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2009_09_01 Board of Selectmen Minutes
Town Of Sutton
Board Of Selectman
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on 9/23/2009  by a vote  4-0-1

7:00 p.m. – September 1, 2009
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
John Hebert, Chairman; Richard Hersom, Vice-Chair; Members Michael Chizy and Ryan Fattman

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:05 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No Comments under Public Forum.
Selectman Fattman motions to approve August 18, 2009 minutes as presented, Selectman Chizy seconds, all in favor passes 3-0-1
Selectman Hersom motions to approve Goal & Objectives minutes from August 26, 2009, Selectman Chizy seconds, all in favor passes 4-0

Discussion on consideration of Meals & Hotel Local Option Taxes: TA Smith reviews information regarding the implementation of a .75% local option meals tax and a 2% local option room occupancy tax. If the BOS accept this, they would first have to vote to place on the Town Meeting warrant. Once at Town Meeting, it would require a majority vote to pass. DOR estimates Sutton would raise $4,000. in room occupancy taxes and $40,000.00 in local meals taxes. The State would collect and then disburse back to the Town. TA Smith has polled surrounding communities and at this time they are not considering adopting the increase but they are keeping the door opened. Approximately 10% of cities and towns have adopted the new local option taxes. The Board all agrees to take under consideration and revisit at a later date. Selectman Hersom motions to take under consideration and revisit at another time, Selectman Chizy seconds all in favor 4-0

FY2010 Budget Adjustments: TA Smith reviews the adjustments made to the FY2010 budget that will go to the Fall Town Meeting for voter’s approval. This is due to the further reduction in revenues to the Town of Sutton when the final budget was passed by the Legislature and Governor.  Hearing no discussion we move on to the next agenda item.

Extension of Pouring License for Blackstone National Golf Club on 9/12/09 from 11:00 pm to 9/13/09 at 2:00 am: Selectman Fattman informs BOS that this is for the Romasco Golf Tournament.  Hearing no discussion, Selectman Chizy motions to approve the extension from 11:00 pm on 9/12 to 2:00am on 9/13, Selectman Hersom seconds all in favor passes 4-0

APR for Whittier’s Farm:  TA Smith begins a power point presentation reviewing the APR for Whittier Farm. The offer from the State is pending and expected this month some time. Once the offer is issued, the town will be asked to contribute approx. 10% of the price which is less then the 20% normally requested due to Sutton having the Right to Farm by Law. . This would require a vote at a town meeting. The APR Program has been very successful in protecting agricultural land in Massachusetts.  This particular APR is for 312 acres in Sutton and 66 acres in Oxford.  Once the offer is received, the BOS will have to vote to put it before voters at a Town Meeting which would require a special election. TA Smith says the approximately $280,000. would be financed through debt service. Selectman Chizy voices that this is a great gift from the Whittier family. Selectman Fattman says the Whittier family are good people and it is important to preserve the town’s character.  Selectman Hersom echoes all comments and says that the Whiitier Family are great stewards in the Town of Sutton. Chairman Hebert says this is a great thing the Whittier family is doing for the town.

West Sutton Cell Tower Plan: TA Smith begins by stating there is a lack of cell service in the west Sutton area. This not only creates a problem for cell users but also affects Public Safety Communication. Along with the Whittier APR, is a proposal to sell 5 acres of Whittiers property on Town Farm Road to the Town of Sutton for $24,000.00. This would be used to place a cell tower along with a second tower on town owned Shaw property. These 2 towers would greatly increase cell services in that part of town. The revenue from the tower on Town Farm Road could pay down the debt for the APR. There is a P&S being drafted and it is to include an easement along the access road as well as the Whittiers will continue to maintain the property.  If after 20 years the land is no longer needed, the Town would sell it back to the Whittier family for $1.00.  Selectman Chizy says this is a long time coming. Selectman Fattman feels the town is doing a dis-service to public safety if we do not go ahead with this. Selectman Hersom lives in this area and feels if he needed to use his cell phone to make an emergency call it would not be possible. Rick goes on to say this should be a no brainer and thinks TA Smith should oversee this. Chairman Hebert says this will help all areas of Public service.  

TA Jim Smith’s yearly evaluation: Due back within 1 week to 10 days to be put on the next BOS meeting. Included in this is notification from Jim Smith that per his contract, he is to notify the Board the at least 12 months prior to the expiration of the last year of his contract.

Town Administrator Update:
  • Transfer Station-TA met with neighbors on Sat. Aug. 22nd. Proposal with Northbridge is on the back burner at this time.
  • Quint Fire Truck:- 1 bid received from Pierce, Fire Truck Committee reviewing proposal
  • Boiler replacement- bid awarded to R.J. McDonald
  • TA Smith to attend the ICMA conference from Sept 12-16 in Montreal
  • WWII plaque at the High school looking to move next to the flag pole.   
Selectman Chizy
  • Breakfast at the Senior Center on Friday, Sept. 4th
  • Labor Day Breakfast on the common Sept 7th
Selectman Fattman
  • Golf Tournament to be held on September 12th in memory of Steve Romasco
  • Sutton Republican barbecue October 17th
  • 2nd Annual Fall Fest at Marions Camp on October 24th
Chairman Hebert
  • Attended Puckihuddle grand opening on Sunday. Building looks magnificent. The fence will be going up this week. This is a win win situation.
Round Table:
Selectman Chizy
  • reminds all of the need for donations at the food pantry
  • 2 board members will have to get together to negotiate TA contract      
Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hersom seconds the motion all in favor 4-0

Meeting adjourned 8:20p.m.