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2009_05_19 Board of Selectmen Minutes
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on--------------------------------------   June 2, 2009_ by a vote  4-0-1    ------

7:00 p.m. – May 19, 2009
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
Michael Chizy, Chairman; John Hebert Vice-Chairman; Richard Hersom, Clerk & Ryan Fattman, Member

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum.

Selectman Fattman motions to approve May 5, 2009 minutes as presented, Selectman Hebert seconds, passes 4-0

Treasurer/Tax Collector Cheryl Ouillette presents to the BOS a loan note to be signed in the amount of $429,250.00. Cheryl has rolled this note through June 30th with Unibank at an interest rate of 2.25% so that the amount can be included with the Multi-purpose bond issue scheduled to be sold on June 11th. Hearing no questions, the BOS signs the note.

Request to create late season Transfer Station Sticker fee: TA Smith informs the BOS that Donna Wood (Collectors Office) approached him to question the possibility of adopting a late season sticker fee. This is due to several inquiries into purchasing a sticker in April and May which would expire on June 30th. Donna felt that a fee of $10.00 would cover from April 1st thru June 30th. The Board all agree that this is a great idea and offer Donna their thanks. Selectman Hersom motions to approve a late season sticker fee at the Sutton Transfer Station in the amount of $10.00 starting April 1st through the end of the fiscal year, Selectman Hebert seconds the motion, all in favor passes 4-0

Update on the Senate Budget: TA Smith reports that it is still very much a moving target. The Senate Ways and Means submitted a cut in Chapter 70 and local aid resulting in a reduction of $154,000.00.  Their final budget will not be available until some time during the summer. There is still a debate at State level about doing away with the Quinn Bill for Police Officers in Massachusetts. Also being discussed at State level is the possibility of increasing state tax from 5% to 6.25% and an increase in the meal and lodging tax.  The BOS all agree that although this is the 3rd or 4th revision of cuts it has created a darker cloud then in January. All agree that we have to wait for the final budget and move on from there. Selectman Hersom states that we need to focus on spending and be very proactive as well as extremely fiscally prudent on any type of spending.

Town Administrator update:
  • Early Learning Center Roof:  construction IFB is out, filed sub bids (masonry) due May 22nd and General contractor bids due June 3rd.  
  • Town Hall Stair replacement bid packages will be available May 28th, bid opening June 11th
Energy Stimulus grant: Sutton will be applying for a competitive grant for energy stimulus money for a solar panel at the ELC. There is 12 million dollars available for shovel ready projects in communities with a population of less then 35,000.
  • Second annual Employee appreciation day Friday, June 12th 10:30 – 2:00 at Waters farm
  • Gravel Pit update: bid opening on May 8, took place, there were 2 bids: aggregate bid 1.5 million and Worc. Sand & Gravel bid 490,000.  Both were rejected as the minimum bid was set at 2 million.
  • Letter from TA Smith to the Dept. of Public Utilities regarding National Grids solar generation proposal. Jim asks the BOS if they would make a motion to authorize sending a letter in support of the ngrid project. Selectman Fattman asks if this is time sensitive, TA Smith replies that yes it has to be received by May 26th. Selectmen Hebert, Hersom and Chizy all agree that it is prudent to get this letter in by the deadline. Selectman Fattman motions to approve for the letter to be sent, Selectman Hersom seconds the motion all in favor passes 4-0.
BOS comments on update: all are in agreement that although they are disappointed with the outcome, it is a valuable piece of land that will only become more valuable. Sit back and hold steadfast, keep the price at 2 million.

        Selectman Fattman mentions the town election to be held on Tuesday, May 26th 7am to 8pm
Round Table:
Selectman Hebert informs the BOS that with in the last month, he has received a few calls from the school messaging system to remind residents about the Town Meeting as well as to support the school articles. John is concerned and asks if this messaging system is being used properly. TA Smith agrees that it is troublesome to send messages to gain support in political or budget issues. TA Smith feels it is up to the School Committee to determine how and when to utilize this messaging system. All are in agreement that school cancellations would be an acceptable use but the recent uses are not acceptable. They also state that there should be strict criteria for its use. Selectman Hersom states that the school should use this system for emergencies as well as specific school functions; there is a fine line as to what to use it for.  All agree that misuse of this function may cause the general public to not listen to the recordings when they are made.
Selectman Hersom moves that the Board enter into Executive Session to discuss Collective Bargaining under M.G.L. Chapter 39, S.23B #3, with the intention of returning back to open session for the purpose of adjournment, Selectman Hebert seconds all in favor passes 4-0

Meeting adjourned 8:15 p.m.