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2009_07_07 Board of Selectmen Minutes
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on--------------------------------------  _July 21, 2009   by a vote _5-0     

7:00 p.m. – July 7, 2009
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
John Hebert, Chairman; Richard Hersom, Vice-Chairman; Kevin Geraghty Clerk; Members Michael Chizy and Ryan Fattman

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Hebert calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
No comments under Public Forum.

Selectman Fattman motions to approve June 16, 2009 minutes as presented, Selectman Chizy seconds, passes 4-0-1.

Osterman Gas Public Hearing:
Osterman Gas requests to install propane tanks at 223 Worc.-Prov. Tpk (Atlas Box) Selectman Geraghty reads the Public Hearing notice as it appeared in the Millbury Sutton Chronicle. Selectman Geraghty recuses himself at this time due to his business relationship with Osterman Gas.  Motion is made by Selectman Fattman to open the Pubic Hearing; Selectman Chizy seconds the motion, all in favor 4-0-1. Fire Chief Paul Maynard and Steve Browning, a representative from Osterman Gas are in attendance. Fire Chief Maynard begins by informing the BOS that he has reviewed the plot plan showing where the tanks will be located and he has no issues with the proposed request.  Chief Maynard goes on to say his dealing with Osterman has been very safe and it meets fire code. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Chizy motions to close the Public Hearing, Selectman Hersom seconds the motion, passes 4-0-1 Selectman Chizy motions to approve the request from Osterman Gas to install 4-1000 gallon underground propane storage tanks and 1 above ground 1,000 gallon propane tank at Atlas Box & Crating 223 Worcester Providence Tpk., Selectman Hersom seconds passes 4-0-1   

Reappointments of Board & committee members: Selectman Geraghty reads as presented the reappointments with 1 new appointment to the Conservation Commission. Alyse Aubin has been appointed to Conservation; she was a prior member of this board and has requested to rejoin. Selectman Hersom motions to appoint all members as read by the BOS clerk,Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0
TA Smith reads the officials reappointed by the Town Administrator. Selectman Chizy ratifies the reappointments, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0

Whittier Farms Agricultural Preservation Restriction: TA Smith informs the BOS that the Department of Agricultural Resources (DAR) under MGL Chapter 7 Section 401 requires that they notify the town of the State’s intent to purchase the property. This offer will protect 350-375 acres of farm land in perpetuity under the APR program.  This is funded through the State and requires participation from the town of approximately 10%. Selectman Geraghty questions if this requires a town meeting vote. TA Smith replies yes. Kevin goes on to ask what happens if this is not approved at town meeting, TA Smith replies that the family could accept the State offer and it would be considered a “bargain sale”. Selectman Hersom states for around $350,000.00 from the town and the States funding, we can protect 350 acres for $1,000.00 per acre, TA Smith says yes, that is correct. TA Smith goes on to say that the family can exclude certain areas of the property that their residence is located on.  The property under the APR can continue to be farmed. TA Smith says this is similar to the Stevenson APR agreement.  Chairman Hebert is glad to see this come before the BOS, it is a beautiful piece of property.

FY2009 Budget Transfer:; Accountant Tim Harrison is present to request the transfer of $13,109.85 inter departmental to cover wage shortages as well as a transfer of $54,114.00 for Snow & Ice removal and Street Lighting. After brief discussion, Selectman Geraghty motions to transfer $54,114.00 from accounts as presented to cover Snow and Ice deficits and the Street Lighting deficit  In addition a motion to make interdepartmental transfers of $13,109.85 to cover various shortfalls as presented, Selectman Hersom seconds passes 5-0
FY2010 Budget Update; TA Smith reviews with the BOS the actual House and Senate FY2010 budget. New revenues are the Telecom Tax, 2% room tax and .75 meals tax. After brief discussion, the board moves on to the next agenda item.

Middle School/High School project update; TA Smith informs the board that the SSBC has reached an agreement with Strategic Building Solutions (SBS) as the Owners Project Manager (OPM). SSBC also voted to request the MSBA to allow Flansburgh Associates to continue as the Town’s feasibility designer. TA Smith informs the board that Attorney Tom McEnaney (K&P) has advised MSBA that the Town Administrator, as authorized by the BOS, has full authority to enter into contracts with the MSBA as well as the OPM and the Feasibility Designer. Selectman Geraghty motions to authorize the Town Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Selectmen, to enter into contracts with MSBA, the OPM and the feasibility designer, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0   
Town Administrator Update:
  • Early Learning Center Roof- Construction to start on July 6th through August 31st.  There will be a weekly
        construction meeting every Wednesday.
  • Early Learning Center Roof Solar – working with Borrego Solar to create an RFP, any contract will be contingent
        upon rebates and voter approval.
  • Manchaug Pond- Office of Energy & Environmental affairs held a meeting at the Town Hall today to discuss the scope of the environmental impact regarding Interfaces filing of the ENF to breach Manchaug Dam. 85 + were in attendance. George Pucci from K&P was present.
  • Town Hall Stair Replacement the job was awarded to Aearo Construction.
  • Manchaug Library Lease- bid opening on July 8th @ 11:00am
  • 6 Morse Road- closing took place the end of June.
  • Fire Truck- finalizing bid specs
  • Opticom- entering into contract with Traffic Systems to install emergency preemption system at 146 intersection. Will be paid for by the MORE grant.
  • BOS Annual Goals & Objective meeting to be held on Aug. 26th 6-8:30 at Blackstone Golf Coarse.
  • Senator John Kerrys office will hold office hours on Wednesday 10-11 in room 1A.
         No announcements at this time.
Round Table:
Selectman Geraghty would like to vote on a resolution in regards to Manchaug Pond as follows: That we, the Sutton Board of Selectmen express in a clear manner our strong opposition to the attempt by Manchaug Reservation Corp. to breach the damn on Manchaug Pond. As a critical natural, recreational and environmental component to the watershed in Sutton and the greater Blackstone Valley the proposed breaching would create incalculable and irreversible damage to our community the Blackstone River Valley and our State, Selectman Chizy seconds the motion passes 5-0

Selectman Chizy thanks State Reps Callahan and Kujawski for being present at the earlier meeting today regarding the Manchuag Pond. Mike also read the list of items needed for the Sutton Food Pantry. Also mentioned was the request by the American Legion Auxiliary to hold 2 concerts in Manchaug. Selectman Chizy motions to authorize 2 concerts on Manchaug common, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0

Selectman Hebert informed the BOS that at the CMRPC meeting, the flyover at 146 is now on the radar screen.
Hearing no further comments, Selectman Geraghty motions to enter into Executive session (8:20pm) , Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0  

Meeting adjourned 8:55p.m.