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2009_01_20 Board of Selectmen Minutes
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on--------------------------------------  _ February 3, 2009_  by a vote     4-0-1___

7:00 p.m. – January 20, 2009
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
Michael Chizy, Chairman; John Hebert, Vice-Chairman; Richard Hersom, Clerk; Kevin Geraghty, Member

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum.

Selectman Hersom motions to approve January 06, 2009 minutes, Selectman Hebert seconds, and passes 4-0
Presentation and ratification of Energy Ad Hoc Committee: TA Smith presents to the BOS the list of individuals on this committee. Their first meeting was held today at 5:45pm. This committee consists of the following individuals: John Couture, Scott Farrar, Kevin Geraghty, Mark Gravison, Jenn Hager, Marissa Kirby, Colin McCullough, Jared Quill, Sue Rothermich, Dennis Towle and Jon Anderson. Selectman Hersom motions to ratify as presented, Selectman Geraghty seconds all in favor passes 4-0

Representative Jennifer Callahan is present to highlight the budget cycle with background information on the current fiscal downturn. Rep Callahan discussed the 12 month history of Fy2008, also reviewed was the current FY2009.  The Legislature granted 9C cuts authorization to Governor Duval Patrick in January of 2009.  This requires the Governor to respond within 15 days, it is anticipated that he will release 9C Cuts within the next week. These cuts could result in 5-10% in local aid.  A 10% cut would be $750,000. There are ongoing discussions regarding FY2010 where additional local aid cuts are likely. The BOS thank Rep. Callahan for her thorough presentation. They all thank Rep. Callahan for her support during this difficult time.

Representative Callahan along with Chairman Chizy announces the next item on the agenda: Colin & Carrick McCullough, they are here to discuss their upcoming Eco-Tour in their yellow Volkswagen beetle that runs on used cooking oil. Colin begins by giving a brief history of this renewable energy project that began 3 years ago with the purchase of the vehicle. The trip will run through May and June of this year and they will visit renewable energy farms as well as stopping to give presentations of their videos. This is a joint family interest which is displayed through the many videos put together and available to view on their web site: At this time a video on the new wind turbine at Holy Name High School, narrated by Colin’s son, 10 year old Carrick is viewed. The BOS all thank the McCulloughs and offer best wishes for a safe trip. Chairman Chizy presents Colin and Carrick with Sutton t-shirts and Sutton coffee mugs as appreciation for sharing this with the town.

8:00  pm:       Selectman Hersom excuses himself from the meeting at this time    

Joyce Smith is present to request the BOS signatures on a Conservation Restriction on 56.2 acres of property in the estate of Wally Johnson. TA Smith informs the BOS that Town Council has reviewed and approved the Conservation Restriction on this property. Joyce Smith knows that this is something that Wally Johnson would be happy about. This land is the 1st in Sutton with Conservation Restrictions which will remain on the property for perpetuity. The BOS all thank Joyce for her hard work in getting this passed, Selectman Hebert tells Joyce that Wally would be proud of this step. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Hebert motions to approve the Conservation Restriction as presented between the Town of Sutton,  the Conservation Commission, the State of Massachusetts and the heirs of Wally Johnson, on the former Wally Johnson property, Selectman Geraghty seconds the motion passes 3-0

Town Administrator Update:   
  • Awaiting the Governors 9C budget cuts. Contingency plans being prepared.
  • Wilkinsonville Water District Boil Water Order: update on the incident 2 weeks ago. TA Smith informs BOS that the new website had 1100 hits in one day with residents gathering information about this as well as the Reverse 911 system which sent out 2 series of calls to all Wilkinsonville Water users. Selectman Hebert takes this time to voice that some serious thoughts need to be given to the residents affected by these water boil bans. They are paying for water that they are not able to drink. There needs to be better checks and measures that balance. People need to have good, clean water.
  • Public Access Verizon available now in Sutton on channels 29, 30 (not live yet) and 31     
  • Early Learning Center roof- RFP for design due in on January 30th.
  • Senator Moore in Town on Wednesday January 21st at noon to meet with town officials.
No Announcements or Round Table

Selectman Geraghty motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hersom seconds the motion all in favor 3-0

Meeting adjourned 8:20 p.m.