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Board of Select,em Minutes 12/02/2008
  Meeting Minutes--
Minutes Accepted and filed with the Town Clerk on _12/16/08  by a vote      4-0_____              

7:00 p.m. – December 2, 2008
Sutton Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Members in Attendance:                           
Michael Chizy, Chairman; John Hebert, Vice-Chairman; Richard Hersom, Clerk; Kevin Geraghty & Ryan Fattman, Members

Also in Attendance:     James Smith, Town Administrator; Debbie Jacques, Administrative Secretary

Chairman Chizy calls the meeting to order at 7:00 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

No comments under Public Forum.

Selectman Fattman motions to approve November 18, 2008 minutes, Selectman Hersom seconds, passes 5-0

******PUBLIC HEARING********
Selectman Hersom reads the public hearing notice as advertised in the Millbury Sutton Chronicle. Selectman Fattman motions to open the Public Hearing, Selectman Hebert seconds, all in favor. TA Smith reviews the request with the board. Butch Myers would like to reopen 79 Worcester-Providence Tpk with a Class II and Class III license. Building Inspector John Couture has reviewed the request and found these licenses to be grandfathered as it has been less then 2 years that he was in business. Butch Myers has agreed to reduce the previous number of vehicles under Class III (junkyard) from 2500 to 500 maximum and Class II (used cars) to a maximum of 25 vehicles. Butch Myers addresses the Board saying economic times have forced him back in to business. Seeing everything in order, Selectmen Geraghty and Fattman have no comments other then to offer Mr. Myers good luck. Selectman Hebert says that Mr. Myers has always been in good standings with the town and it is still under the grandfathered use, Selectman Hersom echo’s sentiments and offers best of luck, Selectman Chizy offers luck as well. Bruce Davis from Hartness Road is glad to see the building will be utilized again; he does not like to see vacant buildings. Hearing no further comments, Selectman Hersom motions to close the public hearing, Selectman Hebert seconds the motion all in favor 5-0. Selectman Geraghty motions to approve the application for a Class II and Class III license as written, Selectman Hebert seconds the motion, all in favor passes 5-0

Update on new Town Website: TA Smith informs BOS that since the website went live on Tuesday, October 28th there have been over 3,300 visits to That is a substantial increase to the old web site. TA Smith mentions that in addition to town hall information, the Chain of Lights and information about different developments are also highlighted as well as the ability to pay bills on line. Selectman Geraghty questions the maintenance of the new website, TA Smith replies there is an annual contract with Virtual Town Hall for $3,000.00. Selectman Fattman feels that the increase in people going to the site shows it was much needed, Selectman Hebert says the site is a sign of the times, he has heard a lot of good constructive comments from residents, Selectman Hersom asks anyone that has not visited the site to please do so, it is very informative and loaded with good information, Selectman Chizy says that the Senior Center has started posting their newsletter on line to seniors that has the ability to view,  this saves on postage.

Minor amendment to the Verizon Contract: TA Smith requests an amendment to the Verizon contract regarding to the 180 day deadline to 360 days for the installation of one of the 2 required fiber link connections at the school complex (specifically the auditorium) as described in section 5.1.3. Selectman Geraghty and Fattman have no comment, Selectman Hebert feels this is prudent planning, hearing no further comments, Selectman Hersom motion to approve the amendment for a 180 day extension, Selectman Fattman seconds the motion, all in favor passes 5-0

Town Administrator update:
  • Blackstone Valley Regional Economic Development Council- still awaiting information to provide to BOS, once received it will be an agenda item.
  • Open Meeting Law training to be held on Tuesday December 9th @ 7:00 by Kopelman & Paige
  • Customer Service training held on November 21st at the Senior Center. Training provided by MIIA
  • Gravel Pit- the BOS requested this to be imitated 8-10 months ago. The process is coming to a conclusion. A certified geologist has completed his analysis on the material at the pit and a report is to be delivered the TA Smith within the next week. Information will be provided to the BOS prior to the next meeting for review and will be discussed at the next BOS meeting. If information is accepted by BOS a minimum bid will have to be set. Board is happy to review and discuss this issue.
  • Selectman Fattman- Chain of Lights Dec. 6th, lighting of the Christmas tree in Manchaug Dec. 5th @ 6:00
  • Selectman Fattman announces Class Reunion for Class of 2003 at McFadden’s in Worc. on Dec. 20th
  • Selectman Hebert- Waters farm Christmas luncheon Wednesday Dec. 10th
  • Selectman Hersom- Samantha Whittier holding a local food drive for Food Pantry. Donations may be made at Whittier’s Milk store.
Selectman Hersom reads a letter addressed to Chief Towle from the Southboro Town Mgr. Thanking him for show of support after the death of their Police Chief William H. Webber.
Selectman Hersom reads a postcard thanking the TA, BOS and the Assessors Office for help in the filming of the movie “Cruelty”

Round Table:
  • Selectman Geraghty inquires about time frame for Verizon customers to get govt. channels, TA Smith replies January 11th 2009 is the live date.
  • Selectman Fattman was happy with last nights tri-board meeting
  • Selectman Hebert glad to hear the Govt. channels will be up and running on Verizon.
  • Selectman Hebert will be attending the CMRPC meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd
  • Selectman Hersom felt there where several good ideas discussed at the Tri Board meeting and would like to thank the boards that attended. He would like another meeting when TA Smith feels he has the information needed.
  • Selectman Chizy reminds all of the Food Pantry as well as the Toys for Tots at the Senior Center
  • Gift Wrapping for donations at the Senior Center on December 19th between 1-4
Haring no further discussions, Selectman Hersom motions to adjourn the meeting, Selectman Fattman seconds the motion all in favor passes 5-0

Meeting adjourned 7:40p.m.