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2009_10_06 Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on   10/20/09  by a vote_3-0-2_  

7:00 p.m. – October 6, 2009
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
John Hebert, Chairman; Kevin Geraghty, Clerk and Member Michael Chizy

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No Comments under Public Forum.
Selectman Geraghty motions to approve Sept. 22, 2009 minutes as presented, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 3-0
Selectman Geraghty motions to approve and be released at a later date Sept. 22, 2009 Joint Executive Session Minutes held with the School Committee, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 3-0
Leland Hill Estates, Mark Anderson from Heritage Design present to discuss L.I.P. application for this project, also present for any questions if Town Planning Director Jen Hager. Jen Hager informs BOS that what is needed for this project to go forward is a signature by the BOS as well as a letter of support. Mark Anderson says that this was a project gone bad. The new owner of the property is Black Brook Realty Corporation. They have proposed a development with single family homes, some of which will be affordable housing. They have already reduced the number of houses proposed from 60 to 58 per recommendation of the Fire Chief for public safety reasons. Access safety is to be discussed this week with the Highway Superintendent Mark Brigham as well as Police Chief Dennis Towle. Mark goes on to say the goal tonight is to get the BOS support. Concern among the Selectmen is a request to waive permit fees.  Mark Anderson states that it is the intent of Heritage Design to waive some fees associated with the affordable units. Jen Hager replies that it should be noted on the application that they have to come back before the BOS to discuss the issue with waiving fees under their jurisdiction as well as consideration to be determined by specific boards at a later date. Selectman Geraghty states that if there is any request for waiving of sewer fees that may have to go before a Town Meeting per Town By law. Selectman Chizy motions to support the application for the Local Initiative Program for the Leland Hill Development Selectman Geraghty seconds passes 3-0

Quabbin Path Road Layout: Planning Director Jen Hager informs the Board that this will go to Town Meeting and then back to the BOS to vote to accept as a town way. Selectman Geraghty motions to Layout Quabbin Path as a Town Road pursuant to M.G.L. Ch 82 Section 21-24 Selectman Chizy seconds passes 3-0

Purchase & Sale for cell tower land: TA Smith says this is approximately 5 – 6 acres of land owned by the Whittiers which will allow the town to construct a cell tower. This would also allow revenue to be generated and used to offset the $280,000.00 which is the town’s share of the cost for the APR also proposed on the Whittier property. Andrews Survey has drawn up the proposed layout of  the location of the cell tower. Selectmen are in agreement that a cell tower will take care of the communication problems in town as well as pay down the town share of the APR which is preserving 312 acres in its present state. TA Smith says that there is a clause that after 20 years if the Town does not need the tower, the 5-6 acres will be sold back to the Whittier’s for a dollar. Chairman Hebert feels this is a good partnership between Whittier’s and the Town. Selectman Chizy motions to execute the P&S agreement between the Town of Sutton and Whittier Farms, Inc. for the purchase of 5-6 acres more or less along with access and utility easements for the price of $24,000.00 for the purpose of constructing a cell tower, Selectman Geraghty seconds passes 3-0  

Communication from Blackstone Valley Regional Economical Development Council: TA Smith reviews correspondence received from Joseph Deliso, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee. They are looking for a representative to sit on the committee. Selectman Geraghty questions assuming we want a representative from town, how do we go about getting the word out there, can the request be put on the web site? TA Smith says yes it can be put on the web site but if there are any names that the BOS can put forward that may also be done. Chairman Hebert states that it is wise to be a player and have someone represent the town. It is not feasible to put money in at this time, out of the 11 towns in the Blackstone Valley, 5 have formally endorsed the agreement but only 3 have funded the initiative.  

Approve & Sign Warrant for Fall Town Meeting (to be held on Oct. 19, 2009 @ 7:30p.m. at the ELC): The Warrant is read and reviewed by TA Smith and Planning Director Jen Hager. Selectman Chizy motions to approve as presented the Town Warrant for the Fall Town Meeting Selectman Geraghty seconds passes 3-0  

Town Administrator Update:
  • Employee Golf Tournament earned over $1,800.00to benefit the Sutton Food Pantry. Many thanks to Laura Rodgers our illustrious Town Clerk.
  • Energy Update will be provided at the next BOS meeting.
  • Town Hall improvements completed: Town Hall Steps, Boiler and Paint job by the Sheriff’s Office.
  • David Charpentier appointed as Cemetery laborer for 60 days.
  • Public Forum for the Middle/High School project to be held on Thursday, October 15th @ 7:00pm in the Middle school auditorium.
  • Selectman Chizy has asked for several years the person responsible for maintaining the shrubbery that spells out Blackstone Valley on route 146. The gentleman that does the landscaping is Wade Grondin.
  • Reminder that due to new quarterly billing taxes are due on November 2nd.
Round Table:
  • Selectman Chizy reads a list of much needed items for the Sutton Food Pantry.
Selectman Geraghty motions to enter into Executive Session under MGL Chapter 39,  § 23B, #3 To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation with the sole purpose of re entering the public meeting for sole purpose of adjourning, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 3-0

Meeting Adjourned 8:26pm