it is still early in the process but there are only a few moving pieces. The total budget is $25,921,287.00 with currently a negative gap of $124,000.00. The only new revenue is in local property tax which reflects a 2 ½ % increase plus new growth amounting to $418,825.00. This figure does not even cover the additional increase to BVT ($150,000.00 for additional students enrolling) as well as the increase in employee benefits (estimated at an increase of $271,000.00). The Governor’s budget reduces State Aid by $70,000.00 and maintains the current level funding of Lottery Aid and Chapter 70. TA Smith shows revenue trends since 2002 with a 12% reduction in FY2011 ($90,000.00) from the FY02 figure. He goes on to say that the burden has fallen more and more on the property owners to support local government. TA Smith says that to avoid a structural deficit, we cannot rely on our one time revenues. Level funding or cuts in budgets while maintaining vacant positions are what we are seeing again in this budget season. TA Smith is meeting with the Police Union as well as Teamsters to discuss possible concessions going in to the next fiscal year which is the 3rd year of their contracts. We need to reduce costs for sustainability as the revenues are not keeping up. TA Smith is recommending to the BOS and at Town Meeting to adopt the local meals & hotel/motel tax. The DOR estimates that this would bring in an additional $45,000.00 in revenue. The meals tax would raise ¾% of 1% (.75 cents on a $100.00 meal tab) and a 2% increase for the hotel/motel tax. The 2 enterprise funds (Sewer & the Transfer Station) have been able to go into Fy2011 with no rate increases. On the School side, both union contracts are up for negotiations. Being proposed in this budget is level funding. Due to contract increases there may be cuts in other areas of the school budget.
Comments from the Board:
        Selectman Chizy: Good presentation, more optimistic than prior to presentation, Good job by Jim.
        Selectman Geraghty: echoes Mike’s comments, not as bad as he thought we were.  
Selectman Hersom: congratulates Jim on putting together the numbers & facts. Rick goes on to say he wishes the State would follow the towns’ prudent fiscal responsibilities.
Selectman Fattman: Good job to Jim for a bare bones budget, the belt keeps getting pulled tighter.
Selectman Hebert: Praises Jim on the Budget book. John would like the budget message either on Cable or on our web site as it lays out the budget and is self explanatory. John also commends the schools budget book.
Town Administrator Update:
  • Middle Sch/High Sch- MSBA met on Jan 27th and approved the towns design for a new Middle sch/High sch. This project now moves on to the next phase. If approved at the March MSBA meeting then this will be put on the May Town Meeting.
  • Solar RFP- the selection committee has met and are checking references on the top 3 submittals
  • Shaw Plan- contract signed with Gates, Leighton and Associates.
  • Conflict of Interest Law- Board members required to sign and return acknowledgment as well as take the online test.
No Announcements at this time

Round Table:
        Selectman Chizy- Comments that the reverse 911 call placed on Friday worked very well
Selectman Geraghty- commends BOS and TA for proactive budget/town is still moving forward. Commends Jim’s leadership ability. Also thanks the dedicated residents that have given years on the School Building Committee.
        Selectman Fattman- Congratulates Chief Towle for decision to use reverse 911. Sutton values its resident’s safety, people
        need to be aware.

Selectman Geraghty motions to enter into Executive Session under MGL Chapter 39,  § 23B, #3 To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation with the sole purpose of re entering the public meeting for sole purpose of adjourning, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0

Meeting Adjourned 8:36pm