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2009_08_18 Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  9/01/2009     by a vote  _3-0-1  

7:00 p.m. – August 18, 2009
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
John Hebert, Chairman; Kevin Geraghty Clerk; Members Michael Chizy and Ryan Fattman

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:10 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Comments under Public Forum.
Richard Ezold, 175 Stone School Road is present to voice his concerns regarding the Transfer Station discussion from the previous meeting in regards to the talk of allowing Northbridge residents to purchase Transfer Station Stickers. Mr. Ezold says this is a heavily traveled road now, opening up to other towns would mean additional traffic.
Kenneth Peen, 166 Stone School Road is present regarding the same issue. Questioning what image the Town of Sutton would have by allowing other towns to come in to our Transfer Station.  Mr. Peen goes on to say that Stone School Road is densely populated and objects to non residents using the Transfer Station. Also of concern is the conditions during the winter, the road goes down to one lane. Mr. Peen asks if the town has ever considered closing the Transfer Station as some may consider it to be antiquated and go to curb side pick up for the town.

Selectman Geraghty motions to approve August 4, 2009 minutes as presented, Selectman Chizy seconds, all in favor passes 4-0
Selectman Geraghty motions to approve but not release at this time, Executive Session minutes from August 4, 2009, Selectman Chizy seconds, all in favor passes 4-0

Renewable Energy Trust grant: TA Smith requests the BOS to authorize the Energy Ad Hoc Committee to decide how this grant in the amount of $7649.84 will be spent. These funds came about from residents in town agreeing to pay a premium on their National grid bill for renewable energy. Hearing no comments, Selectman Fattman motions to authorize the Energy Ad-Hoc Committee, under the purchasing oversight of the Town Administrator, to spend the Town’s allocation of $7649.84 on energy conservation and education measures, Selectman Chizy seconds, passes 4-0

Representatives for CMRPC: Past appointees were BOS John Hebert and alternate Bruce Davis. TA Smith feels both have done a terrific job in representing the town of Sutton and feels they should continue representing the town. Selectmen Chizy and Geraghty both agree that they have done a good job. Selectman Geraghty motions to reappoint John Hebert as the BOS delegate and Bruce Davis as the alternate to the CMRPC for FY2010, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 3-0-1

Reaffirmation Memorandum for Cooperative Agreement with the Corridor Commission: TA Smith informs Board that this is reaffirming the agreement that was originally signed in 1999 and then again in 2004. This requires the reaffirmation every 5 years and it provides services to the town through various funding programs as funds are available. Selectman Chizy motions to execute the Reaffirmation Memorandum between the Town of Sutton and the Blackstone National Heritage Corridor Commission, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 4-0

Acceptance of Deed for 16 Uxbridge Road: This is the property the town had voted on and purchased. This is a housekeeping vote only. Selectman Fattman motions to accept the deed for 16 Uxbridge Road, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0

Signing of Lease for Manchaug Library: TA Smith informs the BOS that the town has found an appropriate re use of Manchaug Library. He goes on to say that over the past 4-5 years, the building has been closed and had fallen in disrepair. TA Smith says that by focusing our energy on finding a use for this building, Puckihuddle Preschool was the only bidder to lease the building. TA Smith feels this will be a positive presence in the Manchaug Village. The BOS all agree that this is wonderful use of the building. Selectman Fattman motions to execute lease of Manchaug Library between the town of Sutton and Puckihuddle Preschool Selectman Chizy seconds passes 4-0  

Town Administrator Update:
  • Manchaug Library grand opening the end of August. TS Smith thanks John Couture, Mark Brigham and Larry Morris for their help.
  • Fire truck bids due back August 26th @ 11 am. There are 4 packets out at this time.
  • SBS has been approved as the OPM for the MS/HS by MSBA.  
  • Boiler replacement Bid opening was August 13th, bidder likely to be awarded
  • Local meals & hotel taxes: will be an agenda item for Sept. 1st meeting.
  • BOS Annual Goals& Objectives Wed Aug. 26th 6-8:30pm
  • Joe Camara awarded as Tree Warden. Has been acting for past several years.
Selectman Fattman
  • Golf Tournament to be held on September 12th in memory of Steve Romasco
Selectman Chizy
  • Food Pantry very low, items needed.
Round Table:
        Selectman Fattman
  • Happy to see 2 residents during public forum and to hear their sides of the issue. Ryan asks where this issue will go from here. TA Smith replies that it is the general policy of the BOS to not comment during Public Forum. There is a neighborhood meeting on Saturday morning that Jim is attending but traffic concerns had been a concern of the BOS. Policy decisions do lay with the Board of Selectmen.
Selectman Geraghty
  • Agrees with Ryan’s comments about Public Forum but would like to take this time to say to the public do not think the BOS are not listening when they made no response to the 2 individuals comments. Public Forum is a time for the residents to speak and the Board to listen. The Transfer Station decisions do lay with the BOS not a town vote. Kevin goes on to say that closing the Transfer Station is not an option as it is self supporting and would be a cost issue for the users of the Transfer Station.
Selectman Hebert
  • Agrees with all comments and feels the Sutton Transfer Station is one of the finest in the state. Good sound judgment will be used in decision making.
Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Fattman seconds the motion all in favor 4-0

Meeting adjourned 7:50p.m.