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2009_06_02 Board of Selectmen Minutes
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  _ June 16, 2009_ by a vote 4-0  

7:00 p.m. – June 2 2009
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
Michael Chizy, Chairman; John Hebert Vice-Chairman; Richard Hersom, Clerk; Kevin Geraghty, Member and Ryan Fattman, Member

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum.

Selectman Fattman motions to approve May 19, 2009 minutes as presented, Selectman Hebert seconds, passes 4-0-1
Selectmen Hersom motions to approve May 19, 2009 Executive Session minutes as presented but not to be released at this time, Selectmen Hebert seconds, passes 4-0-1

Board of Selectmen reorganization: Selectman Geraghty begins with a brief statement recognizing the efforts Chairman Chizy has put forth in the past year.  Selectman Geraghty feels the current BOS is a very strong board and the goals that were set were able to be reached as they were clear goals. Chairman Chizy takes this time to thank the BOS for all working together. At this time, Selectman Hersom motions to nominate John Hebert to the position of Chairman, Selectman Fattman seconds the motion passes 5-0. Selectman Chizy motions to nominate Richard Hersom to the position of Vice-Chairman, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0. Chairman Hebert motions to nominate Kevin Geraghty as clerk, Selectman Fattman seconds passes 5-0.

BOS change seats to reflect new positions on board.

Chairman Hebert takes this time to say he is honored and privileged to be chosen as Chairman of the Board. He feels the BOS have accomplished a lot of challenging tasks and as a board have worked diligently being frugal with the budget through the leadership of Jim Smith. John goes on to say that the reorganization will be a smooth transition as there is a common ground to lead the town by the entire BOS.

Hearing on Cross Roads Variety liquor license violation: Chairman Hebert begins by informing all in attendance that this is a hearing held in public, not a public hearing. He goes onto say we are here tonight to conduct a hearing into a complaint of a violation of the liquor license issued to Mr. Patel of Cross Roads Variety, One Main St. Manchaug. A motion is made by Selectman Chizy to open the hearing; Selectman Fattman seconds the motion, all in favor 5-0. TA Smith begins by swearing in Police Chief Dennis Towle. Chief Towle gives a brief detailed account of the violation. He begins by informing all that there had been several complaints over the last several months called in to the Police Dept. regarding the sale of alcohol and cigarettes to minors. On May 1, 2009 Officers observed 5 minors placing 3 cases of beer into their trunk at Cross Roads.  When pulled over and questioned it was determined they were all underage and from out of town. Also questioned and charged was the clerk on duty. TA Smith now swears in Mr. Patel, owner of Cross Roads. Mr. Patel begins by saying that the clerk had started working for him 2 weeks prior to May 1st. The clerk did admit to Mr. Patel that she had forgotten to card these patrons when they purchased the alcohol. Hearing no further comments from Mr. Patel, Chairman Hebert lets the BOS respond: Selectman Chizy begins by saying it is a very serious thing selling alcohol to minors. As the owner of the store, Mr. Patel has to accept responsibility. Selectman Chizy also says he does not want to send the wrong message to out of town minors that they can come in to Sutton and purchase alcohol. Selectman Geraghty questions Mr. Patel as to the training the new clerk had and what type of corrective action was taken. Mr. Patel states he checks the video camera every morning to see if she is checking id’s. Selectman Hersom agrees that this is a very serious problem with horrendous ramifications. Rick suggests to Mr. Patel that a TIP class should be available to his employees. Rick goes on to say that a suspension should occur; he suggests a Friday and Saturday.  Selectman Fattman would like there to be a strong reprimand, it is difficult for a community to lose a young person at any time but especially to drunk driving. Chairman Hebert states that this sends the message “Sutton is the place to come in and buy alcohol” as well as May 1st being prime prom season. John goes on to say to Mr. Patel that his liquor license is a privilege that could be taken away. TA Smith informs BOS that a letter will be sent to the ABCC for Mr. Patel’s file in the event there is another occurrence.  Hearing no further comments from the Board, Selectman Fattman motions to close the hearing, Selectman Chizy seconds passes 5-0. TA Smith says the penalty issued under MGL 138 comes from the Board of Selectmen. Due to this being the 1st offense the general range of punishment can be a written reprimand up to a multiple day suspension. After brief discussion, Selectman Geraghty moves to find that the charges were proven, Selectman Hersom seconds all in favor 5-0. Selectman Geraghty motions for a 2 day suspension on a Friday and Saturday with in the next 30 days excluding the 4th of July weekend, Selectman Fattman seconds all in favor passes 5-0.
Selectman Geraghty takes this time to say he feels there is a good balance with the punishment, he tells Mr. Patel that we all have to be responsible for the actions of our employees, Kevin states that TIP training should be available to Mr. Patels employees.

Town Administrator Update:
  • ELC Roof- contractor bids are due June 3
  • Town Hall stair replacement bids due June 11th
Manchaug Library RFP will be available June 3
Moody’s Rating-we have maintained our A2 rating- hopefully we may go to an A1 rating next year
Memorial Day- thank you to all who marched
Tri centennial Park dedication- holding off until washout issues dealt with
  • Auction for 6 Morse Road to be held on June 4th
Employee Appreciation Day Friday June 12that Waters Farm
        Selectman Chizy announces that there will be a breakfast at the Senior Center Friday, June 5th.
Round Table:
Selectman Fattman says that there are few people in the Town of Sutton as dedicated as Mike Chizy. Ryan thanks Mike for all of his dedication.
Selectman Geraghty congratulates Mike Chizy and Ryan Fattman to their reinstatement onto the Board of Selectmen.  
Selectman Hersom shares the sentiments.

Selectman Chizy motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hersom seconds all in favor passes 5-0

Meeting adjourned 7:55p.m.