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2009_01_06 Board of Selectmen Minutes
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on _ 01/20/2009  by a vote     4-0___              

7:00 p.m. – January 06, 2009
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
Michael Chizy, Chairman; John Hebert, Vice-Chairman; Richard Hersom, Clerk; Kevin Geraghty & Ryan Fattman, Members

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum.

Selectman Geraghty motions to approve December 16, 2008 minutes, Selectman Hebert seconds, and passes 4-0-1
Selectman Hersom reads the Public Notice as advertised in the Millbury Sutton Chronicle for a request from Dileo Gas to install a 30,000 gallon above ground propane tank at 112 Providence Road (RT 122A). Dave Lavallee with Andrews Survey is present to represent the applicant Paul Dileo (Dileo Gas). Dave Lavallee distributes plans for the BOS to review; he informs the board that the only structures on the property will be 2 concrete saddles with a 30,000 gallon propane tank. Dave Lavallee also states that the State Fire Marshall’s office will be doing a site assessment and determine where a water cannon will be placed.  Attached to the application is recommendation from Fire Chief Paul Maynard. After brief discussion and hearing no further comments Selectman Hersom motions to close the public hearing motion is seconded by Selectman Fattman, all in favor 5-0.  Selectman Hebert motions that the Board of Selectmen support the license application of Dileo Gas pursuant to MGL 148 §13, subject to resolution of all Fire Department issues and code compliance, Selectman Hersom seconds the motion all in favor passes 5-0.

Chief Maynard is here to present Robin Dresser who recently graduated form Massachusetts Firefighting Academy. The press release was read by Selectman Hersom. This class was 3 months long (1400 hours) held in Stow, MA. The Board congratulates Robin on a job well done.

Planning Director Jen Hager along with Jean Reitsma representing the John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley are here to update the BOS on the Blackstone River Bikeway. Mr. Reitsma gives a brief but informative power point presentation beginning with the conceptual design in 1996, the portions completed and the proposed completion dates.  This bikeway totals 48 miles and runs from Providence to Worcester. Jen Hager informs the BOS that all of the Selectmen South of Worcester are being asked to support a letter to the DCR that discusses funding, maintenance issues, support and communication between MHD, DCR and the towns. Jen feels this letter reasserts the town’s support of the project. The BOS are in agreement that this is an important project. Selectman Hersom motions to sign and send letter to Mass Highway and DCR requesting a meeting on the Bike path to update the Town on progress of the project and ways that the Blackstone Valley communities can help move this project forward, Selectman Fattman seconds all in favor passes 5-0

Late renewals for Jims Pizza, Bagels & Kabobs and Class II used car license for 122 Worc-Prov. Tpk LLC.: TA Smith informs the board that these are late renewals. Selectman Geraghty motions to approve the Common Victualer licenses for Jim’s Pizza and Bagels & Kabobs as well as a motion to approve the Class II license for 122 Worc-Prov Tpk LLC contingent upon presentation of a bond and resolution of sign issue with in 30 days Selectman Hersom seconds all in favor passes 5-0.

Continued discussion on the Town owned gravel pit: TA Smith begins discussion by informing BOS that he had received an email today from Rep. Callahans office stating that in regards to the Home Rule Petition DOR responded that a HomeRule Petition for this type of land sale is very common and they have no immediate issues. TA Smith thanks Rep Callahan for her work on this. There are 2 key votes needed to proceed: 1) Dispose of property and 2) set a minimum bid price. It would also require a town meeting vote to set up a Home Rule Petition and a town meeting vote to sell the property. The board is all in agreement that with the good news re: a Home Rule Petition now is the time to move forward. All give praise to TA Smith as well as the State Delegation that has helped move this forward. The board says the sale of this property had been discussed since 2006 with no action ever taken. An analysis of this property had been performed and distributed to the BOS at the last meeting. This had answered several questions and concerns held by the board. All are in agreement that 2 million dollars is well justified and a fair price.  
Selectman Hebert motions to approve the “gravel pit stabilization fund” Home Rule Petition and forward to Annual Town meeting for consideration on May 11, 2009 Selectman Hersom seconds, all in favor 5-0  
Selectman Hersom motions to surplus the 7+/- acres of Town owned property off Hatchery Road commonly known as the town gravel pit, Selectman Fattman seconds, all in favor 5-0
Selectman Geraghty motions to establish the minimum bid price of 2 million dollars for the gravel pit, Selectman Fattman seconds all in favor 5-0

Town Administrator Update:
  • Budget: Gov. possibly looking to Legislature for 9C cuts
  • Energy Ad-hoc committee to be presented to the BOS on Jan 20th
  • Mr. Carrick McCullough to be at Jan 20th meeting to narrate his eco-videos
  • Sutton Public Infrastructure projects reviewed
  • Early Learning Center RFP for roof repair out, due back January 30th
  • Rep. Jen Callahan to attend January 20th BOS meeting/Senator Moore to be in Town Hall on January 21st
  • Selectman Fattman has had calls asking about the sidewalks in the center of town not being cleared TA Smith informs all that there was an issue with the equipment used for sidewalks but knows it is a priority.
  • Selectman Geraghty: kudos to Tim Winn for achieving All American Soccer at Babson
  • Selectman Hersom reads letter of thanks from Gail Haddad for help from Fire Dept during ice storm
Round Table:
  • Selectman Fattman again mentions Student Government day in town, TA Smith already in discussion with school
  • Selectman Fattman would like Cell Phone service (lack of) on meeting in February. All are in agreement that this is a public safety issue and must be addressed. TA Smith agrees and welcomes the discussion and reminds the board that it had been mentioned at the Goal & Objective meeting held this past August.
Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Fattman seconds the motion all in favor 5-0

Meeting adjourned 8:30.m.