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2009_03_03 Board of Selectmen Minutes
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on-__03/17/2009___  by a vote   5-0
7:00 p.m. – March 03, 2009
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
Michael Chizy, Chairman; John Hebert Vice-Chairman; Richard Hersom, Clerk; Kevin Geraghty, Member; Ryan Fattman, Member

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum.

Selectman Fattman motions to approve February 17, 2009 minutes as presented, Selectman Hersom seconds, passes 4-0-1

Economic Development update on the 4 Town Initiative: TA Smith and Planning Director Jen Hager update the BOS on their February 19th meeting with Greg Bialecki, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development for the State of Massachusetts and    the Towns of Douglas, Northbridge and Uxbridge. Discussed was the upcoming flyover of the entire town which would help with definitive site plans, GIS mapping and a Sewer feasibility study which would possibly tie in a portion of Northbridge and help the town sewer plant run at a better capacity. The cost to cover these projects will come from the 43D grant that was awarded by the State. Jen Hager also updates the BOS on the Valley Cross Roads project which is in partnership with the Town of Douglas. This will be approximately 400 acres of developable land between Sutton and Douglas that could bring in new business to our towns. This project will soon be available for residents to view on the town web site. Selectman Geraghty appreciates the update and says it is good news. Ryan and Rick agree with Kevin’s comments and thank TA Smith and Jen for the update. Selectman Hebert questions if rail service has been discussed. Jen Hager replies that environmentally we would recommend rail service but there are no rail approaches connected to Sutton.  Selectman Chizy mentions this 4 Town Initiative has been formed for 5 years now and appreciates the update.

Request to surplus and dispose of old turnout gear from the Fire Dept.: TA Smith reviews the request from Fire Chief Paul Maynard to surplus the old turnout gear and donate it to Afghanistan. The Fire Chief from Ashburnham is heading the project. The BOS are all in agreement that this is a great idea. Hearing no further comments, Selectmen Geraghty motions to surplus and dispose of old turn out gear and donate the material to the Town of Ashburnham, ultimate destination is Afghanistan, Selectman Hersom seconds the motion all in favor passes 5-0.
Town Administrator Update:
  • Owners Project Manager: Mandatory walk thru was held on February 25th. 14 companies participated, proposals are due March 11, 2009      

  • Marion’s Camp:
Signed contract with G&H to conduct survey & topographical map ($4,900.00)
Signed contract with Andrews to design parking lot area & access road to beach ($18,250.00)
Out to bid for demolition and removal of dilapidated structures (approx. cost $17,000.00)
Soliciting bids for new entrance sign to Marion’s Camp
  • Budget update: still working to close the budget gap which stands at $64,000.00.
The BOS respond to the update as follows:
        Selectman Geraghty questions security issues at Marions Camp as well as the invasive vegetation.
        Selectman Fattman questions the preliminary school budget and the lack of previous year budget information for analysis
Selectman Hersom questions if Jim Smith received the same budget information from the school as the BOS did as the prior year’s budget was not provided. TA Smith informs the BOS that he has spoken to the leadership at the school and a revised budget along with the previous year information will be submitted.
Selectmen Chizy and Hebert have no questions or comments.

No Announcements
Round Table:
Selectman Fattman mentions the Sutton Sammie’s 9th win at the Clark Tournament. He says it was especially special as it was the anniversary date of Coach Steve Romascos’ death.

Selectman Geraghty moves that the Board enter into Executive Session to discuss Collective Bargaining under M.G.L. Chapter 39, S.23B #3, with the intention of returning back to open session for the purpose of adjournment, Selectman Hersom seconds all in favor passes 5-0

Selectman Geraghty motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hersom seconds the motion all in favor 5-0

Meeting adjourned 8:00p.m.