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Board of Selectmen Minutes 12/16/2008
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on--------------------------------------  _January 06, 2009    by a vote      4-0-1_              

7:00 p.m. – December 16, 2008
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
Michael Chizy, Chairman; John Hebert, Vice-Chairman; Kevin Geraghty & Ryan Fattman, Members

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum.

Selectman Fattman motions to approve December 2, 2008 minutes, Selectman Geraghty seconds, passes 4-0
Selectman Geraghty motions to approve the Tri Board meeting held on December 1, 2008, Selectman Hebert seconds, passes 4-0

TA Jim Smith gives a power point presentation with information on the history of the town owned gravel pit, the process for disposition and the analysis of value. Present is Highway Superintendent Mark Brigham and Allan Foster from Foster Appraisal. After the power point presentation, Mr. Foster gives the board a brief overview of the formula used to establish the land value as well as mentioning the geologist used to aid in this appraisal, Jay Billings. The BOS all commend Mr. Foster for a well written, comprehensive report. Mark Brigham says that he was against selling this property in the past but this proposal makes the most sense. He feels that in years to come less sand but more salt will be used to treat the roads. TA Smith and Mark Brigham both agree that the gravel pit is a liability to the town. All are in agreement that with the state of the economy, no one can forecast when it is the best time to sell. If we hold on to the property the value could go up or it could go down. There is an abutter that is interested in the property. Also in the discussion is a draft of a Homerule Petition which would allow half of the proceeds of the sale to be placed in the stabilization fund with the interest from this fund applied to the annual cost of material for the Highway Department. If the BOS choose to move forward with this, a Town Meeting will have to be held. TA Smith will contact Representative Jen Callahan and discuss with her the Home Rule Petition. The Board thanks Allan Foster and Mark Brigham for attending the meeting. The Board also thanks TA Smith for the thorough presentation.   

2009 License Renewals: Selectmen Hebert reads the list of renewals for the 2009 calendar year. These licenses include common victualler, liquor, class I, II & III, lodging and catering. Aunt Mary’s restaurant will not be renewed on the recommendation of Building Commissioner John Couture’s inspection which resulted in many violations. The approval on the Class II license for Lapan’s Auto is contingent upon a request to clean up his property with in a 30 day period which will be followed by a reinspection.    
Hearing no further discussions, Selectman Hebert motions to approve licenses as presented by the Town Administrator and read by Vice-Chairman with the following 2 exceptions: Aunt Mary’s-no renewal at this time due to significant code and fire issues & Lapan’s Auto-issue Class II license renewal contingent upon addressing, within 30 days, the cleanup issues raised by the Building Commissioner, Selectmen Geraghty seconds the motion all in favor passes 4-0

Grant application for KaBoom Playground Inc.: TA Smith reports to BOS that he had been contacted by a non-profit group from Washington, DC informing him that a corporate sponsor would like to fund a grant for a new playground to be designed, purchased and installed in Sutton. A play ground was part of the master plan for Marions Camp so that is the area being proposed for this project. The Town will be responsible for $7,500.00 which will be leveraged by an additional $35,000.00-$40,000.00 by the sponsor. All Selectmen are in agreement that this is a great opportunity and fully support the project. Selectman Hebert motions to support the Town’s application for a grant from KaBoom Playground to build a new playground at Marion’s Camp, Selectmen Fattman seconds the motion, all in favor 4-0

Designer Selection Procedures: This is the next step in moving forward in the ELC roof. MGL requires that the town adopt written Designer Selection Procedures as well as a panel for the Designer Selection Committee. Hearing no discussion, Selectman Fattman motions to approve the Designer Selection Procedures for the Town of Sutton, Selectmen Geraghty seconds the motion all in favor 4-0.

Designer Selection Committee: as per the proposed regulations on the Designer Selection Procedures a panel must be selected. The panel consists of TA Jim Smith, School Business Manager Sue Rothermich, Building Commissioner John Couture and School Maintenance Director Roger Raymond. Selectman Fattman motions to approve the Designer Selection Committee for the Early Learning Center as proposed, Selectman Hebert seconds, all in favor 4-0

TA Updates:
  • Training on Open Meeting Law held on December 9th for various boards and committees courtesy of K&P.
  • Energy Ad-Hoc committee 1st meeting to be held on January 20th 2009
  • Draft Budget will be presented to the BOS the second week of February.
  • Town Hall pot luck lunch to be held on December 16th.
  • Holiday Hours for the Town Hall.
  • Update on the recent ice storm and thanks to Police, Highway and Fire Depts. All costs incurred being tracked.
Round Table:
        Selectman Geraghty impressed with professionalism by Jim Smith regarding items addressed in Goals & Objectives  
        Selectman Fattman interested in a Student Government Day echoes Kevin’s comments regarding TA Smith.
Selectman Chizy reminds all that the Food Pantry is in need of items, also mentions the success of the Chain of Lights.  

Selectman Geraghty motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Hebert seconds the motion all in favor 4-0

Meeting adjourned 8:50.m.