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2009_02_17 Board of Selectmens Minutes
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on  _ 03/03/2009___by a vote    4-0-1
                                 7:00 p.m. – February 17, 2009
                        Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
Michael Chizy, Chairman; Richard Hersom, Clerk; Kevin Geraghty, Member; Ryan Fattman, Member

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum.

Selectman Hersom motions to approve February 3, 2009 minutes, Selectman Fattman seconds, passes 4-0
Selectman Geraghty motions to approve but not release the Executive Session minutes from February 3, 2009 minutes, Selectman Fattman seconds, passes 4-0

Presentation of Preliminary FY2010 Budget: TA Smith presents a power point on the FY2010 preliminary budget. The total fy budget for 2010 is $25,710,000. This is down .24% over FY2009. This leaves a deficit of $64,000.00.  The final budget to be presented at Town Meeting in May should be available in mid March. TA Smith informs the BOS that there was a reduction in every department along with limited use of one time revenues. TA Smith states that the Town of Sutton is in a fair position due to the Towns past fiscal conservatism. TA Smith also mentions that over the past nine years, the increase in state aid averages 1.63% a year.  Listed were some of the reductions made for the fy10 year. They included a position freeze in the Highway Dept., a full time to part time clerk at the COA, a 25% cut in hours to the Cemetery Dept., locking in on heating oil for next year @ $1.79 a gallon and Dept. heads and contract employees frozen at their step and 0% COLA. The Federal Stimulus that may be available to Sutton will focus on infrastructure such as the Early Learning Center roof and Education. Also discussed was the capital plan for FY2010 and Debt Service roll off. Selectman Geraghty states that the presentation gave sobering news but also showed Sutton is in a relatively solid position. Selectman Fattman felt it was an excellent presentation and begins by commending TA Smith for foregoing his salary increase. Fattman questions if there is anything that the BOS can do to increase the new growth figure. TA Smith replies that there are great projects for the 146 area but due to banks being more cautious with financing things are moving slower. Atlas Box has begun clearing the land for their new building on route 146. Selectman Hersom thanks Jim for the timely manner of the preliminary budget but would like to wait to view the school budget which has not yet been submitted. Hersom goes on to say that he has very serious concerns but with the yearly increases it is just not sustainable.  Selectman Chizy feels the Budget Message was very well done and feels TA Smith is going about things in the right direction. School Superintendent Cecelia DiBella is present and thanks TA Smith for listing the school projects for the “shovel ready projects” that may be covered under the Federal Stimulus funds. She goes on to say that the School Committee voted for a budget several hundred thousand more then what is being presented tonight. Town Accountant Tim Harrisons response to the FY 2010 budget process was favorable working with Jim but the numbers are not good. He also comments to Dr. DiBella that the figures could go down and not up. Hearing no further comments the board moves to the next agenda item.

Vote on Snow and Ice MGL Chapter 44 §31D: TA Smith presents a year to date budget report showing this area has been overspent and with still a few weeks of winter the number could grow higher. Hearing no discussion, Selectman Hersom motions to authorize the Town Administrator to overspend the FY2009 appropriation for snow and ice removal pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44 Section 31D, Selectman Geraghty seconds the motion all in favor passes 4-0.

Town Administrator Update:
* DOER Energy Audit: TA Smith informs BOS that Sutton is listed 5th statewide to receive a comprehensive energy audit  
  from the state’s Department of Energy Resources.  

* Selectman Fattman recognizes Jonathan Copeland for scoring his 1000 point in basketball. He is in line to set a new   
   record in town

Round Table:
        * Selectman Chizy thanks the school for holding a food drive for the pantry at the Senior Center.
Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Geraghty seconds the motion all in favor 5-0

Meeting adjourned 7:59 p.m.